Chapter Two: Babysitting

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It had been a total of two weeks since I came home. Jim has been much better. But Dylan that another story. Lexi and him had work today, so Hayes and I decided to watch Zoe. We were sitting in front of the tv watching continuous episodes of Spongebob. "Aunt Izzy I'm bored", Zoe said slouching in the couch. "Me too I'm kinda of tired seeing Squidward being miserable", Hayes said. "Ooh! Let's play tag! Not it! Now you gotta come catch us!", Zoe said running off grabbing Hayes's hand along with her.

"Hey!", I yelled. I ran down the hall. "Oh Zoe!", I yelled sweetly. "Oh Hayes!", I yelled. "Come out, come out." I heard shuffling in the office. "I got ya!", I yelled running in but then it was just Jax. "Ugh you know sometimes you can be really annoying", I said and walked out. I walked backwards and bumped into Zoe. "Got ya!", I yelled and picked her up. I ran down the hall with her laughing.

I set her upside down on the couch. "Your dumb", she giggled. "I know I know I'm that dumb blonde", I said laughing. "Now let's go find Hayes", I whispered to her. "He's in the pantry", she whispered back. We crept slowly towards the pantry door. We got on each side and I reached towards the door handle. I pulled it open fast. "Aha!- wait what are you doing?", I said and saw Hayes stuffing his mouth with Oreos. "Huh?", he mumbled and a big cookie crumb fell on his shirt. He looked down in fear and picked it up and ate it. "Fat ass", I rolled my eyes and shut the door. "Everytime!", Zoe said annoyed.

We went back to the family room. "So how about we go to the store, since Hayes is gonna eat everything out the pantry and we can get snacks for a movie night", I said and her eyes lit up. "Okay I'm taking that as a yes", I said and grabbed my jacket. I wrote a letter to Hayes on a sticky note and went back in the pantry. As usual he was asleep, so I put it on his head. "Poor child", I mumbled and Zoe and I went to the car. I buckled her in her seat and shut the door. Then I got in the driver's seat and drove off. Fancy came on the radio and we started singing to it. Once we got to the store, we walked hand in hand inside.

I put her in a cart and we went down the chip and cookie aisle. "So what chips should we get my darling", I said in a British tone. "I believe Doritos shall be nice, thanks for asking", she replied. I grabbed two jumbo bags of Doritos. "Ooh! And don't forget to get more Oreos!", Zoe said in a normal voice. "I beg your pardon", I said in my British tone holding a hand to my chest as to if I was offended. "Oh I mean, don't dawdle a moment getting the Oreos", she corrected herself. I laughed to myself getting some Oreos. I grabbed some candy as well and went to the juice section. I grabbed the strawberry-lemonade and put it in the cart.

"Isabelle?", I heard a voice behind me. "Auntie Izzy that man is calling you", Zoe said. "Do we know him?", I asked her and she shook her head. I turned around to see a tall man and I immediately got scared. The scary part was he looked like my father in a couple pictures I had. You see I have no memory of my father, except for one, other than that all I had was pictures. "Isabelle is that really you?", he asked. "D-Do I know you?", I stuttered. "Yeah it's me your father", he said. "No I don't know what your talking about, and my name isn't Isabelle", I said and walked away. We bought our things and she was now helping me load them in the car.

"Auntie Izzy who was that man?", Zoe asked and put a bag in. "I don't know some crazy guy who think he knows me, no big deal", I said and put the last bag in the back. I buckled her in her seat, and we went to Taco Bell. Cuz dats bae. We got what we wanted and went back home. Once we got there, Hayes was on the other couch sleeping with crumbs on his face. "Hayes looks like a giant man-baby again", Zoe giggled. "Oh sweetie that's because he is, sadly", I said and patted his head. "But unfortunately he has to help me unload the car so.." I smacked his face and he jumped up. "Help me unload the car man-baby", I said and he frowned.

"I thought I told you and Zoe to stop calling me that", he said annoyed. "Yeah you said in front of everyone else, because your ashamed of your nickname", I laughed and he went out to the car and got bags. We all grab the stuff and put it inside. "You did get me some Taco Bell this time right?", he asked and I nodded. We turned on Ramona and Beezus because Zoe wanted to see it, and ate our Taco Bell while watching it. It was about ten o' clock and Zoe was fast asleep. "Hey she's sleep", Hayes whispered and nudged me. "I know I'll grab a blanket and a pillow", I said and he nodded.

I went upstairs to my room and grabbed a pillow and a hello kitty blanket. I went back downstairs and he had carried Zoe in his arms. Once he saw me he put her in a more comfortable position and I put the pillow under her head. He laid the blanket down and kissed her head. I kissed her head and rubbed her cheek. Then we went upstairs to my room. I grabbed my phone and called Lexi. "Hey Lexi", I whispered. "Oh hey girl!", she laughed. "I'm sorry we were supposed to pick her up two hours ago, but me and Jim wanted to go out and- "Hey don't worry about it, Hayes and I got her you can just pick her up in the morning", I cut her off.

"Thanks Izzy your the best", she said and hung up. Then I called Dylan. I wonder if he remembers about the date tomorrow. "Hello?", he asked. "Hey what time are you picking me up tomorrow for our date?", I asked. "What date?" Of course. I sighed. "The date you were taking me on tomorrow, come on you promised we haven't hanged out in so long!", I said annoyed. "Oh I'm sorry Izzy I have plans", he said. "You know what just forget it", I said and hung up. I was raging mad right now. Then two big arms wrapped around me smoothly. I tensed up a bit then realized it was just Hayes. "Hey calm down", he whispered and I turned around in his chest. "He just makes me so mad sometimes. Ya know he's careless and forgetful", I mumbled as he hugged me.

"It's not the same like back when we were teenagers", I said in his chest. "Shh just relax okay", he said and I calmed down.

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