Torture (Sam and Dean Winchester)

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A/N: Once again, you are the boys' younger sister. Enjoy Loves!


"Wake up, sweetheart..." That voice... it's so familiar... where do I know it from? "Come on... I know you're awake... open your eyes..." I'm not really sure if I should... for some reason I don't trust this mysterious person... "I said..."


"Wake up." The noise resounds through the room, telling me that wherever we are, it's underground. My face stings, and I try to bring my hand up to rub it, but I only succeed in pulling at the heavy metal that has my arms strapped to a chair. Seeing as I can't feel the lower half of my body, I can only assume that I've been sitting for quite some time. "In the future it would be wise to listen to me." After blinking a few times, his black hair and brown eyes come into focus. Crowley.

"What the hell do you want?"

"Oh, now is that any way to treat the one..." he turns around to face the little table about a foot away from me. I can hear metal clanking, then he turns around, something in his hand glinting in the faint light, "holding the knife?"

My heart begins to beat rapidly in my chest as he creeps closer. He places the flat part of the blade under my chin and presses, forcing me to meet his gaze.

"You're going to tell me everything that I need to know," the cold metal moves to my face, grazing my cheek, "or I'm going to have to put some scars on this pretty little face of yours." I glare at him then, spitting in his face as response. Rather than getting angry, he backs away, bringing up his handkerchief and wiping away the fluids. He sighs once before coming back. "Let's try this again, shall we? And next time, I won't be so forgiving."

As if to punctuate his words, he slices a small, shallow line from my cheek to my jaw.

"Where's the tablet?"

"I don't have any idea what you're talking about." This time, the cut is deeper, blood flowing over my cheek and down my chin. This goes on for hours, he asking where the tablet is and me responding with various levels of sarcasm, until I'm left bloody and bruised, and damn near broken. A small noise outside draws his attention away. He points to two burly demons, signaling for them to go check it out, before turning back to me.

"Sweetheart, we could go all night, you'll only get hurt worse. Just tell me."

"Never in your wildest dream." Crowley shakes his head, moving the knife to an empty spot on my forehead. Before he can press the metal into my skin, a loud crash just outside the door sends him flying behind me, putting the iron to my throat. The door flies open, and my tow brothers burst in, Sam holding his gun up to his face and Dean wielding his demon blade. They look frantic and scared, and pissed off. Every one of these intensifies by ten when they see the state I'm in.

"Crowley, you son of a bitch! What the hell did you do to her?!" Dean shouts, not moving for fear of Crowley hurting me further.

"Oh, just chatting. She's had such nice things to say." He presses the knife to my throat harder, effectively cutting off my air supply.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" My eyes water and the only sound I can muster is a low gurgling noise. "Crowley!" Sam readjusts his pistol, stepping forward a few paces, which only causes the King of Hell to tighten his hold further, breaking the skin.

"Ah, ah, ah Moose. One step more and I slice her throat."

"Dammit Crowley, what do you want?!" Dean's outburst causes him to jump, wedging the blade further into my skin.

"Well, boys," he says, quickly regaining his composure, "I want the tablet."

"We don't know where it is. We're looking for it, just like you."

"Best not to lie, boys."

"They're telling the truth."

"Castiel, you handsome devil. Where did you come from?"

"Let her go, Crowley."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because she's an innocent."

"Oh, my dear, she is anything but innocent."

"Let. Her. Go." As he says this, a source of light starts up around him, his eyes glowing and his wings shadowed on the wall behind him.

"Oh, now honestly. Do you really think that trick is going to scare me? Sure, you can get it up. But can you keep it up?" The taunt seems to spur Cas on, the light intensifying by ten. My eyes start to water and I hear Crowley scream, then there's a sharp pain in my throat and the boys are surrounding me. The light is gone, and so is my captor, the knife discarded to the ground, but not before he slit my throat. The warm blood rushes down my body, coating my skin and soaking my clothes. I can vaguely hear Dean yelling something to Cas about helping me, and Sam's hands are on my throat, a rag pressed to my wound to try and stop the bleeding. Then there's a hand on my forehead and, right before I black out, I feel my wounds heal themselves. I'm going to be okay. My boys have got me, and I'm going to be just fine.

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