Chapter 10

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No one's POV

Sun had been helping Tiger get sap while Sans and Randy completed theres.

"Hey guys what's wrong with Tiger?" Ruby asked and Sans turned to her.

"He's been overusing his Semblance and now he's tired from it." Sans said and Randy nodded.

"Why is he training his semblance?" Weiss asked and Randy sighed.

"Twisting Tiger can only use his Semblance for 4 minutes only until..." Randy trailed off but Ruby remembered.

"He loses control right?" She asked and everyone turned to her.

"How do you know that?" Yang asked and Ruby shrugged.

"He told me about it when we were hanging out we talked about each other's Semblance." Ruby said.

"But is his Semblance really that dangerous?" Blake asked and they nodded.

"It is." Randy said frowning.

"Well anyway after this we're probably gonna try and get him to sleep for a bit." Sans said as Tiger and Sun finished collecting sap.

"Tiger jobs done now get some sleep." Sun said in a serious tone as Tiger looked at him and nodded.

Just as Tiger was about to sleep one of Cardins teammates came running.

"Ursa! Ursa!" He came yelling in fear.

Yang grabbed so he would stop running.

"What? Where?" She asked and he pointed back.

"Back there it's got Cardin!" He yelled and Pyrrhas eyes widened.

"Jaune!" She exclaimed and everyone went running to look for him.

They heard the roar of the beast and Tiger took off faster towards it.

He stopped when he saw Jaune fighting the Ursa and was about to step in to help when Sun stopped him.

"Sun?" Tiger was cut off by Suns apologetic smile as he chopped the back of Tigers neck knocking him out as the others arrived.

Weiss saw Jaune fighting and was about to step in when Randy stopped her and shook his head.

The Ursa pushed Jaune back as his aura was low but that didn't stop him from charging at it but Sans noticed his shield was to low.

Sans wasn't the only one to notice as Pyrrha raised her hand as the shield raised to exactly the right place and blocked the Ursas attack.

Jaune didn't waste the chance and decapitated it as it began to turn to dust.

Everyone turned to Pyrrha in confusion.

"Uh, what?" Ruby asked not sure what just happened.

How did you?" Weiss was just as confused.

"Well Ruby has her speed, you have your Glyphs, Suns team has..." She was cut off by Sans.

"Thaaaaats a story for another time." Sans said and the others nodded as Sun picked up Tiger.

"Well my semblance is polarity." Pyrrha said.

"Oh you can control poles." Ruby said and Yang face palmed.

"No you dunce it means she can control magnetism." Weiss said and Ruby nodded.

"Oh magnets are cool too." Ruby said shrugging.

Pyrrha was about to walk away when Weiss spoke.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Aren't you going to tell him?" Ruby asked and Sans interjected.

"We could or we could just keep it a secret plus he needs the confidence boost anyway." Sans said shrugging.

Just as everyone went away Randy walked to Pyrrha.

"You should talk to him when you get the chance." He said and walked away.

"I might do just that." Pyrrha said to herself.

Later that night

Tiger woke up in his bed as he looked around and saw Sans, Sun and Randy looking at him.

"What happened?" Tiger asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Tiger we've talked about it and we've decided that we're gonna stop training your Semblance for a while." Sun said and Tigers eyes widened.

"B-But I need to master Hollowfication." Tiger said and Randy shook his head.

"Tiger I don't think it's worth it if you lose sleep over this so we've talked and decided we'll only train with your semblance on nights when we don't have school so unless it is the weekend we only train physically." Randy said.

"We're doing this because we can't bare seeing you go crazy and lose sleep about this we just want what's best for you Tiger." Sans said as Tiger looked down.

"I...understand and if you guys think it best I'll do it." Tiger said nodding.

"Good now get some more sleep no training today or tomorrow until your well rested." Sun said and Tiger nodded as he laid back down.

The next morning

Tiger was up early as he stretched a bit.

"Figured you'd be up early." Sans said as Tiger turned to him and smiled.

"I slept very long yesterday now I rested and strong." Tiger said as he jumped up out of bed.

"Good but take it easy today." Sans said and Tiger nodded.

"Today I just go for run." Tiger said as he changed into different pants and his jacket.


Everyone was currently sitting in Professor Ports classroom listening to him lecture about well himself.

Tiger was sleeping peacefully while Sun and Randy made notes about what they thought was actually useful.

Sans had gotten bored and started telling Yang puns who was trying not to laugh.

During the lecture Glyndas voice could be heard over the intercom calling for team SSRT to report to Ozpins office.

Randys eyes widened a bit as he closed his book while Sun picked up the sleeping Tiger.

"So long teach it's been fun." Sans said as they walked out of class.

Sans teleported them all outside Ozpins office and they waited.

Glynda walked by and saw Tiger sleeping and moved to wake him up by hitting him on the head lightly which was met by Tigers hand.

"Please don't." Tiger said as he opened his eyes.

"Oh I thought you where sleeping." She said a bit surprised and Tiger nodded.

"I was but I have good senses." Tiger said as he stood up and stretched a bit.

Glynda led them into Ozpins office who smiled as they entered.

"Hello you four." He said and they nodded.

"Excuse me sir by why did you call us in?" Randy asked a bit curious.

"I'll be blunt with you all I've seen you four train together." He said and there eyes widened.

"What?" Sun asked.

"Yes and I'm quite interested in it so I'd like your help with something." Ozpin said.

"What exactly is it?" Sans asked.

"I'd like you to fight team RWBY and JNPR."


That's it for this chapter

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