Chapter 20

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No one's POV

Weiss turned to them and thought back.

"800 years ago or so a ninja first surfaced and began to take out local monsters or Grimm's that terrorised his Village and armed at his side was a multitude of weapons crafted from sacred metals and bombs made from trees that no longer exist it is also said that the ninja fought against the Tengu bird demon." Weiss said and everyone on team RWBY listened as she continued.

"The Tengu terrorised many villages, the ninja and Tengu fought for days before finally the Ninja defeated it and plucked some of its feathers infusing them into his suit giving him powers and he sealed the Tengu away in the stone and for 800 years the ninja has guarded the Stone." Weiss finished.

"And that I am the current ninja." Randy said as they turned to him.

"Wait that means your like 800+ years old!" Ruby exclaimed in shock.

"No what is left out of that tale is that the ninja mask is passed down to the next user if they are deemed worthy and I was chosen and given the duty of protecting the Tengu stone." Randy said.

"Then where is the mask and the stone?" Weiss asked and Randy sighed.

"In a battle against an evil sorcerer I had no choice I had fused with the ninja mask and Tengu stone in order to defeat him I lost my home because of that fight but it was a sacrifice I had to make to protect the people I am both the Tengu and the ninja forever linked as one body and soul." Randy said.

"Does that mean you can turn into the Tengu?" Blake asked and Randy nodded.

Hearing this Ruby smiled as she looked around the room.

"Alright all those who want to become the youngest Huntress/ Hunters to take down a corrupt organisation together and protect Vale say Aye." She said.

"Aye." Sans, Tiger and Randy said together.

"Yes this is gonna be awesome." Yang said.

"Well I suppose it could be fun." Weiss said and Sun and Blake nodded.

"Only three of you said Aye." Ruby said.

"Alright where all in this together." Blake said smiling.

"Let's hatch a plan." Ruby said.

"Yeah." Yang said as she sat down on a bed.

"Oh no I forgot my game in the library be right back." Ruby said as she quickly ran out while Weiss face palmed.

"We're doomed." She said while Tiger went with Ruby.

Tiger left the room and saw Ruby bump into someone and helped her.

"Ruby you are alright?" Tiger asked as he pulled her up.

"Yup thanks Tiger." Ruby said as she turned to the strangers.

"Sorry for bumping into you." She said but Tiger didn't like the look of them.

"It's fine just don't let it happen again." Green haired girl said.

"Where are you from?" Tiger asked looking at them.

"Where from haven actually." A girl with long black hair and yellow eyes said.

"Oh you must be here for the festival but the exchange students have there own dormitories." Ruby said.

"Oh we must have gotten turned around." The silver haired guy said.

Tiger growled lightly as he looked at them not trusting them Ruby turned to him and took his hand.

"Don't worry it happens all the time but your dorms are East of here." Ruby said.

"Thanks maybe we'll see each other again." As they left.

"Tiger what's wrong?" Ruby asked and Tiger shook his head.

"I don't trust them I don't know why it's just this feeling I have." Tiger said.

"Well maybe it's because there new anyway let's go get my board game." Ruby said and she kissed his cheek as they walked.

Tiger smiled but he was still distrusting of those three but dropped it for now.

The next day

After yesterday's events Tiger had told his team about those three.

"Yeah they do sound suspicious actually maybe we should keep an eye socket out for them." Sans said and they nodded.

As they left they saw Jaune asking Weiss to hang out with him and Sans made a bone and handed it to Randy who snapped it in half as he calmed down again.

"Thank you Sans." Randy said and Sans nodded.

"No problem kinda feel bad for Pyrrha though Jaune is too dense to notice the signs she gives him." Sans said shaking his head.

"It makes me wanna slap some sense into him." Sun said shaking his head.

Soon the bell rang and they all left as Weiss showed up.

"May I talk to Randy please?" She asked and they nodded leaving as they left while Randy stood alone.

"Can I help you Weiss?" Randy asked smiling at her.

"Well it's just are you still alright with hiding out relationship?" She asked and Randy nodded.

"It is a bit infuriating that I must constantly see you be flirted by and asked out by Jaune and Neptune but it's fine because I know at the end of the day I have you with me." Randy said and Weiss smiled hugging him.

"Thank you Randy." She said and Randy hugged back.

"At any rate I'm thinking of telling them soon I can't take anymore of it." Weiss said annoyed and Randy took off his mask and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry it will be fine though I must say I'm quite envious of Tiger and Ruby's relationship they are able to be open about it." Randy said pointing to Twisting Tiger and Ruby.

Ruby and Tiger were talking as they held hands before Tiger smiled and kissed Ruby's cheek getting a blush and giggle from Ruby.

"Now let's go with the others and prepare for tonight." Weiss said pulling away from the hug and Randy nodded.

"At any rate when there is a moment of peace from this would you perhaps be interested in going out with me on a date?" Randy asked and Weiss nodded.

"That would be lovely." She said as they both walked to team RWBY dorm.


That's it for this chapter

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