Chapter 19

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No one's POV

Later in the library

Team RWBY and SSRT minus Sun where sitting there when they looked at the board game.

"Do you know how to play?" Weiss asked Randy who was standing and shook his head.

"They didn't have any boardgames in the temple...well except mahjong." Randy said looking at it confused.

"Yeah no board games in the forest." Tiger said and Sans just shrugged.

"I'm just not big on board games not many where I come from." Sans said.

Team RWBY had decided to play while the others watched them play.

Weiss was about three moves away from winning when Yang pulled out a card defeating all of Weiss army as she started to cry and hug Randy.

Sans quietly took a photo as blackmail for later on purposes.

"Blake it's your turn." Yang said and Blake blinked and looked at Yang.

"Oh what where we doing?" She asked.

"We're playing as Vale trying to concur the other kingdoms of Remnant." Yang said and Blake nodded.

Sans looked at her closely and noticed the look of exhaustion on her face as he turned to Randy and Tiger.

The two looked at him nodding agreeing with him.

"Hey guys can I play?" Jaune asked as he walked to them.

"Sorry there are already four players." Ruby said and Weiss nodded.

"Besides this game takes tactical and cunning which I seriously doubt you have."

"You attacked your Naval fleet three turns ago." Yang said making Weiss pout.

"I mean at least ya hit something." Sans said getting a death glare from Weiss.

"Yup shutting up now." Sans said.

"Ok bring it on Ice queen I've been told I'm a natural born leader." Jaune said smiling.

"By who your mother?" Weiss asked folding her arms.

"A-And Pyrrha too." Jaune said and Pyrrha waved.

"Hello again." She said greeting them.

"Come on let me play your hand for one turn." Jaune said and Weiss looked at him like he was crazy.

"I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo." She said.

"Hey thanks Weiss." Sans said as Tiger and Randy nodded.

"Why you trusted us with more important stuff I mean you told us told us that Blake was a-"

Tiger growled cutting off Jaune from speaking.

"Don't finish that sentence buddy." Sans said looking at him.

"Ya know what nevermind enjoy your battle ladies."

Then Sun appeared out of nowhere.

"Sup guys." Sun greeted as they turned to him.

"Hey Sun." Team RWBY greeted him while his team nodded.

"Yang, Ruby, Blake, Ice queen." Sun greeted them accordingly.

"Why are you calling me Ice queen?" Weiss asked and Randy chuckled.

"He must've heard Jaune say it." He said.

"Anyway I never got to properly introduce one of my other old friends." Sun said.

"Aren't libraries meant for reading?" Neptune asked.

"Thank you!" Ren said.

"Actually it can also be a place to hang out and relax with friends dude." Sans said and Sun nodded.

"Yeah stop being such a nerd." Sun said.

"Gagagaga intellectual people stuff, anyway I'm Neptune." Neptune introduced himself.

"So Neptune where are you from?" Weiss asked and Neptune smiled at her.

"Heaven and I haven't caught your name Snow Angel." Neptune said and Weiss looked confused.

"Um its Weiss." She said confused.

Randy smiled while a katana formed in his hand and Sans noticed and his eyes widened.

"Um Randy are you alright?" Tiger asked and Randy nodded.

"I am perfectly fine thank you Tiger." Randy said as he gripped the hilt of his Katana tightly.

"Anyway uhhhh Neptune sorry Bucko but the games full right now." Sans said.

"Um actually I'm done playing." Blake said leaving and Sans facepalmed.

TimeSkip to team RWBYs dorm

Neptune had beaten Yang, Ruby and Weiss which amazed Sans and Tiger while Randy was infuriated because Neptune had been flirting with Weiss and at one point Randy had black feathers growing on his arms.

He would have transformed if not for Tiger calming him down and currently Yang was talking about how they shouldn't of let Neptune play in the first place.

While that was going on Sun and Weiss noticed Blake leaving.

"Stop." Weiss said as Blake stopped right at the door handle.

"You've been acting quite anti social and moody lately." Weiss said.

"Uh have you met Blake?" Yang asked.

"Which I get is your thing." Weiss said and Sun spoke up.

"But you promised us all that you would talk to us if there was ever anything wrong so go a head." Sun said.

"So Blake Bellandonna WHAT. IS WRONG?" Weiss asked as somehow she was standing on a chair pointing at Blake before getting back in her original spot.

"It's just...I don't know how everyone can be so calm." She said.

"Still thinking about Torchwick?" Ruby asked and Blake nodded.

"Torchwick, the White Fang all of it, there planning something big and no one is doing anything about it!" Blake and Randy nodded.

"Yes but Ozpin told us we must not worry about it between the police and Hunters at work they must have it under control." Randy said and Blake shook her head.

"But they don't know the White Fang like I do!"

"Blake I know this is hard but let's face it all of us together don't have the fighting experience or skill to take on an organisation like the White Fang." Sun said and Sans interjected.

"Except you Sun your a literal god and Randy your a demon." Sans said as Tiger and Randy face palmed.

"Sans you moron." Randy said and Sans realised what he said.

"Uh oh." San said as he chuckled nervously while everyone looked at them.

"Ok explain now." Weiss said seriously.

For the next bit Sun explained how he was the reincarnation of the Monkey King and that before he came to Beacon he remembered all his past life times but that he was still trying to access his other lives powers and only managed to unlock the powers of his current past self Mori Jin.

Team RWBY where shocked to hear this before they turned to Randy.

"I'm not sure if any of you know who the ninja is?" Randy asked and Weiss nodded.

"Yes I do but it's a legend." Weiss said.

"How does this legend go?"


That's it for this chapter

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Monkey God of RemnantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora