Protector (SPN)

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It's always the nice dreams that you get woken up from, of course. I was hanging out with Bobby. It was a quiet winter night, a few days before Christmas. The boys had locked themselves up in a room to wrap our presents and Bobby and I were joking about how shitty their wrapping job would be while sharing a couple beers. It was all so peaceful, and yet I was jolted awake by... myself? Looking around the dark room, I find that I'm the only one in it and I begin to wonder how how on earth I could've woken myself up so violently, when suddenly there's a loud bang and some shouting coming from down the hall. Ah, so that's what woke me up. Curiosity gets the better of me, and despite my woozy head, I force myself to stand and exit the room, clinging to the hallway walls and I move closer to the source of the noise.

"Dammit Cas! You know where it is!" Where what is? Why is Dean yelling at Cas? What the hell is going on? "(Y/N) is in there passed out on her bed, she looks as white as a fucking ghost, and all you can tell me is 'It's Safe'?! You've got to be kidding me!"

"He's got a point Cas. I mean, if we're going to be tortured for knowing where the tablet is, we may as well actually know where it is." Sam's interjection causes my brain to jolt into overdrive. The fog lifts from my memory and all of the past day's events come rushing back to me. Crowley, the tablet, Cas. Almost dying. Everything.

"You don't understand. It's better if you don't know where it is. Crowley, Naomi, everyone expects you to know where it is. As long as you don't, you'll be safe, and so will it."

"SAFE?! You gotta be fucking kidding me. (Y/N) almost DIED. We won't be 'safe' either way. The only reason she's still breathing is because you showed up. What if you don't next time, huh? What if she ends up dead because you couldn't bother to be there to save her? What would be the point of keeping it from us then?!" At this point, I had wandered into the doorway and saw Dean right in Cas' face, with Sam right beside him and Kevin quietly sitting at the table, just watching. Enough is enough. Pushing myself forward a bit, I manage to grasp onto the railing at the top of the stairs. Kevin being the first to notice me, he rushes up to meet me, wrapping his arm around my waist to help steady me. By the time we reach the floor of the bunker library, Dean meets me and holds up my other side, helping to bring me to the chair that Sam pulled out. All of them are watching me, but Cas just stares at he floor. "How ya feeling sweetheart?"

"Fine, I guess, all things considered. A little lightheaded, though." The boys chuckled at this, a grim, ironic sort of laugh, with small smiles on their faces that just beam their relief that I'm alive, cause that's all that matters. Everything else we can fix.

"Well, we expected that. You lost a hell of a lot of blood last night." Sam says, keeping his eyes on me, as though he's scared that if he looks away for a second, I'll disappear.

"You should eat. I'll go whip something up." Dean pats my leg as he stands from his kneeling position in front of me, and heads to the kitchen, no doubt to get pie. I laugh a little as I watch him go, and when I look back to Sam and Kevin, they're smiling at me like idiots.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Sam outright laughs at this.

"No, no. It's just... it's good to hear you laugh. To be honest, I was a little worried that... that we'd..."

"It's okay Sammy. I know what you mean. But hey, Cas saved me, you and Dean saved me, and I know that you always will. So don't worry, okay?" Sam sighs a little, sending his patented bitchface to the back of Cas' head before looking back to me, a tight-lipped smile on his face.

"Yeah." That's all he says before he stands from his chair, kissing my forehead then heading to the kitchen as well. The silence that ensues is almost deafening, and I know that I need to talk to a certain angel, so I turn to Kevin, noticing just how exhausted he looks.

"Hey, Kev." He looks up at me then, smiling in the way that only he can, making me feel like everything's gonna be okay.

"Hey." I reach across the table and gently hold his hand, giving it a light squeeze. "I'm really glad you're okay. It seems like you're the only sane one here I'm not sure what I'd do without you." A small chuckle escapes my throat before I respond.

"Dear, I am far from sane. I hunt monsters for a living. What kind of sane person does that? I appreciate the sentiment, though. Listen, you look more tired now than you did when you were hiding from Crowley all the time. Why don't you go get some rest?" He begins to protest, but I put my hand up. "I promise, I'll be here when you wake up." With a small sigh and a nod, he finally concedes.

"Alright." Rounding the table, he stops in front of me, bending over and gently wrapping his arms around me in a light embrace before he heads up the stairs and down the same hallway I had come from. Once he's out of sight, I look to the dark haired man standing in front of me. His back is to me, and though his trench coat hides his form very well, I can still see that his shoulders are hunched over, his head hung low. He looks almost defeated.

"Cas..." He does t even flinch, standing as still as a statue. "Cas, please, look at me." With this, he turns around. His brilliant blue eyes look at me with the saddest look I've ever seen them hold. In truth, he almost looks like he's about to cry. "Cas, what's wrong? Look at me, I'm fine aside from being a bit exhausted. You saved me, there's no reason for you to be upset."

"Dean is right (Y/N). What if I don't make it next time? What if I'm too late to save you? What if you die? What would be the point in me hiding the tablet then? I'm only trying to protect you all."

"Hey, Cas, I know that." I stand then, a little wobbly at first, but I manage to make my way over to him and put a hand on his shoulder to stabilize myself. I give him the most reassuring smile I can muster, not letting him avoid my gaze. "Dean, Sam, Kevin, we all know that. You're doing what you think is right. And I know that you'll always be there to help us when we need you. There isn't a doubt in my mind about that." He smiles his adorable smile back at me, reaching out to hold my waist as I begin to get a little more lightheaded, settling me back into my chair and standing in front of me, still meeting my eyes. Just then, Sam and Dean renter the room, both carrying plates and bowls packed to the brim with food, settling them on the table and managing not to spill anything. I laugh at their eagerness for me to eat, looking at the piles of food and knowing that I'll be lucky if I can eat even half of it, before looking back at the angel. "Now, what do you say you tell us where that tablet is?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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