Supernatural Imagine

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A/N: You are Sam and Dean's sister. Enjoy!


"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!"

"What Dean?"

"DON'T wander off like that! If you wanna be a part of this hunt, you follow my rules." He stomps his way over to me and shoves his finger in my face.

"What rules? You never laid down any rules." I say as I slap his digit away.
He's going to be like this for the whole hunt. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for being Sam and Dean Winchester's younger sister.

"Yeah, well..." ooh, he's floundering for words. This should be good. "I'm laying them down now. And the first rule is not to wander off. Now come on. We've got a werewolf to kill."

"Fine, fine." Walking after the two into the woods I get a strange sensation of being followed, but I decide to brush it off as first timers paranoia. When we get far enough into the woods that the moon is hard to see through the branches, Sam pulls his gun out, and signals for me to do the same, but before I can even wrap my fingers around the handle, a pair of rather large arms wrap around me, pulling me backwards while simultaneously putting a rag over my mouth and nose. In seconds I'm out.

When I finally wake up, I'm tied to a chair in a dusty old shed. The only decoration is a tatterd rag draped over the only window. Based on the amount of light filtering through the holes, I've only been out for a couple of hours. I start to pull and strain at my bindings, trying my best to get free. If I could only get to my knife...

A rustling outside makes me freeze, trying my best to hear something else. Heavy footsteps land on the wood just in front of the door, running, and before I can register what's happening, a burly man busts through the door, heading straight for me with a manic look on his face. He presses a blade to my throat, gripping my hair and yanking my head back to get a clear shot at my jugular. Only seconds later, Sam and Dean come into sight, shock crossing their faces when they see the situation that I'm in.

"Sam! Dean!"

"Shut it, you!" The man punctuates his order by tugging on my hair and pressing the blade closer.

"Hey! Hey, you don't get to tell her what to do!" Dean shouts at him, readjusting his gun and inching closer.

"Are you okay,(Y/N)?" Sam shifts his attention away from my captor for long enough to see my small nod.

"You are going to let her go, and maybe, just maybe, I'll think about letting you go."

"No, you see, that isn't how this works. I think that you're going to lower your guns and let me walk out of here, or I'll slit her pretty little throat open."

"No dice." Dean's tone seems to suggest that there is no more discussing. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go down. You're gonna take that knife away from my baby sister's throat, then you're gonna back away, real slow, and then if you're lucky we'll think about letting you go."

The man growls, seeming to weigh his options. Eventually, his knife comes closer to my throat and breaks the skin, signaling his choice as a line of blood trails down my neck.


"You bastard!" Dean shouts, just before a blast rings out and the cold metal falls away from me and onto the floor. Dean runs around behind me, untying my hands, while Sam comes up to me, grabbing my face in his hands and looking at me with those big, worried eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" All I can do is nod, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. I almost died...

As soon as my hands are unbound, I'm scooped up into his arms and he's holding me as close as he possibly can.

"God, (Y/N). We thought we were gonna lose you." Dean's hand rests on my back, soothing me as I cry. "No more hunts for a while, okay?" I look over at him, meeting his impossibly green eyes.


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