Chapter 12

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No one's POV

Both teams glared at Team SSRT as they stood there.

"We thought about it and decided two on one Ruby and Nora against Tiger, Yang and Pyrrha against Sans, Blake and Jaune against me and lastly Ren and Weiss against Randy." Sun said.

"What makes you think we'll go by that?" Yang asked and Sun smiled.

"Because if you can beat even one of us you'll be able to fight anyone of your choosing." Sun said and eventually they agreed.

"Me and Ruby go first." Nora said and Tiger nodded and stepped forward.

Tiger smiled at them and got on all fours.

"Give me good fight." Tiger said but he saw Ruby disappear and only petals in its place before his ear twitched and he jumped forward dodging a slash from Ruby.

Tiger switched to defensive mode as he got close to Nora and blocked the attack from her hammer.

Tiger was sent flying back as he flipped and caught himself.

"How's that for weak!" Nora yelled and Tiger smiled.

"I've had better attacks than that hammer." Tiger said only angering her more.

Tiger dodged the scythe and was about to send a punch to her but stopped himself.

Nora saw him hesitate and took the chance and charged at him.

Tiger prepared to block but remembered the plan and let her hit him.

She hit his stomach hard sending Tiger flying into the air as
Ruby appeared above him.

"How's this for childish?!" Ruby exclaimed as she hit him with the back of her scythe sending him down hard as a he was crashing into the ground hard making a small crater.

Tiger gasped as he slowly got up from the ground.

As he did he saw pink sparks of electricity and Nora in front of him as she grabbed him by the tail and threw him into the ground.

Sun, Sans and Randy began to worry for Tiger as Nora didn't ease up as she continued to punch him into the ground.

"So you thought you can make fun of my team?!" Nora yelled in anger as she punched his chest repeatedly.

Tiger bared with the punches and pain he felt as he waited for the signal from his team.


"Ok guys we'll take there hits while we wait for a signal before we fight back." Sans said and they all turned to him.

"Are you sure?" Sun asked and Sans nodded.

"We gauge how strong they are so we stay on the defensive until the signal and only on the signal for Tiger I'll give him the signal it'll be a word that word is Roar." Sans said and Tiger nodded.

"Then I'll give you the signal Sans ummm oh I know dunk!" Tiger said and Sans nodded.

Randy and Sun assigned each other a signal word just as they saw the team's in the distance.

Flashback Ends

Tiger continued to wait for the word as Nora lifted him and threw him into the air as she readied her hammer.

The rest of the teams were watching when Blake noticed something.

"He's not fighting back at all." She said as Weiss took notice of it.

"Your right but why?" She asked.

"Maybe they were just talking big come on Ruby don't let Nora have all the fun!" Yang exclaimed.

"Something isn't right." Ren said as he looked at the fight.

Jaune and Pyrrha didn't hear him as they watched fight.

Ruby had noticed that he had a chance to punch her but didn't but she thought he was just letting her hit him.

Ruby focused and used her semblance as she was now above Tiger looking angry.

"I thought you were a nice and kind guy but I was wrong your just an animal no better than Cardin." She said as she slammed Tiger down which he blocked with his gauntlets.

Hearing her say that shocked everyone.

Tiger felt as if his heart was ripped out after she said that as he didn't notice tears had started to come from his eyes.

Tiger looked at his team and saw there shocked and worried expressions.

Nora gave an angry scream as she hit Tigers chest again breaking some ribs.

Tiger didn't even scream in pain or anything as he fell on the ground.

Randys eyes widened as he remembered.

"Sans the signal! give him the signal!" Randy yelled at Sans worried.

Sans eyes widened as he tried to remember the word.

"I-I can't remember TIGER FIGHT BACK!" Sans yelled.

Tiger was crying softly not from the pain but Ruby's words as Nora put her foot on his chest.

"Oh your crying now, good you should feel bad after the things you said." Nora said.

Meanwhile the teams heard Sans yelling.


"He wasn't fighting back on purpose Blake was right." Yang said in surprise.

Weiss looked closer at Tiger and saw his tears.

"He's...crying." She said as the three looked at him.

Tiger just laid there as he looked at Nora.

He heard his teammates cries but he had to wait for the signal.

"Do you give up?" Nora asked glaring down at him.

"N-Never." Tiger said as he coughed up blood smiling as he spat some at her.

Only angering Nora more as she picked up her hammer and slammed it down on his arm.

"Sans remember the word please!" Sun yelled at him and Sans thought before he remembered.

"Tiger Roar!" Sans yelled in panic.

Tigers eyes widened as he heard the word.

"Your friends are probably just as weak as you are right now." Nora said shocking his team.

Tiger growled as he let out a powerful roar.

This took Nora by surprise as she and everyone was pushed back.

They looked at Tiger to see him standing as his face was one of pure anger and fury.

"You...this was only a plan to make you fight harder to intentionally angry with us so you'd fight harder and now...I'm angry." Tiger said as he wiped the blood away.

Tigers team had lost there worry as they were just as angry.

Tiger slowly walked closer to Nora all pain forgotten as he was now out for blood.


That's it for this chapter

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