Chapter 30

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No one's POV

Early in the morning Tiger woke up and stretched his body looking around.

He looked Randy's bed and saw it was still empty no sign of him ever being there before looking at Erens place seeing the same.

Tiger got out of bed and walked to Sun and shook him awake.

"Sun wake up." Tiger said shaking him.

"Wake up Sans." Sun said going back to sleep.

Tiger went to Sans bed and knew better as he leaned closer to Sans.

"There's no ketchup." Tiger whispered and Sans bolted up his eye flashing blue.

"What?!" Sans yelled as he looked at Tiger realising he had been tricked and glared at Tiger.

"Dude it's Sunday there is no school and this dance is not for a few long hours what is it?" Sans asked rubbing his eyes.

"Randy and Eren never came back to the dorm." Tiger said and Sans looked at the bed.

"Oh well I'm sure they're fine wherever he is." Sans said laying back down.

Tiger just shrugged and nodded as he went back to bed and laid down sleeping happily.

With team RWBY

Everyone was sleeping peacefully even Blake when Yang woke up from bed and stretched her body.

She looked over at Ruby seeing her asleep peacefully as she walked to Weiss bed.

"Weiss wake up we need to make sure everything is in its place for tonight." Yang said.

Yang waited a minute before she tried again.

"Weiss I'm serious wake up." Yang said as she yawned as she waited again.

Yang got annoyed and pulled off Weiss covered as she was shocked at what she saw.

Weiss was sleeping comfortable with her head against Randy's chest while he slept holding her close.

"...WHAT THE HECK!?" Yang yelled waking up everyone with a jolt.

Weiss looked at Randy and realised what happened and turned to her team who looked shocked.

"What?" She asked as if this was normal.

Just then Tiger, Sans and Sun came in there pajamas weapons ready.

"What happened?" Sans asked his eye glowing blue as they saw Randy and Weiss.

"I don't think Randy was stargazing." Tiger said and Sans fell to the floor laughing.

Sun just rubbed his face putting his staff against the wall.

"As fun as hearing this later will be I'm going to change and get breakfast." Sun said and Tiger excitedly nodded as he picked up his sword.

Sun grabbed Sans by his t-shirt and dragged him back to there dorms because he was still laughing.

"Well I'll follow there lead goodbye everyone see you all later." Randy said as he gave Weiss a quick kiss and walked away.

"Since when where boys allowed to sleep in our beds?" Ruby asked.

"Since last night." Weiss said.

"Does that mean Tiger can sleep here too he's so warm and his tail is so soft." Ruby said and Yang shook her head.

"No he cannot now let's get ready for the day." Yang said.

Much later on

Eren had been sitting in a office for a while now as he had a very focused look on his face.

He examined what he was doing carefully before be made his move.

"Checkmate Penny." Eren said finishing there game.

Penny examined the board and smiled.

"Well played Eren good game." Penny said and Eren nodded.

"And to you." Eren said as they put the board away.

"Eren may I ask you a question?" Penny asked and Eren nodded.

"Yes I don't see why not." Eren said.

"I pulled up information about you and what it got said that the squad you are commander of was killed in a titan attack apparently a mass amount of what's known as 50 meter titans no one was said to have survived followed by the mass genocide of Marley is it true?" She asked.

Eren leaned back into his chair and nodded.

"It is, why do you ask?" He looked at her.

"How did you survive?" She asked and Eren looked serious.

"The army of Colossal titans where mine, I was the titan that led them." Eren said.

"But it is said that they where led by a 300 metre titan and from what I have seen yours is only 20 metres." Penny said.

"That is because that form is known as the Founding titan, that titan is very ancient and very powerful it has abilities that I will not say the form I was in was the Attack titan." Eren said as Penny looked at him confused.

Eren noticed that and sighed.

"Allow me to explain there are 9 intelligent titans which are the Attack titan, armoured, colossal, Warhammer, female, cart, jaw, beast and the Founding." Eren said and Penny nodded.

"These titans are titan shifters who are humans who have the ability to turn into titans I have three of these titans them being the Warhammer, Attack and Founding the Attack and Founding where passed down to my by my father while I obtained the Warhammer by eating the host who had it before me." Eren said.

"Titans are in fact humans who have been injected with titan spinal fluid in the neck turning them into titans, a titan shifter is originally a mindless titan like others who feast on humans for no reason and they must consume a titan shifter in order to gain the abilities of it and regain there mind." Eren said.

"If your saying that it would mean..." Penny looked at Eren who nodded.

"I ate my father after he injected me with titan spinal fluid I believed there was a purpose to his madness and there was, I learnt the truth of the Titans and knew what I had to do I performed Genocide on the people who did this to us bringing the titans I killed all the Marleyeans as well as my own comrades making me the last survivor and titan shifter in actuality I possess all titans abilities but choose to only wield those I am accustomed to." Eren said.

"That sounds like a lot to process." Penny said and Eren shook his head.

"It was what had to be done I hold no regrets towards it, for it was the good of humanity." Eren said as Penny thought for a moment.

"Eren may I ask you something else?" Penny asked and Eren nodded.


"Would you be open to going to a dance with me?"


That's it for this chapter

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