Rick Grimes Imagine

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A/N: From now on, names will be put in the form of (Y/N) along with specific descriptions and whatnot, so that it can apply to more people. Thank you! Love you!


Rick' POV

Wiping the sweat from my forehead, I look up, a gentle breeze blowing in my direction, cooling me off. It had been roughly three months since The Governor attacked, and things have settled down quite nicely. We've tilled the land and found seeds, so we've got a pretty nice garden going. Daryl found a pig out in the wild, and for once in our miserable lives, we got lucky. She was pregnant. The newcomers have settled in nicely and everything is starting to fall into a sort of pattern. Wake up, tend the crops and animals, check on the others, eat, and try to make the best of a bad situation. It's... kind of monotonous, really.

Maybe if I just... slipped into the woods for a while. Surely no one will miss me. After all, I won't be gone long. I put down my hoe and make my way over to the gate. Gabbing a crow bar, I slip out of the little hole that never got fixed and close it behind me, stabbing the few stray walkers that came my way and heading over to the bridge. Once under the canopy of branches, I feel a bit safer, a bit calmer. Something about the soft green light filtering through the leaves just soothes my nerves. I wander around for a bit, just enjoying the silence, no drone of walkers, no people talking, no nothing. Just me and the wind.

A small noise to my left catches my attention, nothing big, just a small shuffle in the leaves, but enough to cause me to raise my weapon. When nothing else moves, I decide to go and check. A walker would have just come right out and attacked. Whatever's back there, it has a brain. Coming around the tree, I lift the crow bar, ready to bring it down on whatever I saw. But when I actually see it, I nearly fall out.

"Please! Don't! We just... we just wanted some food. Please..." A woman, maybe 25, is sitting there by the base of the oak, clutching a three year old, doing her best to keep her quiet. Both of them are filthy, and skinny, way thinner than they should be, but it doesn't look like they're bitten, and there's no sign of any disease or anything. I kneel down beside them, right as the little girl starts to fuss, and place a hand on her head. Her blue eyes look up at me and in that moment it's decided.

"What's your name?"

"(Y/N). And this is Megan."

"Come on." I stand up, offering her my hand. When she takes it, I feel a rush of... something I haven't felt since Lori. "You can stay with us. You'll be safe."

"Th-thank you. Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me yet. We aren't exactly safe." The smile that she gives me makes my heart stop and I can't help but look away. What in the hell is wrong with me?

-One year later-

Your POV

It's been about a year since Rick found us in the woods, and since then he's fed us,kept us safe, and made sure that we had everything we needed. But more than that, he's treated us like family.

Oh, Megan fell in love with him almost immediately, and I have to say, I wasn't too far behind her. He was charming, and nice, and quite handsome. Those are qualities you don't see much nowadays.


"Hey you!" I turn round just as a little flash of blond slams into my legs.

"Careful now! Don't want you or your mom gettin' hurt!" Rick comes running after her,stopping just before he repeats her actions. He puts his hand on her head, smiling down at her as she looks up at us. "Hey, why don't you go find Carl, hm? Maybe you can help him with Judith."


"Hey, don't run! Carl!" Carl comes running down the cell block from... well, probably the library or some other unknown place. Who knows where he goes, really.

"Yes sir?"

"Why don't you take Megan and go visit Judith."

"Okay." He smiles at his dad before looking over to the four year old. "Come on, Megan." He reaches out his hand to her and she happily latches on, the two of them heading off to see the baby and leaving the two of us alone.

"Finally." Rick saunters over the rest of the way to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Oh... and just what do you plan to do with this time?" I ask, chuckling quietly while tangling my fingers in his hair.

"I don't know... I was thinking maybe a little stroll through the cell block, followed by a nice dinner made by someone that we may or may not know, and ending in a nice, warm, communal shower."

"Mmmm... sounds like heaven." I hum, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

"Glad you think so." He chuckles out, before leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I sigh, my forehead resting against his.

"Eeeww!!" Carl's voice rings out clearly in the quiet room, making us look up to him and Megan from their place in the upper cells.

"Yeah! Eeewwww!!!!" She copies his mocking tone, causing us all to laugh out.

"Oh, that's 'ew' huh? Okay, we'll show you 'ew'." I say, just before running up the stairs, Rick following me, to chase the two. Maybe this isn't such a bad life after all.

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