twenty five

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One month. One whole month since me and Tom had 'split'. I use the term loosely since it was clear we weren't together but we never pushed the conversation from the bunks any further. We'd spent longer apart than we had together. And it did nothing but cause issues for the boys on the bus.
"You coming out with us?" Dom asked softly, pulling the curtain back to see my face. He saw I'd once again been crying and I shook my head in response to his question "Tell ya what." He squatted down so he was more at my height since I was cuddled up in the bed "I'll stay here and we can get some food. Me and you can have a cuddle and a catch up yeah?" I nodded and he smiled slightly but not enough to hide the concern "You stay in here whilst I talk to the boys then." He gently kissed my forehead, something he seemed to be doing a lot more lately, before going and doing as he said. I heard him talking even though I couldn't hear the exact words that were said, and he soon returned to me "They're all going out now kid. There's a show tomorrow. But Gavin wants to see you today. So me and you are gonna go see him. And then we're gonna get some food."
"Okay. Thanks."
"No problem. I don't mind going with you. You do need to get dressed though."
"Okay. I'll be as quick as possible. Get this fucking thing over with."
"Why are you being like that kid. He's not going to yell at you."
"He said when we started this stupid fucking tour that I shouldn't let him ruin it for me. And I have." He pulled back the curtain all the way and stood up "I'm sorry."
"You've done nothing wrong. I'd tell you if you did."
"Tom said the same thing." I heard him sigh and he squatted back down again
"I think that you and Tom need to rekindle whatever you had. Or at least make up with each other."
"Can we talk about this later?" He nodded, though he did hesitate slightly before answering
"Yeah...later." he then just got up and left me there confused

Tom's POV
"She's gonna fucking kill you Gavin. She doesn't want you interfering."
"Don't tell me what's fucking best for her. Like you'd know that." He gave me a dirty look "I think you're forgetting that it's you who got her into this fucking mess."
"Don't be like that with me. I'm just warning you for fucks sake."
"Can you two stop." Adam spoke up, making it go calm again "Good. Now keep the peace for the poor girl when she gets here."
"It's a stupid plan." I mumbled. I wasn't wrong, even Gavin knew it was stupid, but it was a last resort to get her to talk to me
"Why'd you think that?" Adam asked, trying to take the conversation in a more respectful direction
"Because she don't like talking about how she's feeling. If anything she will lie. And if she finds out Gavin organised this then she will hate him. And it will break her heart that even Gavin is trying to make her make up with me. So yeah, shitty plan." I slumped back in the sofa in the small studio meeting room, leaving everyone if anything a little speechless
"Wow. You really know her."
"Course I do. I was in a relationship with her Yknow? Or did you forget that bit like she did." I fidgeted with my hands, feeling like a clown that I'd just let on how heartbroken I actually was. Lucy was the one who was upset so I kept it to myself
"Tom. Can I talk to you alone for a minute." Gavin spoke up, seeming strangely civil considering how he'd jumped on me earlier
"Do I have a choice?"
"Yeah. But I think that it would help if I explained how I feel about what's going on."
"I don't think it would. Because I already know how you feel about her. She talks about you. Well, talked about you I guess."
"Then you'd know how important it is that's she's happy then?" I nodded, not prepared to let my guard down yet since I knew that it could end up in a breakdown
"Still think it's a shitty plan. And it was even worse of you to lie to me about it and not tell me until we got here."
"Well we will see how it goes won't we?" Adam said, his tone implying he wasn't prepared for us to fight him "I'll call Dom. See where he is."

Lucy's POV
"So before we go in i-"
"Is that Tom?" I said, pointing through the tiny glass window in the door "Did you arrange for me to meet tom?"
"No. Gavin thought-"
"So this is Gavin's idea. I'm gonna fucking kill him."
"No Luce i-" he gave up after I stormed into the room walking right up to Gavin
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Making it better for you i-"
"Stop fucking interfering in my life!"
"Okay Luce I think you need to calm down a bit yeah?" Tom spoke up
"No." I argued, my voice breaking "You knew about this and went along with it. You know not to-"
"Force you to talk about feelings. I know. But I didn't know until I got here either." He was talking so softly, his hands held up in some kind of defence. That made me look away from him and up at Gavin
"You never even wanted me to do this tour did you? Think I'm too fucking precious to go out into the real world? You are not my fucking dad Gavin and I can do what I fucking please without you breathing down my neck!" I knew the last one really hit him and he looked defeated
"This is the last time I ever try and fix anything for you!"
"You don't have to fix anything! You're just my fucking manager that helps with my work, nothing else!" He completely deflated for lack of a better term and it hurt to see him so sad, even if I caused it
"Lucy." Tom said softly "You wanna come somewhere else with me? I know some of the guys here, they'll let me take you somewhere else." I turned around and nodded "Alright. You just wait outside for me yeah?" I did as I was told but I listened in to the conversation "I fucking told you Gavin. So all that; your fault. Don't you ever try to interfere in her fucking life like that again unless she asks you to." I quickly moved away from the glass as he came storming out, though part of me knew he knew I'd seen it "Come on Lucy. Let them sort it out."

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