The Yule Ball (Fred imagine)

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It's pretty peaceful, really, just sitting in the stands after a game. Everyone's gone back to their common rooms to either celebrate or sulk, and I'm left here, just relaxing, listening to the silence. I live for these moments. Of course, it doesn't last long, before a certain ginger comes flying out of the changing rooms and right up to me, bearing the largest grin I've seen all day.

"Hey there, (Y/N)! How'd you like the game?" The excited look in his eyes is just too adorable to ignore.

"It was great, Fred. Good work on dodging that bludger. Really, those were some superb flying skills." I smirk back at him as his smile grows wider.

"You liked that, huh?"

"Mhm." I reply, nodding my head vigorously.

"Oh, good. Well if you liked that, let me show you what else I can do." His smile grows mischievous and his eyes glint with some odd look, one he normally gets when he's up to something. Just as I'm about to ask him what he's planning, he reaches out and grabs my wrist, tugging me onto the broom in front of him, my legs over his and our chests pressed together.

"Fred, what are you-" before my sentence is finished, he takes off, flying higher into the sky and out toward the middle of the field. I cling to him, trying my best not to look down, when we finally stop and I feel his hand raise to the small of my back.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)? I thought you liked my flying." Though his words made him seem hurt, there was a hidden chuckle lying just below the surface. I lean back just enough to look him in the eye, glaring at him hard enough to make him cringe.

"Yes. I like YOUR flying. When YOU'RE doing it." Just as I'm about to ask him to put me down, he moves forward a touch, causing me to cling to him once more, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I don't know. I like it better when you're flying with me. This is pretty comfortable." Oh, I can just hear his smirk. He must be pretty proud of himself.

"Fred Weasley, you put me down this instant!!"

"Not before I ask you something!"

"What..." I lean back to look at him again, wary of what he might say.

"(Y/N), would you do me the honor of attending the Yule Ball with me?" My jaw drops as his words reach my ears. Me? He's asking ME to the Yule Ball?! Honestly, I wasn't even planning on going! I thought he already had a date!

"Um... yeah. Yeah, I'd love to go with you." I look into his blue-green eyes, alight with joy, and can't help but forget that I'm at least ten stories in the air. The thought moves even further from my mind when I feel his lips pressing against mine. The initial shock subsides, and I allow myself to melt into the kiss, the outside world fading away.

Which was a mistake, because right as I was really starting to get into it, Madam Hooch comes out and blows her whistle at us.

"OI! You two! Get down from there! What in blazes do you think you're doing?!" A bright blush breaks out all over my face as Fred looks at me, his eyes wide. When we look at each other, we both start laughing, and Fred begins the descent to the ground, where trouble lies. Who knows. I may learn to love flying.

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