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"I told you specifically not to let her come."
"She didn't give me a choice Gav. She was on a date with Tom so I had to go find them since Tom texted where they were to keep her safe. I don't know if Adams up to bring you back too. He's probably asleep"
"I don't care Dom. You probably scared the poor girl." Gavin opened his arms and hugged me, trying his best to navigate the hug without disturbing his cast "Is Tom driving me back to the hotel?"
"Yeah. I am" Tom spoke up "You got everything you need? The nurse said that you just gotta wait until she discharges you and sets up another appointment then you can go." I let go of him and sat down on one of the few chairs beside the bed
"What happened. Thought you was busy?"
"I was that day. But I thought I'd surprise you. Except I didn't know that you were out with Tom."
"Still doesn't explain the cast on your arm."
"It's broken. I fell off the bed and right onto it. I'm fine now though." I nodded and Tom handed me the glass from the diner, the only surviving one anyway "You're not supposed to keep those."
"I know. Me and Tom stole them. Dropped the other one when Dom said you were in the hospital."
"Yeah well sometimes he doesn't realise how scary it sounds. He was just stressing about who would come pick me up. Don't be mad at him."
"I'm not. How long is the nurse going to be?"
"I don't know. But maybe a while. So you could go get a snack from the vending machine." He reached over and pulled out a couple of dollar bills from his wallet, handing them to me
"I make my own money now. I can pay for things."
"Just let me pay for you. Go get something. And bring back a drink for me because If I have a hospital coffee I might die."
"That's not even funny Gavin" I mumbled taking he cash from him
"You're right Luce. I'm sorry. Go with Tom and go get something"
"I can go by myself I'm alright." He shook his head
"In all honesty it's not for your benefit. I need to talk to Dom."
"Don't get mad at him Gav. Please. He didn't mean to freak me out."
"It'll be alright. Just go. You can leave your stuff here." I nodded and took Tom's outstretched hand to walk out of the hospital room
"You want something proper to eat?"
"Yeah. I think we should make ourselves scarce for half an hour or so"
"One second" he left me in the hallway before returning soon after dangling a set of car keys in front of me "Said I could borrow it. Cmon. Let's go for a drive and calm down"

"There they are." Tom pointed towards the entrance of the hospital. We'd just made it back and although didn't wanna see them and find out what had been said, he made me text them to say we were on our way back. He noticed how worried I was and gently rested his hand on my thigh, causing me to flinch "Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to make you flinch. Did I scare you?"
"Just made me jump. Was a little zoned out. You could have done literally anything and it would have the same effect."
"You want me to put it back?" I nodded and he returned his hand, gently stroking his thumb over the side of my leg
"Can we cuddle when we get back? I really don't like hospitals."
"Bad memories?"
"Yeah. Something like that."
"Sure thing darlin'. We can cuddle for a bit."
"Rest of the night?" I mumbled leaning my head against the glass and watching Dom approach the car. He took his hand away from my leg and gently brushes his knuckles across my face making me smile and nuzzle into his hand
"If it will help then yeah." He took his hand away to hold the steering wheel whilst he started the car up "Get in dick heads. We best get back to the hotel." I chuckled softly and out of the corner of my eye saw Tom smiling at me doing so
"You alright Lucy?" Dom asked
"Yeah. I'm good."
"You sure?" I looked over at Tom nervously
"Dom mate it's been a long day. Just leave it at that okay?"
"Alright" he said genuinely, still sounding kind of guilty about bringing me there in the first place "I know it must be hard after-" he suddenly stopped and since Tom was busy driving I figured Gavin had given him a look or mouthed something to make him stop
"You want he radio on?" Tom asked me. I nodded and he turned it on only to hear my song playing. I checked and he was playing from the cd player making me smile "Like a proud parent aren't ya Gavin?" Tom spoke up smiling like crazy. Gavin mumbled a response but I wasn't really paying attention. Instead I was looking out of the window at the lights from building signs and whatever else was on so late. The music was playing and along with that I heard the guys in the back seat talking among each other
"Almost as pretty as you" I said looking at Tom
"What darlin'."
"The lights. Almost as pretty as you."
"Now you're the one making it weird" he said winking at me showing he took my compliment on board. I giggled at him and returned to looking out the window
"Whatever babe. Just drive"

"You tired?" Tom asked me right after I yawned
"No. I just yawn for fun." I responded before pulling the hoodie I was wearing over my head and tossing it on the floor "I need to take my bra off."
"Woah. I don't need to know that."
"You do. I want ya to know it's really fucking uncomfortable to sleep in one." I pulled it out from under my shirt and tossed it into the pile of clothes with my hoodie "Can we cuddle."
"Well I'm fucking waiting but you're busy telling me about your bra and shit." I turned around to see him already laid down in the bed "You mind if I take this top off. It's fucking hot in here." I shook my head and waited for him to take it off before I got in beside him, laying down and facing away from him in hopes he'd let me be the little spoon and he'd cuddle me that way "This alright?" He asked, brushing my hair behind my ear so I could hear him more clearly
"Yeah. Feels safe." He pulled me further into him so my back was completely pressed against his front, his body curled up slightly to fit with mine
"When you called me babe did you mean it? Or were you just being sarcastic."
"I meant it. Why?"
"I like it. You should do it more often."
"You say often as though we haven't known each other less a week." He sighed and rolled onto his back, completely letting go of me "I'm sorry. But it is true though i-"
"I'm trying my fucking best. Is that not enough? I'm trying to let it go and pretend we aren't moving really fucking fast. But you just bring it up like that." He was speaking calmly and although he was mad at me I knew he was trying not to trigger me and freak me out. What did freak me out was hearing him sigh and get up out of the bed
"Where are you going?"
"To see Dom and Gavin. They're next door having a drink. Don't fucking worry I'm not too far" the way he said the last bit so sarcastically made me sit up and get annoyed with him
"Excuse me for worrying about where you're going."
"Well I would be right there with you if you didn't open your fucking mouth. But I'm not. So don't fucking worry about what I do."
"Please just stay. I'm sorry alright? It was just a joke. I don't care if you stay on the other bed just please don't fucking leave after we've just had a fight." I looked up at him, tears in my eyes as he immediately relaxed his whole body before nodding still upset but not angry which calmed me down a lot.
"Alright darlin'. I'll stay." He got into the other bed and turned away from me making me feel even more guilty that I'd now stopped him from going with his friends
"Nevermind. You can go. Don't wanna stop you seeing your friends. They're more important than me anyways." I heard him sigh but he said nothing to me still. He just stayed curled up facing the door but with his back to me. "Goodnight"
"Just go to sleep Lucy." He responded "I'm right fucking here so you can go to sleep"

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