twenty one

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"I just don't get it tom. I haven't done anything." I croaked out, after I had been crying into his chest for a good while "I thought I'd got good friends already. And now he's saying that. And Adam thinks it's true too, I bet." He stoped rubbing my back and instead moved his hand up the hoodie I was wearing to rest his hand on my bare skin and ground me. It helped a little and I sighed loudly
"You don't know that. Adams probably on your side. And whatevers going on will be sorted soon. You have got good friends I promise."
"Good friends that think I'd message their girlfriend behind their back"
"Why don't we just forget about him yeah? Just order some room service and cuddle and watch the telly." He kissed the top of my head "Sound good princess?"
"I wanna know what I've supposedly said to her."
"Do you want me to text Adam and we can find out." I nodded "Okay. I'll do that and you can get into something more comfortable alright?"
"I'm fine in this" I protested weakly, unable to fathom the thought of getting up right now
"Baby that skirt is so tight I'm convinced it cuts off the circulation. Plus my hoodie covers more than that. Go get into something."
"Can't I just take it off and sleep in my hoodie and underwear?" I asked
"Are you okay with that?" He asked and I smiled at how cute the way he asked me so softly was "I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I giggled and stood up letting the hoodie fall over my bum and shuffling the skirt out from underneath
"I'm completely covered. See." I spun round and smiled at him, prompting a smile back at my innocence "I'm fine with it."
"Okay. Cmere then." He opened his legs up so I could sit between them, my back pressed to his chest "I was thinking I could order something and pick it up in the lobby. My way of saying thanks for the room."
"You don't have to say thanks." I said turning round enough to kiss his cheek "I'll pay for the food. But can you still go meet them downstairs?"
"Okay. This once I'll let you off and let you pay. But first I have to text Adam alright?"
"Can't we order first? Then we can wait until it's close and text Adam in that time."
"No" he said softly, placing his hands Infront of me so I could see the phone "were gonna text him first"
'Do you know anything about Jesse and Lucy?' he sent and it was pretty quick before Adam started typing
'yeah. Sounds bad. But I know Lucy wouldn't do that. Is she okay? I could facetime her?'
"What do you think?" Tom asked. I shook my head and he told Adam I didn't want to
'okay. Well tell her she can talk to me if she needs anything'
'ok' he then turned his phone off and set it on the bed beside him
"Work to settle your mind princess?"
"Yeah. Can we order food now?" He chuckled and picked the phone back up
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Just happy your minds at least a little more at ease."
"Thanks Tom."
"You sure you feeling better?" I nodded and let my head fall back and rest on his shoulder
"I'm sure baby" I sighed feeling content in his arms and with the outcome of the conversation "I don't have to worry anymore. We can just relax"
"Relax eh?" He joked
"Yeah. 'Relax'. What we came here to do"

"Can I have a kiss?"
"A kid?" He asked, almost sitting himself bolt upright since he misheard me. I started laughing at his half asleep state
"No baby. A kiss" I corrected, making him let out a sigh of relief "You really are tired aren't you?" He nodded and I stroked my thumb over his cheek as we laid face to face "Had a good time. We should come back here for that pizza place alone." He chuckled softly, the hot air he breathed out tickling my face slightly and making me scrunch it up
"Baby I love you but please don't scrunch your face up like that. I wanna see it" I opened my eyes again so mine met his "There ya go." He gently brought his thumb up to caress my cheek before moving up to my lips and gently tracing them. Without prompting I took his thumb into my mouth, sucking it slightly and swirling my tongue around it "Fuck" he cursed, almost moaning at the simple action "Don't do that" I released his thumb and smirked at him
"Why? Where's your mind going?"
"Unspeakable places" I leaned forward so our lips were practically touching but didn't kiss him just yet
"Doing unspeakable things?" I mumbled against them. He nodded "What if you did those things to me huh? Would make me feel a lot better after the day we've had." I kissed him roughly and he returned this kiss, slowly working his way up to me being beneath him
"Let's just make out for a while." I whined, trying to pull his hips closer to mine to show him I was desperate "We can see where that goes"
"I hate you" he rolled his eyes and pressed a gentle kiss to my lips
"Can I take this off?" He asked, tugging at the bottom of the hoodie. I nodded and he swiftly pulled it up and over my head almost in awe at what he saw underneath "You're fucking gorgeous." He admired, making me feel on top of the world as cheesy as that sounds "Y-you ready"
"Yeah" I said, pulling him back down by the back of his neck and kissing him softly "I'm ready. So stop being nervous. It's alright."
"Just don't wanna hurt you. Or do something wrong."
"Don't worry. I'm sure you're more experienced than me." He chuckled and kissed my lips softly
"Just tell me yeah? If you feel uncomfortable."
"I promise I will"

"Princess" I whispered trying to gauge if she was awake
"Yeah baby." She whispered back, lifting herself up from my chest so she could look at me. I simply smiled at her "Is that all you wanted? To see me."
"Was that alright?" I asked, holding her to my body with my hands on her lower back "It felt different with you. Kinda special. And I don't want to fuck that up if it wasn't good for you."
"Don't worry." She said, laying back down and gently nudging her head up under my chin, making me giggle softly "Was exactly how I pictured it. And it felt good. Better than what my ex could ever do."
"Good. Even if I'm shit I'd prefer to be at least better than him." She didn't move her head but she managed to bring her hand up and she gently cupped my face
"Trust me. You're so much fucking better than him. And it felt so fucking good to do those things with you. But if you feel like we moved to fast then we can forget about doing it again for a while."
"No. I love you. And I want more ways to show that." I kissed the top of her head before once again tucking her under my chin since she let out a little whine
"Then you're fucking welcome to baby" I could tell she was smirking "But I'm even more tired than I was when we started. Mind if I sleep right here?"
"Not one bit love. I'll wake you up in the morning."
"Goodnight baby"
"Night princess. Sweet fucking dreams."

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