Chapter 34

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No one's POV

The Bull head soon came close to a building as they jumped out individually and landed.

"You all may be first years but as of right now your first mission as Hunters begin all of you follow my orders exactly understood?" Oobleck asked and they all nodded.

It was then that he noticed the bag holding the dog on Ruby's back.

"Ruby I thought I told you to leave all your bags at school!" He said.

"Uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet so I didn't." Ruby said.

Oobleck then turned around and thought about it.

"She's not wrong." He muttered to himself before turning back to Ruby.

"Very well leave your bag here we can pick it up upon our return." He said.

"I can't do that." Ruby said looking at him.

"Young lady what is so important in that bag that you cannot leave it here?" Oobleck asked and it was then that the dog popped out of the bag.

"Well this is bad." Sans said.

"We are here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle and you bring with a dog?!" Oobleck yelled in shock.


"Genius!" Oobleck said catching everyone off guard.

"Whaaaaaa?" Sun asked in confusion.

"Canine are historically known for there prospective noses and sense of high pitched sound making them excellent companions in situations such as ours."

No one spoke as they just tried to comprehend what they had heard just now.

"I'm a genius!" Ruby exclaimed as everyone face palmed while Tiger pat her head.

"Yes you are Ruby." He said smiling at her though the situation confused him as well.

"So what are your orders doctor?" Blake asked.

"Ah yes straight to the point, I like it." Oobleck said as he dropped the dog.

"As you've been informed this area has been marked as a recent hotspot for Grimm activity, now there are several explanations for this one of which being Grimm." Oobleck explained.

"A what?" Ruby asked.

"A Grimm a dark creature which is currently 100 yards away from us!" Oobleck said getting there attention.

"A Grimm a dark creature which is currently 100 yards away from us!" Oobleck said getting there attention

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They all turned and saw a Beowulf and took out there weapons as Tiger prepared to run at it.


"Huh?" Weiss asked turning to the professor.

"There are a number of reasons why Grimm's would congregate in this area most likely would be retractions of negativity, loneliness, hatred all qualities our mysterious group harbouring ill intent possesses." Oobleck said.

"So what do we do then?" Sun asked.

"We track it so that our specimen may lead us to its pack which help us find our prey." He said.

"How long do we have to wait?" Yang asked.

"Hours, days, weeks when lone Grimm seperate from there pack it normally lasts for months, oh here comes the rest of the pack." Oobleck said as everyone turned to it.

They all saw the pack of Beowulf running at them.

"Well how's that for convenient." Sans said as his eyes glowed yellow.

"And now they've seen us." Oobleck said.

"What?!" Weiss yelled in shock.

"AND NOW THEY'VE SEEN US!" Oobleck yelled back.

"So I take it tracking them is out of the question?" Ruby asked.

"I'd say it is considering there running at us." Sans said.

"So what's the plan then?" Yang asked.

"Show me what your capable of."

Tiger was already gone as he ran at the pack attacking it as soon the others joined in.

Four had charged at him as Tiger summoned Zangetsu and slashed them.

The Grimm's heads where hit as Tiger jumped and sent punches at them.

They all joined in on fighting the Grimm until soon the pack was dealt with.

"Heh piece a cake." Ruby said.

"Do not celebrate yet I feel this is merely the first of many." Oobleck said as he led them on.

TimeSkip: 30 minutes later

The two teams had just finished fighting off another pack of Beowulf's and Team RWBY where tired.

Team SSRT where tired except for Tiger who was waiting for another to arrive as he excitedly waited.

"Well done students unfortunately it's seems there is no criminal operation base in this sector oh well moving on." Oobleck said as they walked again.

"Hey Doc I was actually looking forward to seeing a pro huntsman in action you know like fighting or helping us fight?" Yang asked.

"Ah but I am in action, scouring the ruins of the once great city not every mission is temple tearing and heroism girl, sometimes it is a hide full of information." He said as Tiger was about to ask but he had continued.

"This is a job, you all signed up to do it I hope you can understand that." He said and Yang nodded.

"Well yeah of course." Yang said as they all continued on there way again.

TimeSkip: a few hours later

Sans had just taken care of his last Grimm when Oobleck walked over to him.

"Sans I am quite interested to know why you choose to become a hunter given your background and history." Oobleck said and Sans raised an eyebrow.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sans asked and Oobleck raised an eyebrow.

"I remember from a while ago there was a man with your description though there is a bit of a difference." Oobleck said and Sans narrowed his eyes.

"Fine the reason I chose to become a hunter is because of my little brother it was his dream to become a member of the royal guard back where I was originally from but he died so I thought maybe I could live a dream for him and becoming a hunter is closest to it." Sans said.

"Interesting." Oobleck said as he turned and went to go check on Ruby who was playing with Zewi.

She had something dangling from her scythe and as Sans looked closer it revealed to be a...turkey.

"Where did she get that?" Sans asked but not before he saw Tiger join in and try to get it as he laughed quietly.


That's it for this chapter

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