Him, not me (Dean Winchester)

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-Your POV-

I can barely bring myself to open my eyes as the door creaks open again. I know who it is. There's no point in looking. I know it isn't him, I know it's just some demon, but it still breaks my heart. Thinking about him, probably getting the same treatment I am, some bitch ass demon taking my shape, torturing him. I can't think about it.

"Hey there, sweetheart." Dean's familiar voice drawls out the words and I flinch as he steps closer to me. I can already feel the cool blade sliding across my smooth skin, breaking the surface just enough to allow a thin line of blood to trickle out. Just as he leans forward, his hot breath hitting my ear, the door flies open. This time, I look up, not expecting another person to show up. He's already here. Who the hell else would need to be present for this?

"Get your hands off of her." As my eyes adjust to the sudden light, I'm able to recognize a man wearing what appears to be a trench coat silhouetted in the doorway. Cas.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Castiel. Angel of The Lord and your worst nightmare." With this, he strides into the room, stabbing the man in his gut and killing him. Then he moves to my hands, trying to quickly cut the ropes binding them.

"Cas, what are you doing here?"

"I'm saving you. I was trying to save the both of you, but it does not look as though I will be able to." His words shock me into action and I jerk away from him.

"Cas, go. Save Dean. He deserves to be out of here more than I do."


"No. Go. GO." He begins backing away, his face reflecting the pain that he's feeling. I glare at him, trying my best to make it easier for him to leave. It must, because he takes off out the door and down the hall. Moments later, a horde of demons run through, slamming my door shut as they go.

Be safe, Dean. Live a good life.

-Dean's POV-


"Dean, I-"

"We can't just leave her."


"Come on. We're going back."

"DEAN LISTEN TO ME." Cas's order causes me to stop in my tracks. When I look back at him, I can see the pain of heartbreak written all over his face. The pain of a man who had to leave his best friend behind. "Going down there would be suicide. There will be demons everywhere. I... I was going to save both of you. That was the plan. But there were some unexpected.... problems. I had her in my hands. She was right there. Then she pulled away. She wouldn't let me touch her. She wanted me to save you instead."

"Sh-she said that?" My voice cracks as the realization washes over me. She sacrificed herself for me. She gave up her chance at salvation so that I could be safe. Cas nods his head, a few tears slipping down his cheek. I watch as my friend falls apart in front of me, as his heart shatters from the loss of his friend. Taking a deep breath, I reach out and pat his shoulder. "Come on, Cas. Let's go home."

-1 year later-

"Ugh... come on, man. You gotta lighten up! What, are you still hung up on that girl?"

"Shut up, Gabriel." I warn, glaring in his general direction before turning back to my laptop. For a year now, I've been checking every news source I could find for any strange appearances. Specifically, any involving the appearance of a girl matching (Y/N)'s appearance. I've been hoping and praying that she somehow made it out of there, seeing as Cas wouldn't let me go back in to get her.

"Aw... you used to be fun! Now you're just depressing." I wonder why. The love of my life is stuck in hell, probably being tortured or who knows what else and I'm sitting here on this bed, lounging around. It should be me down there. Cas almost had her. She was almost safe. And she went and told him to save me. Maybe if I had been horrible to her, never shown her how I felt, maybe she wouldn't have felt the need to save me. Maybe she'd be safe right now. When I don't respond, he sighs, jumping down from his place on the dresser of the cheep motel room. "Fine. I'm gonna go get something that'll cheer you up."

"Gabriel? Gabriel! Do not come back here with strippers!" Sam yells, but he's already gone. Whatever he brings back, it won't be her.

-Your POV-

"Pst... Hey. Wake up." My eyes flutter open, expecting to be greeted by a demon of some sort, but when my vision comes into focus, I find myself looking at a smirking face with shaggy brown stubble and golden eyes, housing a mischievous glint.


"The one and only. Now, come on. Let's get you outta here." He begins pulling at my ropes, deftly untying the knots that have held my wrists and feet in place for god knows how long. No. This can't be real. This is some cruel joke. The demons are trying something new, having some fun with me. There's no way this is really Gabriel.

"Who are you? Who are you really?"

"Oh, darlin'." He looks at me with pity in his eyes. "They've really messed with your head haven't they? Well, don't you worry. I'm here to take you home. Dean is far too depressed with you stuck down here. He's boring." He looks up at me with an exasperated expression as he untied the last rope and I laugh. It really is him. I'm really going home. I'm really going to be safe.

-Dean's POV-

*knock knock knock*

I look at Sam and raise an eyebrow. Who would be knocking on our door? Any angel or demon would just appear in our room, and it isn't exactly like we have friends.

"Oh, boys!" Gabriel's singsong voice drifts through the door and I sigh. I'm really getting tired of this jackass. "Come on out! I've got a surprise for you!"

Getting up, I walk over to the door and jerk it open, Sam right behind me.

"I swear on everything I own, Gabriel, if you brought hookers to this hotel-"

"Just shut up, would you?" He says with a smirk, and before I have a chance to get mad, he moves to the side, revealing a timid, filthy girl standing just on the edge of the concrete parking lot.

"Y-y/n?" She smiles, tears forming in her eyes as she nods. It only takes two large steps for me to reach her, and I engulf her in a hug. I hold her to my chest as tightly as I can, afraid that if I let her go, she'd disappear again. The both of us are dissolving in tears and I can't hold us up anymore. Falling to my knees, I bring her with me and lean back just enough to kiss every inch of her face I can reach, ending in a passionate kiss to her lips. She's home, she's in my arms and she's safe. I'll never say another bad word about that angel again. Because thanks to him, I can finally be home. Truly home.

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