Chapter Twenty: Time Flys

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I wrote a long chapter hehe, enjoy!

Today was the wedding. Early seven am, they had taken me and Hayes into two different cars. Lexi, Gina, and Hayes's mother Elizabeth were going on and on about my hair and makeup in the car and when we finally got there we met my hairstylist and my makeup artist. My makeup stylist first my makeup, concentrating on my face and cheeks. Then traced around my lips and put lipstick on me. Next done was my hair. My hairstylist came in and started on my hair. As she did my hair I went into deep thought.

About everything. About my life, and how it changed and how's it's gonna be. I'm currently pregnant about to have a child, and I'm getting married today. I began to worry and bit my bottom lip. "Everything okay dear?", my hairstylist asked. "Peachy", I said. "Okay with that, you look beautiful", she said and I looked in the mirror. I didn't even look like myself. "I look like a princess", I smiled breathless. "Oh Izzy you look wonderful!", Lexi said walking in with her dress on and her hair perfectly curled up into a bun.

"Thanks. You do too, how's my flower girl?", I asked. Then Zoe walked through the door in her dress and her hair curled with a mini tiara in her hair. "Ms. Noel gave me lipstick", she said poking out her lips making kissing noises. "Why would she give you that?", Lexi said tilting her face up. "Go tell Ms.Noel to clean that off and a simple gloss will do", Lexi said and Zoe hopped away. "Kids", Lexi said rolling her eyes. "Now let's get you in that dress!", Lexi said and Gina came in helping me.

After I got my dress on they put on my tiara with the vail. I looked in the mirror. "I-I", I was speechless. "Are you ready?", Lexi said smiling. "I-"Five minutes", someone said popping there head in and I started panicking.

"Hey, hey, calm down your gonna be fine", Lexi said sitting down next to me. "Look", she said taking my hand. "You are a strong, beautiful independent woman. And your very lucky, in fact blessed to have Hayes and this little one in your life", she said poking my stomach. "Don't forget Skittles", I said smiling. "And skittles", she laughed. "Okay it's time", someone said and we walked out the room. I waited for all the bridesmaids to go and Lexi, was the maid of honor of course, went down.

I peeked through the doors watching as everyone murmured talking. "Looking for someone?", Cameron asked and I jumped startled. "Oh no just....nervous", I said. "Don't be", he said smiling. "Ready to walk down the aisle?", he asked. I peeked in the church again and Lexi spotted me and nodded her head to tell me to come on smiling. "You know what, I can't do this!", I took off my vail running down the halls. I came to a room with a window and a chest. I sat on the chest putting my face in my hands.

Meanwhile (third person)

"Where's Isabelle?", Hayes asked worried to Cameron. "She freaked out and ran off down the halls", Cameron replied running his hands through his hair. Hayes picked up the vail with the tiara. He took off running down the halls and finally heard a soft sniffing in a room. He put his hands over his eyes. "Isabelle?", he asked. "Yeah?", she asked looking up. "Hayes what are you doing?", she smiled pulling him over and sitting him down. "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding", Hayes said serious.

"I'm just so scared and nervous. What if things don't go the way we planned? What if I ruin or mess things up?! Or- "Hey calm down, we still gotta take chances right?", he said holding her hands while his eyes closed. "Hayes open your eyes", she giggled. "No not until you marry me", he said placing her vail in her hands. "Okay well get back out there!", she said and he walked out the room, first running into a wall then down the hall.

"You can do this", Isabelle breathed out to herself and putting the vail back on.

{Back to Isabelle's Point of View}

I grabbed the flowers and looped my arm around Cameron's. Then Shawn began to sing Life of the Party. They opened the doors slowly. As Cameron and I started walking down the aisle slowly he began tearing up. "Cam please don't", I whispered. "I can't help it, you've grown up so fast", he said. I smiled and rolled my eyes. Then we got to the end meeting with Hayes. Cameron let me off facing Hayes. Lexi took my flowers and winked.

"You look beautiful", Hayes mouthed. "Thankyou", I mouthed back. "Today we've gathered here today with Isabelle and Hayes!", the pastor started off as I smiled. "May we have the rings?", he asked. "Sure", Hayes said bending his knees. "Skittles! Come here boy!", Hayes said as Skittles ran down the aisle with the pillow tied to his back and the rings safe and secure on it. I bent down petting him and grabbing Hayes's ring as he grabbed mine. We both stood up together. "You may say your vows", the pastor said and stepped back.

I nodded to Lexi. She handed me my notepad with the vows. "Hayes I take you to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. More importantly my best friend. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live. You've always been there for me, and I promise you I'll do the same for you. When I was in the dark you pulled me into the light and helped me along the way. I-I love you Hayes", I said crying.

He pulled me into a tight hug as everyone awed. He nodded to Jim. Jim handed Jim his iPad and he began typing as everyone watched. "Oh it's locked", he said to the crowd as they laughed. "Hey babe what's the password?", he whispered and I rolled my eyes and typed it in. Classic Hayes you forgot your own password. "Oh here we go", he said and smiled.

"I Hayes Grier want to be a new chapter in your life. I take you to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity. And when I act stupid I'll promise to get my act together. And I will take care of you better than myself. When your sad I'll know when to make you laugh, when your happy I'll know when to make you even more happy! When your mad I'll know when to duck I-I mean calm you down. But just know I love you, and only you Isabelle Nicole soon to be if you say I do Grier", he ended and everyone clapped.

"Do you Hayes take Isabelle to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do", he said and I slipped the ring on his finger

"Do you Isabelle take Hayes to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I took a deep breath. "I do", and he slipped the ring on my finger.

"You may- "Yeah I think I know this part", Hayes said and pulled me into him and we locked lips kissing each other. Everyone clapped and cheered. I picked up Skittles and Hayes carried me bridal style down the aisle and out the doors.

Hayes was right. Time does fly. It seems just yesterday I was getting adopted by Magcon, moving back from Australia, finding skittles, getting engaged, getting pregnant , and getting married. Right now I'm know as Isabelle Grier. Those other times I was Isabelle Dallas.


Time Flies


I may or may not have cried while writing this chapter. Yes it's the last chapter! And I just might be adding an epilogue on one condition!......okay I'm really in the mood for a SOFT chocolate chip cookie right now so if you would give me one that would be great! So give me a soft cookie in the comments below in order for an epilogue. I hate hard cookies btw, the only hard cookies I'll eat are Oreos, cuz there bae.




And read! Bye you mentally disturbed llamas!

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