Chapter Eight

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"Well your fathers some dangerous man", Lexi said typing away on my laptop. "What
do you mean?", I said quick turning around to her. "Your father is a criminal, he has serious records and has been in jail twice! You shouldn't be around him", she said. "But I just wanna- "Izzy this isn't just some guy you can go up to and say hi, he's a bad man", she said and I sat down on my bed. "I just wanted to know if I had any real family out there that's all", I croaked.

"But you do, you have the guys, me, Hayes, Dylan , Jim and Zoe. Isabelle family isn't about blood, it's about love the people who care about you and make your past, present, and future", she smiled. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my jacket. "Where are you going?", she asked. "Out.", I simply replied and put my hair up in a ponytail. I grabbed my boots. "It's past midnight you don't need to be going anywhere", she said taking my boots from me. "Oh my God Lexi! Stop treating me like a child", I yelled taking the boots. "Then stop acting like one!", she yelled taking them back.

I took the boots and put them on. "Why are you being so stubborn?", she asked. "Why can't you leave me alone", I said grabbed my phone and purse. "Can you at least tell me where your going?", she asked. "I said I'm going out! Now leave me alone", I said going to the front door and shutting it close after me. I went down the elevator and down out to my car. I locked my doors and called Dylan. "Hello? Yeah um I'm coming over", I said. "Huh? Yeah okay...", he slurred. I hung up and started to drive off. "What am I doing? Is it even worth it? I mean come on do you even like this guy. And plus he's drunk he probably won't remember a thing from it", I said to myself.

"But I love Hayes." I pulled up to his place, parked in the garage and got out my car. I put my phone in my back pocket and left my purse in my car. I went up the elevator and went to his door. I knocked on the door and some guy opened up. "Oh Vicky's here!", the guy slurred. "It's Izzy", Dylan half rolled his eyes and pulled me in and slammed the door behind him. There were five other guys there smoking and drinking."Y-You wanna drink?", he slurred. This wasn't him at all. Why was he like this. "No you know what maybe I should go", I said backing up.

"No you aren't!", he said pinning my hands to the wall.


When Isabelle left I instantly got scared. It was dark out and I don't know where she would go. I called Hayes. "Yellow Lexi, oh and I'm with Jim right now and he's starting to worry about you cuz it's getting late", he said. "Hayes I'm kinda freaking out right now because Izzy just got mad at me and I don't know where she went ", I said pacing back and forth. "She's going where?! Wait where are you?", he asked. "I'm at her place", I said.

"Okay don't worry I got it", he said and hung up. I got a several texts from Jim.

Hey Lexi-Bear it's 12am

When ya coming home?




Lexi I ate your Nutella

No I'm just kidding!

Uhh lex call me I'm getting worried

It's past midnight he's probably worried. I decided to call him. "Hey Lex finally decided to pick up eh?" "Jim I'm sorry Izzy just-"I know Hayes told me and we've got everything under control. So don't worry everything's gonna be fine okay?", he said. "Okay", I said back. "Maybe okay will be our always." He's so adorable. "Okay, bye", I giggled. Then I drove myself home.


He and his friends had been smoking and drinking and talking about random things. "Hey you look cute tonight", Dylan said coming over to me swinging his arms around my shoulders. "Uhuh um I'm going to the restroom", I said getting up and going there fast. I shut the door and locked it. I turned my sound effects off and began typing to Hayes.

SMS A DILL PICKLE is with A grIZZY bear

I sent him and put my phone in my pocket again. Please understand Hayes. I went back to the front room and they were sniffing cocaine. I saw the front door across the room and looked at Dylan. I ran towards it but they guys grabbed a hold of me. "Get off of me! Get off!", I screamed and shouted. "Move", Dylan said getting up. "You", he said pushing and squeezing my neck up against the wall. "You aren't leaving me again! And what I say goes! You do it!", he yelled and I began to black out. Then the door kicked down and I saw Hayes and Jim. Two guys that I love the most.

Hayes pulled him off of me and punched him. I fell to the ground coughing and holding my neck. Jim starting fighting off the guys and Hayes helped me up. I clung on to Hayes and hugged him tight. "You okay?", he asked hugging me. "Yeah now that your here", I said. "Are you okay Izzy?!", Jim said hugging me. "I'm fine Jim", I said.

In the car, Hayes was driving, Jim was in the passenger seat, and I was in the back like a child."Don't you dare pull another stunt like that, you knew better Isabelle. And Lexi was worried sick about you when you left. Your lucky I knew what your text meant otherwise I wouldn't know what to do", he said. He drove up in Jim's driveway. We both got out the car. "Thanks man, and Izzy", he looked at me with a smirk. I looked up at him. "Be safe around trains!", he yelled sternly and rolled my eyes. "No I'm just kidding, but be safer next time something could happen", he said and kissed my head.

I got in the front seat and then Hayes drove back to my house.

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