twenty two

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"so what are you gonna do when you see Dom?"
"I don't know. Don't really care to be honest because I'm kinda pissed he thinks I'd do that." he turned round when we got to the door of the bus, standing in front of me "Okay so maybe I do care a little bit. But he's still an ass for thinking I'd get in between him and his girlfriend." Tom didn't even get to turn back around before the door swung open and Dom was there
"Hey guys. You gonna stand out here all day or come inside." He seemed strangely happy for someone who was obviously pissed at me the night before "Yes? No?"
"I'll come in." Tom answered, taking my hand so I didn't have to answer him for myself and pushing past him to get to the lounge area. Dom approached us and opened his mouth but I was quick to shut him down
"Don't wanna hear it. Thought we were mates but your just a dick." I said, not even bothering to look up at him. I was prepared for a fight though I didn't really want to have one. But nothing like that happened at all. Instead he went shy
"I'm sorry." He mumbled before walking away and over to his bunk. He climbed in but I heard the loud sound of him slumping down onto it making me feel kinda bad since he was obviously trying to be nice. But I wasn't in the mood for just forgetting about it
"It's alright princess." Tom said as he kissed my cheek gently "You're not a bad person for defending yourself."
"I don't think that" I tried to lie but he just gave me a look that called bullshit "K so maybe I do. But he looks so upset Tom. And clearly the truth has been figured out. Or else he'd still be mad."
"Go talk to him then. I don't mind. I might not want you to but you're your own person."
"Really? Cus my ex-"
"I'm not your ex Lucy why can't you understand that"
"Sorry." I whimpered in response since his reaction overwhelmed me a little. He sighed and opened his arms instead of grabbing me, just in case I didn't want to. I got up onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around me
"No. You have nothing to be sorry for." He said, kissing my temple quite cautiously
"You don't have to be so nervy. You can kiss me Yknow. Sometimes it just overwhelms me when you say stuff like that. Cus I know it hurts when you can't love me because I'm so fucked up."
"Look at me pretty girl" I did look up but only because I knew he'd make me anyway "I can love you. In fact I don't think I can stop." He gently kissed my lips though it was so gentle they barely touched "You're not fucked up." I nodded and he smiled at how entranced I was just watching him talk so softly to me "Go on. I'm sorry for being like that. I won't do it again. I promise. Sometimes I just forget I've gotta be careful Yknow."
"The fact you forgot is probably the best reason for loving you." I said, still looking in his eyes as we were before
"What does that mean?"
"Doesn't matter. I'm gonna go see if Dom's alright. See you later yeah" he chuckled, probably because I made the quickest exit I could from the situation
"Yeah" he said, letting me up off his lap "I'll watch a movie with you later." I smiled
"That will be fun. Love you."
"I love you too. Now go on." I walked over into the bunk area, very conscious of the fact Adam was still sleeping. I was both told he'd probably be sleeping and I could hear his snores.
"Dom?" I said, knocking on the wooden side of the bunk "I know you're not asleep Dom. I'm not mad at you if that's what you think."
"Really?" He said, pulling the curtain over and looking at me with wide eyes
"Yeah. I just wanna know what really happened. I get that you thought I'd done something wrong but I still don't know what I supposedly did."
"Want me to show you?" I nodded "Alright. Let's get inside the venue later and I'll show you"
"No. I wanna know now. Please?" He sighed and nodded "Cmon. I'll tell Tom too"

"That's fucked. Does the bhc really think that the best way to get us together is to break you and Jesse up?"
"Apparently yeah. She genuinely thought it was you sending her those messages though. Because it was your exact account with a slight change to the username. Had your pictures too." I nodded, a little uncomfortable with the fact a stranger now had every Instagram photo of me somewhere on their phone
"So what do I do now?" I asked. I leaned back against Tom's chest since I was sat between his legs on the floor. He seemed to notice how uncomfortable I was
"Unfortunately kid there's not much you can do. But you know better. And I shared the account online to tell people it's not you." I nodded, looking down and playing with Tom's hands that were rested loosely around me "I know it sucks but that's just part of being famous Yknow. But I really am sorry for believing them."
"Hey" I said softly, looking up at him to show I was sincere "Don't feel bad. You was protecting your girlfriend. It's cool. Just, try not to freak me out like that again. Talk to me." He nodded and I could see it had clearly hurt him that I was so freaked out by it "Can we jump scare Adam to get him to wake up?" His face broke out into a massive smile but Tom didn't seem to happy with the suggestion
"No darlin'. Leave him alone and get ready for the show" I rolled my eyes and Dom chuckled
"Daddy has spoken." Dom joked "Now cmon kid. Let's get something to eat."

"You told him?" Tom said almost as soon as the dressing room door was closed. I was confused since it had been a good few hours since we'd spoken to any of the boys about anything serious. He crowded over, hushing his voice "About what I said on the beach?" He clarified, whispering to me
"Well yeah I did. I was just confused."
"Confused about what?" I shook my head and moved away from him, getting ready to perform my soundcheck "Lucy. What?"
"Doesn't matter." I waved my hand dismissively and carried on with what I was doing
"Luce. You can talk to me. Cmere baby." He sat down on the sofa and gestured for me to come join him. I figured enough was enough and sat down facing him on his lap "Why did you feel like you had to talk to him."
"Cus you were pissed out of your skull. And I needed someone to explain to me I wasn't a horrible person."
"Why would you- oh my god. Did you like it?" I shrugged and avoided eye contact "You into that?"
"Even if I was into that you're not. And i would never force you." He smirked
"Who said I wasn't?" I rolled my eyes
"You. When ya brushed it off. Said ya wouldn't force me and all that."
"Okay. What do you want?" I shrugged and once again looked away
"I want you to be...Yknow."
"No. I don't know. You can tell me. No one can hear. You want me to be what?" I looked up at him with the most innocent eyes and his look went softer to match it
"Want you to be rougher. With me." I said shyly
"What? Right here." He stuttered out.
"Go on" I teased "No one can hear"

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