Chapter 32

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No one's POV

The next day

Tiger was asleep as he hid in the vent as he slowly stirred as he looked around remembering the events of the past night.

Tiger slowly left the vent and quietly made his escape from the tower.

Meanwhile his teammates and team RWBY where worried about him as they all stood in rwbys dorm.

"How did we not see him leave?" Sun asked looking around the room.

"I agree normally he would tell us when he would leave but why not now?" Randy asked.

"Guys your worrying for nothing Tiger is fine wherever he is I'm sure of it." Sans said though he was just as worried as the other two where.

Soon a knock on the door came and Yang opened it revealing Tiger.

"Guys." Tiger said as they all turned and looked at him.

"Tiger where did you go?!" Sun asked as he approached Tiger.

Tiger told them everything about what happened and that he had spent the night in a vent to avoid getting caught.

"That was risky Tiger." Randy said and Tiger nodded.

"It was only option you where all busy." Tiger said.

Soon after everyone calmed down Yang showed them a package.

"Oh Ruby guess what we got." Yang said smiling as Ruby looked at it confused.

"What is it?" Ruby asked and Yang shrugged.

"Don't know dad sent it I was thinking we could open it together." Yang said.

"Oh something from home!" Ruby said excitedly.

Ruby zoomed over to Yang trying to grab the package but a cylinder like object came out confusing some of them.

The cylinder then turned into a dog surprising everyone.

"Zewi!" Ruby and Yang said together.

"He sent you a dog?" Weiss asked.

"Through the mail?" Blake asked just as confused.

"When the heck did you guys get a dog anyway?" Sans asked.

"Oh he does stuff like this all the time." Yang said casually.

"Your father or your dog?"

"So your telling me this mangy, drooling... adorable little dog is staying with us forever, yes he is yes he is." Weiss said as she pet the dog.

"Well then that's an interesting development." Sans said just as announcements where made as they heard Glynda talking.

"Can all first years report to the Ampitheatre."

"We can't exactly leave him here alone for a week." Weiss said.

"That would be a bad thing." Randy said nodding.

"Hey there's a letter too, Dear girls had to leave the island for a few days I already cased all the food he'd need love you both Taiyang." Yang read.

"Wait then where the food?" Sans asked as Yang turned the cylinder around as 20-30 cans of dog food came out of it.

"That's surprising." Sun said while Tiger questioned how mail works.

"What is he supposed to do with all this?" Weiss asked as a can opener than came out.

"Well it's settled then Zewi will be here until we get back." Yang said.

"I'm going to miss you so much were gonna be the best of friends I can't wait to see you again." Weiss said as she pet the dog.

While this happened Blake could be seen jumping from the dresser to the door.

"Is it really a good idea to leave him here without food ya know unless he can open these cans himself." Sun said.

"I'm afraid that won't be the case." Ruby said as they looked at her.

She looked at Zewi and it's obvious she had an idea.

"Uhhhh what's with that look you got?" Sans asked.

"Promise you guys won't tell anyone."

Later in the Ampitheatre

"Are you sure this good idea?" Tiger asked as he looked at the bag on Ruby's back.

"Trust me it'll work." Ruby said.

"Whatever you say bucko." Sans said as Ruby put the bag down with the others.

They all found seats and sat down.

"Before we begin Ozpin would like to say a few words." Glynda said as Ozpin stepped forward.

One very motivational speech later everyone was cheering for him.

"This is perfect all we need to do is shadow a huntsman working in the Southeast." Ruby said.

"Yeah work with him by day give him the slip by night." Yang said and Tiger looked at them excitedly.

"Wait the Southeast I've been there it's crawling with Grimm can we go Sun pleeeeeeeaaaassseee?" Tiger asked looking at there team leader.

Sun looked at Tiger and saw the excited look on his face and sighed before nodding.

"Yeah sure Tiger." Sun said and Tigers eyes lit up with joy.

"Yes!" Tiger said happily while Team RWBY looked at him oddly.

"You must really love fighting Twisting Tiger." Yang said and Tiger nodded.

"I do but I love other things more." Tiger said and Sans looked at him.

"Impossible what?" Sans asked genuinely curious.

"Meat, my babies, training, Ruby and music." Tiger listed off with his fingers.

"Wait wait wait back up your babies?!" Ruby asked and Tiger nodded.

"Yup they should be around I don't know 10 years old now I miss them." Tiger said smiling.

"Twisting Tiger what are you implying?" Weiss asked glaring at him.

"Forgive Tiger what he means is when he was six he found his pet as a cub and raised it to him Kenny and Viper are like his children." Randy said which cleared some confusion.

"What animal are Kenny and Viper?" Weiss asked and Sun stood up.

"Well now let's go shall we." Sun said as they nodded leaving a confused team.

Both teams went to the board where the search and destroy missions where.

"Looks like Quadrant 5 needs some Grimm's to be taken out." Sans said.

"Well it's in the Southeast." Blake pointed out.

"Sounds perfect." Yang said as Sun and Ruby went to put there teams in.

As they did it said that it wasn't available to First years.

"Well that was a bust." Sans said as he rubbed the now sad Tigers back.

"Well any other ideas?" Weiss asked.

"We could mail ourselves." Ruby suggested.

"Like how your dad mailed your dog." Sans said.

"That could work." They all turned and saw Ozpin standing there.


That's it for this chapter

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