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"hi guys." Dom said brightly, taking a seat beside me and raising an eyebrow at the way my hoodie was pulled up around my neck in a weird way. He waited for the boys to talk before mentioning it though "Good night?"
"Something like that. Have you got any concealer. Just so they don't all pick it out in photos and make it weird. Mine ran out."
"Yeah. There's some up in my room. We can go get it now if you want?"
"How you gonna get out of this one?" He turned to the boys
"Uh do you mind if I go get the cases. Lucy can help me. We've got some stuff to go over anyway and I wanna show here all the tweets the BHC have been saying about her"
"Do you wanna go?" Tom asked. I nodded and he shrugged "Go then. You've eaten enough so I don't have to worry about you. Just be back down in time for the bus okay?"
"Okay" I stood up and kissed him before nodding towards the lift "cmon dick head we've got stuff to do."
"Don't talk to him like that" Jesse said making me roll my eyes
"I'll talk to him however I please. Sit down" she didn't seem prepared for my response and rolled her eyes back at me. Tom and Adam on the other hand, who'd clearly been more tuned in to her jealousy, were trying desperately to not laugh. Dom took me by the hand and guided me off into the lift before saying anything "You mad?"
"No. She's been getting at you for days. Getting on my nerves."
"Don't be mad at her. She's just jealous cus someone else could threaten what you guys have."
"But you wouldn't."
"But I could. Doesn't matter if I am going to or not. She doesn't know that." He still had hold of my hand and his grip went a little tighter "You worried?"
"Kind of. I love her Yknow. I'd hate for this to come between us."
"I could go home?" His brows furrowed as he looked down at me
"No. You will fucking not. I'm sure she will be fine. She's gonna be going home soon anyway" the lift dinged and he walked back to his hotel room "Do you have your room key?"
"Yeah" I pulled it out of my pocket
"Good. Come in. I actually do want to show you those tweets too. Since Gavin said you don't have Twitter cus you hate it."
"Horrible." I sat down on the bed and watched him rummage about in a small pink makeup bag
"Here." He held up the concealer and a small sponge and sat down next to me "Can I?" I pulled the hoodie down and revealed the mess "Wow. He has control. I don't think I could stop at just one." He chuckled to himself "But then again. Mine are never where they can be seen."
"Dominic" I shrieked, making him laugh "I don't need to hear about that."
"Yknow. Future reference. You might. What if you want Tom to do that to you" the sponge tickled as he blended it out before handing me a small compact
"Wow. You're fucking pro at this."
"Damn right I am. I have to hide mine all the time. A guy once left three and they were so obvious I went through so much concealer trying to cover them."
"How can you so openly talk about sex?"
"Dunno. It's not shameful. Sex ain't no sin. Am I making you feel uncomfortable?"
"No. It's good. Makes me feel like I could come to you if I needed help."
"About sex?"
"Well yeah. But I meant about anything. There's no shame. I could tell you I've slept with three guys in one night and you'd be alright with it."
"Yeah. That's important." He pulled his phone out of his pocket "Anyway. Enough of that talk. Let's see what they're saying. Cus they fucking love you."

"What's that?" Jesse said as I wiped off the makeup Dom had put on since we'd passed most of the fans and photographers
"A hickey." She walked over to Dom as I scooted up closer to Tom knowing he would be the only one to stop me from fighting her. She whispered something to him but after she said it his brows furrowed and he stood up from where he was leant against the side of the bunks
"What? No! Why'd you think I'd give Lucy a hickey. I'm with you!"
"I don't know! But she was wiping makeup off after coming back from your room!"
"Tom gave it to her! Yknow, the one she's in a relationship with!" I curled up, resting my chin on my knees and resisting even Tom's attempts to comfort me. It was making me feel a little sick now at how much I'd just screwed up. But surely she wasn't stupid enough to think that I would wipe makeup of a hickey her boyfriend gave me.
"Please, They've known each other less than a few weeks!"
"Fuck off Jesse." Dom mumbled noticing how it was scaring me a little that I'd caused a fight "I can't deal with this right now"
"Yes you can! You've taken me with you and she's all over you like a fucking bad smell!"
"No she's not! She's not gone near me! And she quite rightfully snapped at you earlier because you were being sensitive! I told you there's nothing going on and you still don't believe me!"
"Dom I'm sorry"
"Go home Jess. Just get up and go home because we can't stay together on tour if this is gonna be a problem" I went to go and sort it out but tom pulled me back and onto his lap
"Please. He's just left her cus of me. I need to sort it." They were still arguing though I wasn't focussed on it anymore. I did hear my name but I chose to ignore it
"No you don't. If Dom was that mad he'd send you home. Let it be" I turned so my legs were across him and drowned out whatever noise was going on from the two of them arguing "It'll die down soon. They never argue long" I found the last words comforting because at least I knew I hadn't caused something that wasn't normal. They'd done it before. Like couples do I guess.

Dom went off in a mood after the fight. We were stuck until he came back and I was beginning to get slightly worried about him. There was time to make it there, it just meant less time to actually explore before the show. But that wasn't my problem. I had insisted I was okay when Tom went with Adam to get us something to eat. And even the driver asked if I was okay before he went out too. He left around ten minutes ago and so I knew he would be a while before he came back. I sat in much the same position as earlier on, except one arm was around my knees and my other hand was the one I was biting my nails on. I was just staring at the floor nervous, hoping Dom would be okay. I'd grown fond of him and I knew everyone else was fine. Including Jesse who took a cab back to wherever she needed to, looking like she was about to cry. I noticed a pair of legs crowd into the space Infront of me, and soon enough a firm grip on my wrist to stop me biting my nails
"Don't do that love. Fucks your nails up." I shrugged and went to pull it back but he instead moved his hand further down to hold it "I'm alright. See?" I looked up at him still not moving my legs, just my head so I could see his face
"I'm sorry. Should have waited."
"That wasn't your fault. And me and Jesse spoke about it and made up. Though I'm still annoyed she treated you like that. It wasn't her fault like you said earlier"
"Good." I said moving my chin back down "Guess I'll fuck off now I know you're alright" I put my legs down and stood up
"You were really that worried something had happened to me?" I shrugged again "Tough one to crack you kid."
"That's the point. Then no one can get inside. And fucking break me. I do love. I promise. A lot Gavin says."
"Come on. Sit down with me. We can talk? Or not?"
"Not." I mumbled
"Okay" he sat down and pulled me back down next to him by my hand "Then we can just sit in silence"
"I can go home. If she's gonna be jealous. I know it's not her fault but I wouldn't want to ruin something good."
"You stay here. With all of us. And make everyone proud yeah? Me and Jesse will argue. And sometimes I'm the insecure one when it comes to people being around her. But that's not anyone's fault alright?" I nodded and looked down at my chipped nail polish "I could paint them if you like?" I smiled and nodded "I'll go get it. I can paint them black like you've got. Or pink? Pretty sure that's all I've got."
"You choose. I like your style. I trust you" he smiled and let go of my hand to stand up "I'll be right back"

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