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"I didn't know what to get you so I thought I'd play it safe and get chicken nuggets. You can trade my burger if you want though?" I shook my head and took the bag of food from him. Tom didn't follow behind though, worrying me a little because I didn't exactly know round here enough to get him. I didn't even know where round here was if I was honest "He's outside having a cig. He'll be back in soon." I nodded and he sat down on the other side of me "I'm not mad at you just a little shocked that's all."
"Thanks for the food." I held up the bag and offered a weak smile
"It's alright. Go see Tom if you want. He's a little upset but I'm sure you'd cheer him up." I hummed in response and took a chicken nugget out of the box with no intention of confronting the situation I'd gotten myself into
"Lucy give Tom a chance alright. You did kinda hurt his feelings earlier"
"What are you, five?" He chuckled "what?"
"Just like me. Avoiding the problem. Then getting arsey when people Bother you about it."
"Just don't want to see him cry. That's all." I said quietly before eating another nugget and sipping the milkshake he'd bought me. Both boys said nothing to me and just engaged in their own conversations. They ignored Tom when he walked in and I tried my best to but I couldn't. I knew I'd hurt him even though I wasn't exactly sure why. He hadn't known me that long. And feelings can be mistaken can't they?
"You not coming to eat mate?" Adam asked. Tom shook his head and walked to his bunk quickly climbing inside of it
"I'm gonna go talk to him."
"Not if its gonna end in a fight. You can't be crying we have a show to do the day after tomorrow. You gotta not be bitter for that. Can't have my fans having a bad time. I'm the one that's supposed to make em cry " I smiled at his attempt to lighten the mood "You gonna apologise?"
"Yeah" I said sighing
"Try and sound like you mean it" adam joked "And please no fucking in the bunks. We can hear everything." Dom blushed bright red and I smirked
"That's a story for another time." I said giggling at the way Dom got embarrassed without even a slight hint towards him in what adam had said. I left the boys and walked to the bunk, climbing up on the side to see him. He scowled when he saw me "What's up?"
"You. Fuck off and leave me alone"
"Tom please. I'm sorry. Please just talk to me. You know you can."
"Quit acting like you're special." He said, his mouth speaking but his eyes telling a different story
"I really am sorry Tommy." I reached out to touch his face but he pushed me away, causing me to lose my footing and fall back. I hit my head of the floor since I fell backwards
"Shit" Tom said jumping down and attempting to tend to me
"No. Fuck off. Don't touch me." I lashed out causing him to move away and distance himself as much as he could whilst I sat up "Get the fuck away from me. Now." He stayed frozen "Leave!" I yelled holding my head soon after because the noise didn't help the persistent ringing I already had from the fall. This caused him to run out just as the other two came in to see what was wrong and presumably what the loud bang was "I know you wanna help but I just don't wanna be touched right now" I spoke slowly hoping they understood
"We will be just through there if you want anything yeah?" Dom said calmly. I nodded and I watched them walk back before attempting to get up. It was only because I knew they'd try and help me and as I mentioned I just didn't wanna be touched. I stood up and felt dizzy "Don't go to sleep straight away alright?"
"Alright." I said weakly before climbing into my bunk and lying down

"Lucy darlin'. I told ya you can't go to sleep. Just so I know your heads okay." I didn't even realise I'd been drifting off sat on the sofa beside them. He didn't trust my body to keep me awake so he made sure could keep an eye on me
"I'm not sleeping. And I should be fine now anyway." I started playing with my hands to distract myself from how nice it felt to be taken care of. And to avoid me pushing him away. I got distracted though when the door to the bus opened and Tom walked in. He was holding a bag in his hand and looked very apologetic. He held it out like a small child, saying nothing but still waiting for me to respond "I don't want your fucking gifts."
"I'm sorry I fucking swear i-"
"Jason said he was sorry. Every time."
"That's not fair." He defended moving closer with the gift bag
"Get the fuck away from me. Fuck you." He took a step back when I stood up but I went dizzy
"Tom mate she's hurt her head. Just leave her alone." Dom spoke up
"I'm just trying to defend my fucking self! She's making it out that I'm an abuser like her ex! I'd never fucking do that! Ever! You know that Lucy!" Adam stood up and aggressively grabbed him by the arm to pull him back off the bus "Get the fuck off me!"
"Well if you learned what that meant then you wouldn't be in this fucking situation!" He screamed in his face "Off now!" He yelled "Or at least until you learn to use your fucking brain and not yell at the fucking girl!" I was still stood up watching it happen. I also watched Tom's face fall when he saw mine, and how scared he was. I was certain he would have tried to comfort me if Adam didn't have a firm grip on him "You coming!"
"Uh let him go. If he shuts up let him go" Adam immediately let go of him and Tom threw the bag at me making me flinch and let out a squeak at the way it scared me
"I can go get him? Take him back out?" I shook my head and curled up on the couch, bringing my knees up to rest my chin on them. Dom gave a sympathetic look and sighed
"You want a hug?" I thought about it for a while, saying nothing. He just went back to wherever he was doing on his phone assuming the answer was no since I'd already said I didn't wanna be touched
"Yeah?" He said looking up at me from the screen in his hands
"Can I stay in here tonight? Cus I'm right below Tom."
"You scared of him?" I shook my head "You sure?"
"Yeah. I'm not scared of him. I'm just scared of the way he reacted." He opened his arms and offered a hug once more. I uncurled myself from my ball and hugged him "What's he like?"
"What do you mean?" I let go of him and sat back up in the position I was in before but this time peering up at him
"What kind of person is he."
"I don't think he'd hurt you. But that's never 100% in every friendship. But I can be sure as I could be he wouldn't do that. Cus I know that's what you're asking me."
"What if I wanted to know about him. Like his hobbies?"
"But you don't. So that's irrelevant." He picked the bag up from the floor and set it on his lap "Can I open it?"
"Sure. Go ahead." He pulled out a box and handed the box to me "The fuck am I supposed to do with that?"
"Open it" I opened it and there was a necklace inside. I immediately rolled my eyes and slammed the box shut "What's up?"
"Half my jewellery is from Jason." He took it gently from my hands because he knew I was going to throw it
"You want me to stay in here with you tonight? So you feel safe. Or I could go to bed. Cus maybe you feel uncomfortable if I a guy sleeps in the same room. I'd be out of your way and that but-"
"Please" I said simply, interrupting his anxious rambling "I'd like that. But I'll probably have a nightmare though."
"Well I'll be just" he got up and moved a little over the way to the sofa facing us "Over here. Alright?" I nodded and he lay down "You can go get your blanket. I just don't want one."

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