Chapter 7

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No one's POV

The four turned to Tiger and laughed.

"Oh it's that Tiger freak who went against that Boar Grimm look just becau-." Cardin was cut off someone else.

"I don't take kindly to people who try to insult my friend." Sans said and Randy nodded as they appeared next to him.

"Neither do I isn't that right Sun?" Randy asked as Sun stood appeared behind Cardin and his gang.

"I'd say your right Randy so how about you let her go and we'll forget this ever happened." Sun said smiling.

Teams RWBY and JNPR looked at the spots they where in to see them empty.

"How did they do that?" Yang asked as they all turned back.

"Who do you people think you are having the audacity to talk to me?" Cardin asked but then he smirked.

"Alright fine I'll let her go." Cardin said as he let her go and then threw a punch at Sans who dodged it easily as Randy caught his fist.

"That is where you made a grave mistake." Randy said as Tiger sent a powerful punch to Cardins stomach knocking the wind out of him as Randy flipped him onto the ground.

Cardin coughed as he tried to regain his air.

Sans smiled and turned to the rest of Cardins team.

"You guys miiiight wanna drag your leader of to somewhere else before we give you one hell of a bad time." Sans asked as he eyes went black as his left lightly glowed blue.

"A-And what if we don't?" The other asked trying to be tough.

Sun stepped forward and kicked one sending him flying back.

"Well we'll start off with that but also Twisting Tiger is hungry." Sun said as he pointed to Tiger who snarled baring his sharp fangs.

That's all it took as they grabbed there team and began to leave quickly.

"You'll regret this!" Cardin yelled and Sun just waved.

"I doubt it." Randy said as they all high fived each other.

"That brings back some memories." Sun laughed as they walked back.

"Wait." They all turned to the Bunny Faunas.

"Oh yeah you alright?" Sun asked and she nodded.

"Yeah I am and thanks for helping." She said and they nodded.

"What's your name Bucko?" Sans asked.

"Velvet and you guys are?" Velvet asked and they introduced themselves.

"Well see ya around Velvet." Sun said as they began to walk again.

"That was so awesome!" Ruby exclaimed as they took there places.

"Yes it was impressive." Weiss said nodding.

"Did you break his leg when you flipped him?" Nora asked.

"Who cares that was cool!" Yang said.

"He got what was coming to him." Pyrrha said.

"It was an interesting turn of events." Ren said nodding.

"But why did you two do it? I understand why Twisting Tiger and Sun would but why you two?" Blake asked Randy and Sans.

"Simple we both believe in equality among races we all bleed red blood here we are all human the only difference for faunas is that they got some animal characteristics what else?" Sans asked and Randy nodded.

Blake looked at them happily as her cat ears started moving a bit.

"Anyway let's get going classes are probably gonna start soon." Sans said and Tiger groaned as they got up.

TimeSkip: Professor Ooblecks class

Tiger had no idea what the teach was saying as he turned to his friends.

Sun was just as confused as Tiger was because every word the Teacher spoke was almost impossible to here as he spoke incredibly fast.

Randy had been taking notes the whole time listening to every word copying them down with ease.

Sans had just been monitoring Cardin as he was in the class as well.

"Now have any of you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your Faunas heritage?" He asked and some raised there hands.

Velvet was at first nervous as she lifted up her hand as Tiger raised his surprising some.

"Dreadful simply dreadful, remember students it's exactly this type of ignorance that breed this type of violence I mean look at what happened to the White Fang. Now which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorists believe was a turning point in the third year of the war?" The professor asked and Randy and Weiss immediately raised there hands.

"Hmmm Miss Schnee." He said pointing to Weiss.

"The battle of Fort Castle."

"Precisely and what is the advantage that the Faunas had over the Lagoon Force?" He asked.

Sans noticed that Cardin was about to flick a paper triangle at Jaune and used his blue magic to force Cardins hand up when no one was looking at him.

Unknowingly Yang saw what Sans did and had a small smirk on her face.

"Cardin do you have the answer?" He asked and Cardin said the first thing that he could think of.

"Well I know it's easier to train an animal than a soldier." He said and Tiger growled.

"Your not the most open minded of individuals are you Cardin?" Pyrrha asked and he looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Sun sighed.

"To put it simply your stupid is what she is saying and of it needs to be dumbed down for you it's obviously true." Sun said.

Tiger also raised his hand as he smiled.

"It must be night vision Faunas are known to have perfect vision in the dark." Tiger said and Professor Oobleck nodded.

"General Lagoon was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to attack the Faunas in there sleep, his massive army was outmatched and there general was captured maybe of he paid attention in class he wouldn't be remembered as such a failure." Blake said and Sun laughed at that.

Cardin stood angrily and was about to say something when Sun stood up.

"Try anything I'll break your bones." Sun said as blue sparks emitted from his body.

"Sit down both of you." Professor Oobleck said and the two did.

Jaune was asleep as The Professor walked in front of him.

"Both of you will see me after class." He said and Sans face palmed.

Soon class came to an end and everyone exited.

"You all go ahead I'll catch up." Pyrrha said and they nodded.

The rest walked away but Sun stopped Randy.

"Randy watch them from the shadows your the one with the most stealth." Sun said and Randy nodded.



That's it for this chapter

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