Dancing (Sirius Black)

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Walking along through the corridors, I can't help but get the sense that something's off. Normally, by now, one of the boys, The Marauders, they call themselves, would be by my side. I've been friends with them for years. In fact, I was friends with most of them before they were even friends with each other.

I met Moony while shopping for school supplies on Diagon Alley. We talked for a while, about a lot of things, until he asked me about how I felt on the topic of werewolves. So, I told him. I told him that it didn't bother me, so long as they were a good person. He had smiled at that. Then my mother showed up and we promised to catch up with each other on the train. To say the least, I wasn't surprised when the others told me what he was. What he is.

Anyway, I met James at the station, just before getting on the train. My owl had escaped from its carrier and he helped me coax it down from the perch it had settled on. I thanked him and we went our separate ways.

That's when I caught up with Sirius. I've known him the longest. We were children together, playing in fields, causing trouble. He came through the hidden entrance to the platform and immediately started looking for me. After he caught up, we got on the train and found an empty room. James found us soon after, not sure of where else to sit, a young Wormtail following in his wake. As soon as the train started, when we thought that we were all full, Remus came to the door, looking to see if there was room. He looked so crestfallen when he saw the four of us, I quickly got up, claiming to be going to "make friends". When I went back later, they were all laughing, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Just as I pass by a seemingly blank wall, a door appears, a hand shooting out and pulling me in. I hear Remus say "mischief managed" and decide not to scream. The person that pulled me in happened to be Sirius, his long black hair falling in his face as he twirls us to a tune that Wormtail is playing.

"Well well." I say, laughing. "Where have you three been"

"Here." he spins me around on the spot before continuing, pulling me back to him, one hand resting on my lower back while the other grips my own. Our chest are close enough to brush against one another as we move. "We were waiting for James to get back from his date with Lily. Wormtail over there found a flute and decided to serenade us. Then we saw you about to pass by on the map, and I decided to pull you in. We hadn't seen you all day. I- uhm, we missed you." His face lights up in a small blush, but I don't get to see it for very long before he dips me lowly. Right as I lean my head back to get the full effect, the door opens and James walks in. He stops when the sight before him finally registers, a small smile forming at one corner of his mouth.

"So you finally told her?" As soon as the words leave his lips, the music falters, a harsh, high pitched tone being emitted from the flute, Remus practically breaks his neck to cover James' mouth, and Sirius nearly drops me. He catches me at the very last second and sets me back firmly on my feet. With all of the commotion, I nearly forget what James actually said. Nearly.

"Told me what?" I shoot the four of them looks, one at time, waiting for an answer. When none of them respond, I turn back to Wormtail, him being the weakest, and stare him down. He begins to squirm under my gaze, doing his best to look anywhere but at me.

"T-told you that... we need to get going." That is the biggest load of shit I have ever heard. I turn around, looking at James. I can see Remus out of the corner of my eye, looking at him as though he had said the most idiotic thing on the world. He isn't too far off. What are they not telling me?

"Seriously? Going where? It isn't the full moon. It's nearly time to be back in the tower. So where do you possibly need to be 'going' to?"

"But you just said it, (Y/N). We need to get back to the tower." He gives a fake yawn and an exaggerated sigh, giving the others pointed looks. "We're all pretty exhausted. We should be getting to bed. G'night!" And with that, he saunters out, the others quickly following. Well. Okay then.

Whatever. I need to go to the library. I have about an hour and a half before I need to be back, I might as well use it. Leaving the room, I walk through the halls and down a few flights of stairs before reaching those beautiful oak double doors. This place is like my sanctuary. I walk in, making my way to the back corner, sitting down with my books, planning on doing homework. I don't get very far, however. I can't seem to get past what James said. His words ring through my head, over and over and over again. What the hell did he mean?

Pushing the thought as far from my mind as I can manage, I try to focus on my work. I look over the page in front of me, the words running through my mind without sticking. By the time I give up, I must have read the same passage five times, and I still don't know what it's about. Just as I'm about to pack up my things, a chair scrapes beside me and I look up to see Sirius sitting there.

"Oh, I though you were exhausted." I say sarcastically, as I continue packing my things.

"Yeah... yeah. Sorry about that. L-listen..."

"I mean, if you're so tired...." Before I can finish my sentence, just as I'm packing my last book, his large hands wrap over mine, pulling my attention back to his face.

"Just... listen to me, okay? I need to say something." When I nod, he lets out a shaky breath, obviously preparing for something big. "I..." he sighs, "I really, really like you."

"Yeah. I like you, too, Sirius. I wouldn't have put up with you for so long otherwise."

"No. You don't understand. I LIKE you. More than just as a friend. I always have, really. That's what James was talking about. Earlier. They... they wanted me to tell you. But I was too... scared. Or shy. I don't know which one, really." His words stun me into silence. Me? How could he like me? I mean, I can't deny that I've always had some feelings for him. Deep ones. But I never allowed myself to believe even for a second that he could possibly feel the same. Such heartache would have surely killed me. "Say something. Please." his words pull me out of my reverie, and I look at his face, seeing fear plainly written there. That is when I realize just what this must seem like.

"Oh, god. Sirius, you should have told me sooner!" my hands squeeze his in a reassuring manner. "I feel the same. I always have!" my smile spreads until I'm practically grinning from ear to ear. I throw my arms around his neck, he wrapping his arms around my middle, the both of us hugging each other in the middle of the library. We stay like this until we hear a throat being cleared. Looking up, we see Madam Pince standing there, her arms crossed over her chest.

"When you two are quite finished, you've got about five minutes to get to your tower. Go on." We laugh quietly, Sirius grabbing my bag and me muttering an apology. As we walk through the doors, I swear I can almost hear a chuckle.

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