Valentines Day (Draco Malfoy)

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N) wake up!" The combination of the violent shaking and the near screaming has my eyes flying open and my hand going for my wand, but as soon as my vision lands on my best friends face, I relax. She's grinning from ear to ear and there's a little glow in her eyes.

"Why on earth would you wake me up like that?! I thought something was wrong!"

"Oh, (Y/N), everything is the exact opposite of wrong. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everything is just. So. Right." As she says this, she flops down on my bed, her arms flung out on either side of her head.

"Amy, it's raining, and there isn't a bird anywhere in sight." I cock an eyebrow in question of her good mood. What's got her so happy that she's blatantly ignoring the facts?

"Oh, well look at you, Miss Debbie Downer." Sitting up, she sticks her tongue out at me, only now noticing my questioning gaze. Suddenly, the smile returns and she hops up, going to her bed and producing a vase of absolutely beautiful roses. "Dean Thomas sent them to me. Look, here's the note."

She hands me a small slip of parchment with a quick note scribbled on it in, to be honest, some fairly sloppy handwriting. There's no denying that it's from Dean. Looking at the page, I read the words as best I can.


For the past few months, we've been spending a lot more time together, and I have to say, I've really enjoyed it. Look, I'm not really good at this sort of thing, so I'll just get to it. Would you go with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow?


As I finish reading, I can't help but smile. His complete lack of skill is, somehow, endearing. I hear Amy squeal, and I look up. She's clutching the vase to her chest and hopping from one foot to the other. She's so cute sometimes.

Rolling my eyes, I get up, smoothing out my night shirt and walking to my trunk. I start to pull out a pair of jeans, but my hand is slapped and a noise of disgust makes me drop them. When I look up, Amy is staring down at me, a look of incredulity written all over her face.

"You are not wearing that today." She kneels down and starts rummaging through my trunk, looking for something.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with it?"

"Seriously? Do you even know what today is?"


"Oh my god! You are incredible. No! I mean, yes, but... Ugh! It's Valentines Day, you idiot!" Realization surges through me when she says this. How could I forget? Oh, right. That would be because I don't have a date. I mean, Draco and I have gone to Hogsmeade once, and we've hung out a bit over the past few months, but he's been acting really strange lately. Like he's hiding something. We haven't spoken in about a month.

"Amy, what's the point? You know he hasn't spoken to me in-"

"All the more reason! You've got to catch his attention. But your wardrobe is so bland." Standing, she walks to her side of the room, opening her trunk and pulling out a silky, purple dress and tossing it to me. "Put that on."

I look at her skeptically for a few minutes before finally complying. How is this going to help me in the least? What's the point of wearing this if I don't have a Valentine? I'm just going to look really pathetic.

When the dress is on, I turn around. Amy is whispering something to one of our roommates, and when she's done, they nod at each other and the other girl runs off. Any glances over me and smiles, content with the fit. The dress stops just above my knee, the material clinging to my waist and flowing out at the end. Its neckline is a deep v, stopping a few inches below the top of my cleavage, the thin straps showing my shoulders.

"That looks great! Now let's do something with your hair." She sits me down in a chair and sets to work. About twenty minutes later, my hair is curled perfectly around my face and she's leading me out of the common room and to the Great Hall. She pushes the door open and we're greeted with pink and red everywhere. Cherubs are flying through the air playing soft music, and there are sweets and flowers all over each of the tables. Glancing around, I see everyone laughing and smiling and sharing loving looks. And it all just makes me feel more lonely.

"Now stop that. Do you honestly think that I would dress you up like this for nothing? Trust me. I've got a plan." She smiles at me, then leads me to an empty spot at the Ravenclaw table. Sitting down, we immediately fill our plates, enjoying the festivities. When I glance over at Amy, she's smiling across the room, gesturing for someone, Dean, I presume, to come over. "You know," she says, looking back to her plate and picking up the last piece of bacon and popping it in her mouth, "I'm really glad they decided to cancel classes today."

"Why is that?"

"Because it gives you a chance to get your shit straight with Draco." With that, she stands, practically running out of the room. Before I can even process what just happened, I feel a warm, solid body next to me. Turning around, I find the Slytherin sitting there, a single red tulip in his hand. He's wearing a purple shirt and dress slacks, to match my outfit, and when I look up at his face, he's watching me with hopeful eyes.

"Look, I know I've been really weird lately, and I know that I haven't spoken to you in Merlin knows how long, but I really like you, you're smart and funny and quick witted and you don't take shit from anyone... except me. You've taken a lot of shit from me this year, and I'm so grateful for that. And if you say no, I'll completely understand, but I really hope that you won't. Please, just forgive me one more time. Would you be my Valenti-" But he never got to finish his sentence. Before he could I had flung my arms around him and plastered my lips on his. This should be the best holiday yet.

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