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"ready to go princess?" Tom asked kissing just below my ear to wake me up "We have to go back to the hotel."
"I don't wanna get up" I whined opening my eyes anyway and sitting up so he didn't get on my case "Gavin. Wake up. Toms come to fetch me." Tom chuckled but Gavin groaned when I'd finally woken him up "You alright sleeping beauty" he tried a few times to move his hand until eventually he found my face and pushed me back with it
"Fuck off."
"Well I'm going back to the hotel. So you're gonna be alone." He shrugged and went back to sleep
"You should probably-"
"Let him sleep a tiny bit. He literally never sleeps. Always working."
"Made up then?" Tom asked kissing my forehead "I love you but I'm glad I got to go and take photos. They were sick."
"Will you show me later? I'm probably not gonna sleep for a while."
"Yeah sure. Uh Jesse said something to me and I kind of wanted to bring it up with you." I nodded at him before moving to gather the small amount of belongings that were about the room "They've gone out on a little date by the way"
"Just get on with what you needed to tell me."
"She said she thought you didn't like her. And that you were all over Dom. Like you fancy him or sommet."
"Well that's stupid. I don't fancy Dom. And I don't have an opinion on her. She just never made an effort."
"But, like, do you think Dom's hot?" This made me stop what I was doing and turn fully to face him
"This ain't about Jesse at all is it honey?" He shrugged and looked anywhere but into my eyes. He then started gathering the little makeup bits from the dressing table to distract himself though it was only a few seconds after I'd posed the question to him "Do you worry that I'm gonna leave you for Dom?"
"Can we talk about this later?"
"Sure. But you gotta promise we actually do talk about it."
"I promise."
"Good. Now hand me the makeup and wake Gavin from his slumber. He needs to get up and out of here."
"Why do I have to do it?" He complained laughing a little and I smiled knowing I at least had some of the happy him back for a second
"Because you love me and would do anything for me."
"Well played Luce. I'll get you back for that"
"I'd love to see you fucking try."

"You gonna talk to me now?" I asked once I'd gotten out of the hotel shower. I got no response so I walked over and grabbed the phone out of his hand, straddling his lap so there was no way he couldn't look at me as I spoke to him "Are you scared cus if what Jesse said?"
"Kind of. Like, Dom's the one everyone knows. And you're with me. So maybe there's a chance-"
"There isn't a single chance that id leave you for Dom. Not one. He's happy with her and I'm happy with you."
"But-" I cut him off by kissing him softly and pulling away after a few seconds since he didn't seem to kiss back. That worried me
"Shit. Should have asked."
"No. I liked that. It's just that your kissing me to prove something. Not because you want to."
"I was actually kissing you so you'd shut your mouth and stop doubting yourself." I said smiling and kissing his cheek instead "But I really wanted to. I don't do anything, or anyone, I don't want to."
"But it don't feel right that you kissed me just now."
"You want me to kiss you?"
"Just...promise me it's because you want to." I tilted his chin up and put my other hand on his cheek
"I promise Tom. I want to kiss you. And I've wanted to all day I was just being watched like a hawk by literally everyone." He smiled and was surprisingly the one to kiss me "Only you" I mumbled into it
"I know." He moved away from my lips to kiss down my jaw "Can I?" He asked tracing his fingers down my neck
"Fuck" I whispered at the weird feeling it gave me. That made him smirk "I-I mean yeah. If you want."
"You sure?" He pulled away and looked a little concerned "You seem nervous."
"Haven't done this since I was like fifteen."
"Wow. Jason really screwed you."
"No. He didn't screw me enough. That's the problem. He kind of stopped caring about if I liked it once we were together for around a year."
"Can I? Or do you wanna stop?"
"No. You can. You're probably better than him anyway. Felt like he was about to eat me whole whenever he kissed my neck."
"Don't worry darlin'. It'll feel good." He moved his lips back down and started leaving soft kisses down from my jaw to my neck "You alright?"
"Yeah" he kissed my neck a few times until I gasped loudly
"Right there?"
"Right fucking there." My voice went up in pitch as he slowly started sucking my skin making me bite my lip as he no doubt left a hickey. I couldn't hold it any longer and let out a quiet moan, causing him to let out a noise in return. He lightly bit down on the smooth skin before pulling away and tracing the mark using his finger with a proud smirk on his face. I was still breathless however and wanted nothing more than that again.
"You enjoy that?" He asked "Cause that noise you made was so fucking good." He moved in to kiss my lips again, only quickly though before sitting back against the headboard of the bed and holding my hips firmly
"It felt so good. It's been so long since I've...Yknow, felt good."
"That's the point."
"I want more. Is that bad?"
"Nothing bad in wanting to feel good." He sat up and I expected him to kiss me again but he instead flipped me over so he was on top and I was looking up at him "You want me to kiss you?" I nodded and he balanced his arms either side of my head to prop himself up before kissing me. He intended for it to be soft but I gripped the back of his head and slipped my tongue into his mouth
"Fucking hell" he spoke into the kiss "Needy much?"
"Shut up" I pushed his face Futher into mine and he took on the challenge, kissing me back with just as much force. He slowly got more comfortable and he pushed his hips to meet mine, making me feel exactly how good he felt. I moved me hands down to the button on his pants but he immediately stopped kissing me
"No" he scolded, pulling my hands away with one of his
"But I want to"
"Baby you're fucking shaking. You don't want to."
"You definitely want to." I said looking down at his pants though he already knew what I was talking about
"And you don't."
"But what are you gonna do about it" he chuckled
"It?" He asked
"Shut up tom" he rolled off of me and sat up
"I have my hands. I can deal with 'it' later. But me getting turned on is not a fucking reason for you to feel like you have to do that okay?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry. Was going good too and I had to ruin it." He leaned over and kisses my forehead
"You didn't ruin nothing. I'm gonna go get a shower and get ready for bed then we can get cuddled up yeah?"
"I really wouldn't mind if-"
"No. I don't wanna fuck you. Not right now."
"But we're on the road for ages and what if you decide you can't wait. Then you'll get mad at me and get bored."
"Don't be stupid. I could never get bored of you." He stood up and leaned down to press another kiss to my forehead "Stay here while I go shower then we can cuddle" I started to tear up a little
"I'm sorry" I said trying not to start crying
"Don't cry sweetheart. I'll be right back okay. I promise?" He wiped my tears and I nodded "Just wait right there."
"Okay." I said smiling at him cus the way he was looking down at me made me smile back "I love you"
"You too. I'll be back in a minute."

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