Ron Imagine

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"AVADA KEDAVRA!!" I scream, pointing my wand at a death eater as a jet of green light shoots toward him. Never in all my years did I imagine using any of the Unforgivable Curses. Especially not the Killing Curse. I've been dodging through the people all night, helping where I could and doing my best to stay alive. This is all a mess. If only people had listened to Harry! We would have been prepared for this!

"Not my daughter, you bitch!!" I flip around as I hear Mrs. Weasley screaming at Bellatrix Lestrange, flashing green lights shooting in the latter's direction. George, Mr. Weasley, and Ginny all stand behind her, watching in amazement.

"GEORGE!" I yell, catching his attention.

"(Y/N)! Oh, good. You're alive." He strides over to me, looking me over to reassure himself. "We wouldn't want my kid brother's crush getting hurt." His light hearted joke forces me to crack a smile. He knows how I feel about Ron, how I've always felt, and he loves to tease me about it.

"Where is he?"

"He went off in that direction with Hermione." Of course he did. It's silly, really. I could die right now, and I'm getting jealous of some girl going off with the boy I love. I should be fighting, shooting off curses left and right, killing as many Death Eaters as possible before one of them takes me down, and instead I'm worrying about some silly crush! Tears prick the corner of my eyes, threatening to spill over. "Hey, go after him. Tell him how you feel. Honestly, what have you got to lose?"

I look at George in disbelief. How could I possibly do that? I mean, what i he...or, what if I... shit. He's right. What have I got I lose?

"Go on. We've got this under control." With that, I take off in the direction that he had gestured. I travel through hallway after hallway, trying to find someone that could tell me where he'd gone. Oh, where could he be?!

Just as I'm about to give up and go back to the entrance hall, I turn a corner and see a familiar flop of red hair about halfway down the hall. My heart skips a beat when I think about what I'm about to do. Hermione is nowhere in sight, and I'm really going to do this.

"Ron!" I call out to him. He turns around and a smile begins to form on his face, before he spots something behind me that makes his expression change to horrified. I turn around just in time to hear someone shout "Sectumsempra!", almost overpowered by Ron's "Avada Kedavra", then there's a sharp pain in my stomach and chest, and I'm flooded with the warmth of my own blood. The ground seems to fly up to meet me as I fall, but only seconds before my face connects with the cold stone, a pair of warm arms catches me and flips me over, clutching me in his arms and looking me over, evaluating the damage. His hand comes up to my face, brushing hair out of my (e/c) eyes. He's crying. That's odd.

"Oh, god. HERMIONE!! Don't worry, alright? Hermione's coming. She'll know what to do. HERMIONE!!" His voice cracks when he says her name, the silent tears turning into sobs.

"Ron..." my voice is faint, fading. The edges of my vision begin to blur and a ringing starts in my ears. I've lost too much blood. I'm going to die. I've got to tell him. It's now, or never.

"No, no shh... it'll be alright. You'll be alright. Please, you can't go. PLEASE! I love you!" Wh-what? This... this can't be real. He loves me? I open my mouth to speak, but all that comes out is a rough, gurgling cough, blood filling my lungs.

"RON! Ron, what's happened?!"

"Sh-she got hit. Sectum-something. I can't remember."

"Sectumsempra." Hermione whispers in horror.

"Yeah. That's it. Please, can you help her?" My vision slowly fades and all that I can do is hear. I can only hear what is happening.

"I can try." She says, and seconds later I feel a warmth, a new kind of warmth, a friendly, gentle, soothing warmth, starting where the wounds began. They seem to be pulling themselves together, healing themselves. The blood leaves my lungs, I can breath again. And I do. I take a deep gulp of air, my vision returning and the ringing subsiding. When I look up at Ron, he's smiling down at me, tears still streaming down his face.

"Hey, see? What'd I tell you? Hermione can fix anything that I screw up."

"You didn't screw up." My voice is hoarse, but I power through it. "I did. I should have told you sooner."

"Told me what?"

"I love you, too, you git." He laughs at the remark, then leans down and places a sweet kiss on my lips, and my heart nearly stops for the second time tonight.

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