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He kept his promise and stayed there. He'd fallen asleep too though which I guess goes to prove he hadn't slept much the night before. I only slept for 30 minutes or so, as Dom had told me when he warned we were close to the venue. That was an hour ago and I knew I had to wake Tom up since they'd be going inside soon
"Tom?" I mumbled, cuddling under his chin and nuzzling his neck knowing it made him giggle "We have to get up. We're going in soon"
"Can't we just stay here?" He asked groggily before tightening his grip on my waist that had loosened in his sleep "I don't want you to change your mind again." It hurt a little that I'd given him the idea I would switch like that. But to be honest that was the idea I was trying to give, before I caught proper feelings and decided to go for it.
"I won't. I've got to work honey. That's how you met me remember?"
"Promise we can come back later" he said adamant he wasn't going to let go of me until I gave him the answer he wanted
"I promise."
"Guys were going in!" Dom shouted making Tom roll his eyes
"Cover your ears darlin'." He prompted before yelling "Well be out soon!" In response "well I guess we better make it quick and get out of here."
"Can I kiss you again?" I asked not removing my face from his neck so I couldn't see his expression
"No. Not right now, we have to go in like now." I rolled my eyes and he got out of the bed. He didn't seem interested in the idea at all and it made me feel a little disheartened "Now cmon princess. Let's go"
"I'm not your fucking princess" I snapped
"What did I do?" He asked as I stormed off
"Nothing. That's the fucking problem."

"Fucking hell." I remarked, looking at the sheer size of the venue
"You never been to a gig before kid?" Dom asked. I turned around and held my hand out to gesture towards the currently empty view from the stage we were on
"Not from right here."
"Looking at you thinking your the next best thing since sliced bread. Never get over it. They're my fucking family man."
"They're here for you though."
"Till they find out how amazing you are. I've seen you sing. And heard your prerecorded shit. You're good. They'll fucking love you too."
"Sound like Gav now."
"Hey! I sound great!" I smiled when I saw him and hugged him tight as soon as he was close enough. He seemed a little shocked but hugged me back anyway "Why are you hugging me?"
"Jesus. Just trying to be nice" I joked pulling away from him "And I like ya. So I thought I'd show my appreciation. Why are you here though?"
"Just to give you this. Since I'm not gonna see you on your birthday tomorrow." I gave him a death stare and poked him in the ribs once he'd given me the bag "I've got to go. Good luck with your performance. See you some time in the future." He seemed rushed and I didn't wanna bother him with the fact I wanted him to stay just a little longer, just so he could watch me get excited like a little kid. I watched him walk off stage and the place was so silent I even heard him go out the doors
"What's the deal there then?" Dom asked. I giggled when I saw him sat down on the stage, legs spread out widely
"There's no deal."
"There is. He's never once gone out of his way to drive to a venue to give me a birthday present."
"He does it cus dad can't." I pulled out the bag of jelly beans in the bag along with the little teddy, this time a stuffed dinosaur "dad used to get me jelly beans and a little stuffed animal. And he just does it for me now instead."
"Do you see a dad in him?" I shrugged "You can talk to me. Must be hard when he does that for you. As sweet as it is."
"It's weird but I kind of see him like a big brother. Not a dad. Like someone who'd take care of me if I needed to. But I know he only does it cus he pities me."
"He doesn't. He worries about you constantly whenever he knows you've got something big on. I'm not even kidding he was all fidgety when we went out for a drink because you had to send your draft into the label."
"I miss dad."
"That's perfectly okay sweetheart." I sniffled a little trying my hardest not to cry
"And I'm gonna make him proud this tour. And make them love me whether they want to or not."
"You're a little fighter. I like that. Reminds me of myself when I first got into music." He put his hand on my shoulder "I think you got this kid. And you just need to believe in yourself that little bit more."
"Fuck this" I said giggling and wiping my eyes with the back of my hand "Were all set up right?"
"Yeah. We can stop talking about this. But what we can also do is go get some pizza and have a celebration."
"For what?"
"Your first tour. And I guess your birthday."
"Can you take adam. I need to talk to Tom."
"Sure." He stood up and offered me his hand, pulling me up to walk with him "I don't think it's an issue but I just want you to know I've got a girlfriend. I've got no ulterior motives or anything. And I'm certainly not trying to gain your trust cus of that."
"Stop worrying Harrison" I said nudging him and we began to walk
"Don't fucking nudge me" he joked doing it back to me
"See now ya can't be mad because it will make you a hypocrite." I shoved him this time making him him stumble
"Whatever little squirt. Get back to the bus before I get ya"

"Yeah pr- Lucy?"
"Can I talk to you?" He emerged from the bathroom with nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants on and looked confused
"What about?" He asked tilting his head slightly and making himself look like a lost puppy
"I don't really know to be honest." He shrugged and sat down on the sofa acting completely normal. Maybe I was overthinking it all. I probably hadn't bothered him that much
"Stop overthinking it all and come sit down with me." He patted the spot beside him but I instead took a seat on his lap, my face close to his in order for me to stay put and not fall back. He gently held me at the bottom of my back and waited patiently for me to say something "I wasn't brushing you off cus I didn't want to" he whispered softly when I didn't say anything. He leaned down to my ear "Because fuck me I did." He paused knowing damn well how what he just said had affected me before pulling away and shrugging as if that hadn't just happened "you just had stuff to do. And we couldn't waste time here if you had stuff to do in the venue." He kissed my forehead gently, so clearly trying to contain a smirk. "Did you enjoy it? Setting up and seeing the arena and that. Must've been a big shock." I decided I'd had enough of his smirky face and fell forward burying my face in his neck instead and nodding
"Was weird though. I hope they don't hate my music."
"I'm sure you'll be fine. Did gav bring you your jelly beans?"
"He told you?"
"Yeah. And I think it's sweet. Is that what he came to bring you."
"And a dinosaur. Called him Tommy."
"We can see Tommy the Dino later. Why don't ya have a little nap before the boys get here?"
"You want a kiss before you go to sleep." I shot up making him giggle a little "Someone's eager" he said before gently cupping my face and kissing my lips shortly "Go on princess. Get some sleep."
"Wake me up so I don't miss pizza." He found this funny and shook his head as he grinned
"I can't guarantee I will. You look so cute when you sleep."
"Whatever. Just save me some" I mumbled before falling back down onto him and closing my eyes

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