twenty four

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The crowd outside was horrid. I was trying to get through to get to the tour bus. They didn't wanna see me. And right now I didn't wanna see them. Tom was slightly ahead and before I knew it I was alone and panicking. I started to feel unsteady and sick, a panic attack coming along as I had experienced time and time again. My footing became unsteady and I started to feel faint. But just as I started to stumble I saw Tom come towards me
"I'm gonna take you inside okay?" I didn't have the energy to refuse so I just put my arms up in hopes he'd pick me up "Alright. Cmon Luce." I clung tightly to him when he picked me up and hearing him sigh with relief both hurt and calmed me. I was still close to fainting though so I tried to close my eyes and get back to normal
"Tommy. I'm gonna pass out." I mumbled, close enough to his ear for him to hear me clearly
"you're safe. It's okay I got you."
"But I'm scared I don't like it i-"
"Shhh." I could tell me were approaching the tour bus but it all got a little hazy "It's alright baby" he said softly. That was the last thing I heard before I was out cold.

I opened my eyes to see Dom looking down at me
"There we go. Was starting to panic there bubs." He squatted down and brushed my hair out of my face "Feeling alright? Tom said you were scared." I nodded
"It felt fucking horrid. I knew I was gonna pass out and everything. Never been that bad before."
"You good to sit up for me? You need some water and to eat something so I know you're okay." I smiled at how soft he was being "Lucy?"
"Uh yeah. I think so." I sat up a little too quickly at first
"Hey. Calm down. Not a fucking race Yknow." I chuckled at him "Good to see ya smiling. Good job our Tommy got your back too."
"Where is he?" He looked over at the other side of the room and I saw Adam give him the same look back
"Sweetheart he'll be back soon yeah." Adam said, trying to de-escalate the situation before I got panicked again
"Where is he?" I repeated, knowing I wasn't gonna get much of an answer if I didn't press for it. Dom walked over to grab me a bottle of water and a packet of crisps before walking back without a word
"Eat them. And drink that." He held them both out for me but I just gave him a look that made him cave "We don't know where Tom has gone. But he did tell us to tell you that he will be back before you go to sleep. Yknow, so you can sleep soundly knowing he's okay." I nodded and took the things he passed over "please eat okay. I know it's something small but you need something after passing out like that. Okay?"
"Feel like a kid. I told him to stop treating me like I was so fragile and here I am letting you guys baby me." He sighed "Will you come sit with me?"
"Of course kid." he sat down beside me and put an arm around my waist "If this tour is too much you can-"
"No. I'm gonna make everyone proud. Make em' love me." He chuckled
"You wanna call Tom?" I shook my head
"He needs time. I'm sure he'll be alright" I wasn't sure. In fact I had every possible negative scenario running through my mind in that moment. But Dom seemed peaceful so I let him think that I was too. Because after all, ignorance is bliss.

"I know I did wrong Gav I don't need you to fucking go on at me" he stopped his rant and seemed to pick up on the fact I was upset
"You really fucking care about her don't you?"
"Yeah. Of course I do. She's just so fucking hurt and I always seem to make it worse for her." I set the phone down on the pavement so he wouldn't see me actually cry "I love her Gavin."
"I know you do. I never doubted you for a second. She just needs someone to understand her and-"
"That is me."
"Hold on. I never said it wasn't. I'm trying to calm you down here tom."
"I'm sorry." I picked the phone back up to check the time "I've gotta get back. I promised Lucy I'd be back before she goes to sleep." He smiled at me
"She's lucky to have you."
"No she's not. I've done nothing but fuck it up."
"Tom. After her ex I thought that nobody would ever be good enough for her. Because I wanted no one to ever hurt her like that again. But she adores you. She won't talk to anyone, especially guys, but she loves you."
"I wish her dad was here. So he could give me his blessing. Tell me I'm doing good."
"Tom, you are doing good. Just go back and talk to her."
"I don't know Gav."
"I do. Now I've got to go but you better look after her alright. Or Gav is gonna get ya." I chuckled slightly, still feeling a bit emotional
"See ya."
"Bye." He ended the call and I learnt back against the wall, taking a deep breath
"He's a sweet guy." I jumped, hitting my head of the wall because I bounced that quickly "Shit. Sorry." I rubbed it but was ultimately fine
"Why are you out here alone. It's dark baby it's not safe." She pointed behind her to the tour bus
"You're not that far."
"It's still not safe. Why did Dom let you come out here."
"He didn't. He's asleep. So is Adam. It's so deadly silent I heard you talking from in there."
"Cmon. Go back. You need sleep." She shook her head "What?"
"You need to come inside. I'm tired. And you said you would be back before I went to sleep. So come inside." I nodded "Come on. There's a hot water bottle in your bunk for you." She didn't say anything else, she just walked inside leaving me confused on the ground for a moment. She stopped at the entrance to the bus though "You fucking coming or not?"

Lucy's POV
"Luce. Are you mad at me?" I didn't answer him. I knew the answer, don't get me wrong, but I had lots of things to work out for myself. Like why I acted out like that. I mean, I did act out when he pushed me off the bed but I forgave him. I wanted to forgive him right now. But I didn't want to take him back if I was going through too much myself. I got into my bunk and I heard him get into his, wishing I'd just given in and gone up with him "Did you give me the hot water bottle?" I smiled, he was bringing it up and I was happy with that
"Yeah. It's cold at night."
"Thanks. It's helping. It was fucking freezing."
"Well I wouldn't want ya to freeze."
"Are you gonna sleep fine on your own?" I thought about it for a second "You wanna come up here baby?"
"No. And I'm not your baby. And I don't wanna be with you. Just go to sleep Tom."

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