George Imagine

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I sit at my solitary table, looking through the pictures I had taken that day, my (e/c) eyes scanning over each one. Hogsmeade is really a beautiful place. There are so many places to visit and I've only covered about half of them. Standing, I brush my (h/c) hair behind my ear and push in my chair, readjusting my flannelette shirt over my band tee. It isn't often I get to dress like this, and I absolutely love it. It's so much more comfortable than those stuffy uniforms they make us wear.

Leaving the crowded bar, I step outside into the brisk spring air, heading up toward the hill to try and get a wide shot of the town. It's peaceful, and quiet for a change. I should come up here more often. I lift my camera to my eye, a rare thing that I was allowed to keep because of its simple nature, and am just about to snap the picture when a voice calls out from behind me.

"(Y/N)! What're you doing all the way up hear?" Turning around, I see George running toward me, which is odd because Fred isn't with him. Before I have a chance to ask, he registers the confused look on my face , answering my unspoken question. "Fred's down there somewhere with Angelina. I figured I'd give them some alone time. Then I saw you coming up here, and I thought, well why not! So, what are you doing up here?"

"Taking a picture." I gesture toward my camera, bringing his attention to it. He reaches towards it and I pull back, removing it from his grasp.

"Let me see!" He moves closer, trying to grab it, but I only move back further, hiding it behind my back.

"No!" I say, laughing as he smiles at me. He comes closer, laughing as he does and raising his eyebrows, giving him a look of incredulity.

"Do you honestly think I'm going to give up? I'm pretty sure I can get it away from you."

"Oh, I'd like to see you try!" As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret them. My eyes widen as he closes the space between us, bringing his hands up to my sides and wiggling his fingers gently. I squirm under his touch, laughing out and trying my best to get away from him, but he just follows until my back is against a tree and I'm practically gasping for air. "George... George, please! Stop!"

"Surrender the camera."

"Fine! Fine." I pull it out from behind my back and place it in his outstretched hand. As he scrolls through the pictures, he remains only inches from me, his chest brushing against mine every time one of us takes a breath. His eyes seem to sparkle when he reaches the last photo, him looking up at me and smiling.

"These are really great! Why would you not want to show them?!" He asks, his breath brushing across my face.

"I... I don't know. Can I get my camera back?" I reach out for it, but just before my fingers brush the black surface, he pulls it back and hooks a finger under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eye.

"Only if I get some form of payment."

"And what, pray tell, did you have in mind?" My voice is breathy and thin in anticipation of what he's going to say.

"I think you know." He says, just before leaning down and locking our lips. The kiss is short, and sweet, and simple, and completely mind blowing. When we break it, George looks at me, placing his forehead on mine and looking into my eyes. "We'll have to come up here more often."

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