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"get up and stop fucking!" Dom yelled banging on the hotel door like he was about to go through it. I couldn't help but laugh at him and hi laugh was evident in the way he spoke.
"We're not fucking! We're just cuddling!" I yelled back before getting up and kissing Tom's forehead
"Yeah yeah. Heard it all before." I opened the door and smiled at him
"You're just mad cus your best friend is hotter than you." He rolled his eyes at me
"You guys ready to go?" He asked in a softer tone, leaning against he wall beside the hotel door
"We will be soon. How long we got?"
"Another half an hour love. You gonna be ready by then?" I nodded looking down at my hands nervously "Go on. Say what you was gonna say"
"The other night. When you said about it being one of us in the hospital"
"Yeah I meant it. But we're not making a big deal out of it." I giggled and walked out of the door to hug him but the door locked behind me "You locked out now?" I nodded and laughed into his chest "Go on squirt. Get ready. We've gotta go soon." I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully
"See you later yeah?"
"Yeah. Gav wants to see you perform. That okay?"
"Yeah." I said knocking on the door "He's alright. I can't wait to perform again." The door opened and Tom looked at me smirking
"If you accidentally do that again I'm leaving you out there." He looked up at Dom "Mind if I steal her back?"
"Nope. Just as long as you actually get ready."
"Shut up Dom" Tom said laughing with him "Well be out in a minute."

"We've got to go" he said softly
"I don't wanna go" I whined kissing him. We'd gotten dressed pretty quickly and I sat myself down on his lap around five minutes after, refusing to move
"Doesn't matter. We still have to go." He whispered, deliberately holding my shoulders so I couldn't move any closer and kiss him again "We can do that later. Right now we have to go." I rolled my eyes and got up pouting slightly because I wanted to stay there at least until someone came to get us "Don't fucking pout at me. We have to go. Come on." He kissed my forehead and took my hand in his whilst he did it so he could guide me out "Let's go."
"Only if you promise to kiss me good luck before I go on stage"
"You don't need it darlin. But sure. I promise." I smiled and squeezed his hand gently
"Now we can go. Before they come get us." There was a loud banging on the door like earlier and it made me laugh at how if almost predicted it
"Half an hour's up. Put your clothes back on and get out."
"We're coming don't fucking worry" Tom said squeezing my hand gently before letting go "Cmon sunshine. We've got to set up and stuff. I'll let you look through the photos when we get there and have a break." I smiled and opened the door to be met with all of them standing there waiting for us
"Do you lot ever chill. We're coming. Calm down."
"You're a fucking firecracker aren't you" Dom commented
"I'd watch if I were you" Gavin warned making me smile as I grabbed Tom's hand and walked Infront of them, leading the way out "She is a little firecracker and she'll blow up in your face if you're not careful."
"Too right. But I like you right now so it's not a worry."
"You think you'll stop liking me?"
"No. Not unless you do something really fucking bad. Besides I'll be around a lot wont I? Yknow cus of Tom and that." Tom smiled and gently squeezed my hand
"Wow. You're really serious about this? I thought you were just fucking about on tour." Gavin said making me get angry with him
"And what the fuck would you know about it?" I spat "You don't even fucking know me let alone my relationship with other people. If you're just gonna be a prick about me and Tom just fuck off home."
"Woah. I'm sorry. I just, didn't think you were gonna stay with him after"
"Are you actually fucking stupid!" Tom said, raising his voice but I knew it was only in defence of me
"Tom don't yell at him"
"So you're gonna let him-"
"Tom love please don't start anything. This is my problem. Not yours." He calmed down and once again continued the walk to the lift from our hotel door, completely ignoring the three guys and Jesse who trailed behind us
"You still good to do the show love?" Dom asked
"Yeah I'm good. It'll be alright. Thanks for asking though. But nah I'm good."
"Alright. Just let me know if you change your mind okay" they caught up with us since we'd stopped in front of the lift doors
"I won't. But yeah I'll let you know on the off chance I do." He smiled and nodded at me and so did Jesse. I was quite surprised she didn't bother me, but it was clear Tom was the one I was interested in. The lift dinged behind us "Alright fuckers. Let's go"

"Please be careful bending down on stage with that skirt."
"Why?" I asked, smirking after I stood up from tying my bootlaces up, knowing full well he'd gotten a view of what was up it "What's wrong with me bending over."
"Nothing. If it's for me."
"What would you get from that?"
"Believe me. Fucking everything."
"Take it then" the door went and I immediately adjusted my skirt so it didn't ride up
"Fucking hell you two give it a rest." I giggled and looked up only for my smile to soon fade when I saw that Dom had brought Jesse and Gavin in with him "You're on in five yeah?" I nodded and retreated over to tom, sitting down beside him and attaching myself to his arm "That gonna be okay?" He asked sitting down beside me and leaving no room for Jesse. She didn't seem to kind but I always got an awkward feeling around her, as if she didn't like that I was there or something. Even if it was literally my performance not hers. I didn't answer him he put his hand on my knee gently "You worried about the show or something else?"
"You know the answer to that question."
"Just let it go Lucy. I'm sorry" Gavin said. I rolled my eyes and kissed Tom on the cheek
"I've got a show to go to."

"Can I just say something a minute guys?" The whole arena went silent and I had to admit that it was more intimidating than all the noise "I just want to thank you all so much. And Dom. For letting me be here tonight." I glanced over and saw Gavin stood side stage with a very apologetic look on his face "And uh to my manager but firstly someone who I consider family, Gavin. For believing in me." I looked out at the still silent crowd and shrugged "That's it really." I said smiling widely when they started cheering for me. I walked off stage and passed Gavin completely ignoring his attempts to talk to me. He followed but so did Tom and luckily he managed to get ahead so we could be in the dressing room alone and lock it
"You alright? You just ignored Gavin out there."
"I know what I fucking did Tom."
"Alright. There's no need to be like that is there?" He fell down onto the couch and sighed "Was just trying to see if you were okay" I sighed too realising I'd done wrong by yelling at him. He wasn't the one I was mad at
"I know you've got a job but can you please stay here with me? I need someone to talk to." He nodded and pat his lap, immediately wrapping his arms tightly around me when I sat down
"You don't like fighting with him do you?" I shook my head "Well later on you can go talk to him yeah. Make up" I shook my head
"He's really wound me up. I might see him later. I just wanna stay here with you first."
"I'll come with you. He's going tonight though so you better make it quick."
"Let him in now then. Get it done with. He's not mad at you and I know deep down your not mad at him anymore."
"Okay. Let him in."

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