Shower (Rick Grimes)

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A/N: this is a continuation of the first Rick Imagine. Enjoy!


Running my hands over my face, I let the water run over me, bouncing on my shoulders and cascading down my sides. I am so beyond thankful that we have running water. Before Rick found us, Meagan and I hadn't bathed in nearly two months. Now, we bathe at least once every two days. It's so great to see my little girl get so excited over little things like that.

A small noise from the other side of the room causes me to stand still, waiting for any distinguishing sounds. My hand automatically reaches for my knife, but relaxes when I see a very tired Rick closing the door behind him. Turning around, I pretend that I haven't noticed him, continuing to just enjoy the water, until I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my middle. His lips press to my shoulder and I hum contentedly as I relax against him.

"You know, you really should look to see who it is before you relax so much. What if it had been Daryl? I've seen the way he looks at you. It wouldn't surprise me if he did do something like this." I chuckle at that, turning in his arms to face him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Oh? And what if he did?"

"I would have to kick his ass." Judging by the look on his face, he's dead serious.

"Well, luckily you have nothing to worry about. Even if he did have feelings for me, he's enough of a gentleman that he wouldn't do anything that I'm not comfortable with." My hand moves to his face, tracing the light dusting of stubble along his jaw. "And besides, I know your smell. It's very distinct. I'd know it was you from a mile away." This time it's his turn to laugh. He leans down and presses a light kiss on my lips before reaching around and grabbing the bottle of shampoo. "Where's Meagan?"

"Sleeping. I left her with Carl." His hands begin to massage my scalp in a smooth, steady rhythm. My eyes slip closed as I enjoy the feeling. When he's satisfied that my head is clean, he leans me back, running his hands through my hair to rid it of the soap. Peaking my eyes open, I watch him as his attention shifts from my head, to my face, to my neck, as far down as he can until his eyes fall on our hips, pressed together.

Then he lifts me up, pulling my chest flush with his as his hands roam around my body, his fingers digging in occasionally. Looking up at his face, I'm greeted with a look of pure love.

"You're so beautiful." His whispered words meet my ears and my heart skips a beat. Trailing my hands up his chest, smooth from the flowing water, and lacing my fingers into his hair, I pull his face to mine and press our lips together in a sweet embrace. It doesn't stay like that for long, though. Rick growls, low in his throat, and bites my lip, walking us backwards to the wall. Lifting me up, he holds me there with his hips as his hands grip my thighs, guiding them into place. The only thing that I have time to do before he starts is put my hand over my mouth to muffle my moans.

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