Of Course (Draco Malfoy)

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Chuckling, I glance up at my twin brother, Harry, and his lanky, red headed friend, Ron. They had once again failed at creating their potion. Honestly, I have no idea what the two of them are doing in this class. They've never really had an affinity for potions.

My gaze turns back to my own potion, Hermione deftly adding the last ingredient as I stir.

"They're idiots, honestly." she says attempting to soothe her hair, curls now frizzed beyond belief due to the steam billowing out of our cauldron.

"Hmm... yes." I glance at them, but quickly turn back to our thin mixture. My eyes shift to her, knowingly looking at her through my lashes. "But you still love that ginger." Her eyes widen as she fills a vial with our finished product to give to professor Slughorn.

"Hush!" Her voice barely even a whisper. "Or do you want me to tell your brother who you're in love with?" I laugh and roll my eyes, knowing she'd never do that.

"Hand in your products and clean your stations if you haven't already!" Slughorn announces. Hermione takes our potion and gives it to the portly man while I begin to clean up.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this." I smile at her as she gathers her belongings.

"Mhm. Don't get caught." She trills as she walks by me.

"Goodbye, Hermione." I push her out of the room and go back to cleaning the cauldron. Slowly but surely, all of the students file out until the only ones left are Harry, Ron, Slughorn, Draco and myself.

"(Y/n), are you coming?" My brother asks from the doorway.

"I'm still cleaning. I'll meet up with you later."


"Bye, (y/n)."

"Bye Ronniekins." I giggle as he turns as red as his hair and drags Harry away from the room. He really is quite the odd lad.

"(Y/n), be a dear and close the door behind you when you leave? I've got a very important meeting to get to and you know how vital it is to be punctual."

"Yes, sir. Of course I will." I hear Draco chuckle to the left of me but I elect to ignore him for the time being.

"Thank you!" He rushes out of the room, probably off to do something shady, but I really don't care. The only thing I care about are the arms wrapping around my waist and spinning me around. I come with the blond haired, blue eyed boy.

"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to hold you lately." He says as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I know... I know. We just can't risk Harry finding out."

"Hmm... I know. It's okay." he nudges my nose with his own, both of us closing our eyes. "I love you." Smiling, I hum happily.

"I love you, too." His breath washes over my lips as he inches closer, my head tilting back and lips parting. My heart is fluttering, goosebumps erupting on my skin. Our lips are just about to meet, the anticipation killing me.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?!?"


Draco and I snap our gazes to the door, where stands a confused, and very angry, Harry. Before either of us can react, he's stormed over to U.S. and tries to pull me away, yanking me by the arm and causing me to yelp in pain. Draco's grip has tightened around me, forcing me into his chest. When I look up at him, I see he's glaring at Harry, almost ready to rip his head off for hurting me.

"Get your dirty little hands off of my sister, Malfoy." Harry grinds out through gritted teeth, eyes narrowing at that taller boy.

"I believe she quite likes my hands on her, Potter." Draco spits back on retaliation. His nose is curled in a snarl and his eyes are shooting daggers at my brother. Harry quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wand, aiming it directly at Draco's head.

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