I could've sworn....

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Aiden's POV

"Tyler get back here!" I scream, chasing after him down the hotel hallway. "You don't need this now do you?!" he yelled, running farther ahead with my phone. "Tyler!!" I groaned, slowly coming to a stop. He races into his and Ty's room, which was across the hall from Adam and I's, and slammed the door, locking it. I groan, walking towards the bedroom that I was sharing with Adam. Walking in, I saw Adam walking around doing a vlog. "Well we finally made it to London!!" he says excitingly while panning his phone to look out the window. I smile, creeping into the room before sitting on the bed. "I'm here with Tyler, Ty and my girlfriend Aiden. We should be in the London area for about a week maybe longer" he mutters, turning the phone back to face him. I lean around his figure and hold a finger to my lips, smirking towards the camera. I stand, tiptoeing towards him silently. "Anyways guys I'll be answering any questions in the comments about Comic Con. I'll see you later and-" he says as I cut him off. "See you later recruits!" I exclaim, causing him to jump high off of the ground. "What the?! AIDEN!" he yells, chuckling. I laugh, walking out to the balcony that hung over the city. Big Ben and the London Eye towered over the smaller buildings around them.

"Thanks for the jumpscare" Adam chuckles from behind me. I smile as he wraps his arms around me, holding out a Apple device in front of my face. "Tyler brought your phone back" he whispers. I take it and shove it into my back pocket. "What are we going to do with him?" I ask, laughing. Adam shrugs and lays his head gently on top of mine. "I think we deserve a tour of the city" Adam says, turning me around to face him. I nod, happily, walking with him out to the hotel hallway. While Adam locks the door, I run to Tyler's door and bang on it repeatingly. Before he could answer, I turn towards Adam and bolt down the hallway to the elevator. "Was that Aiden?" I hear Ty question. By his voice you could tell he was obviously smirking.

Once finally making it out of the hotel, the four of us decide to make our way towards the London Eye. "Are you sure you want to go up Tyler? It's mighty high" Ty jokes while Tyler shakes his head. "I-I'll be okay. Just don't mention the height" he replies, making me laugh. "Awe. Poor Tywer" I say in a baby voice, causing everyone to erupt into laughters. I smile, looking from Tyler to the sights around us. The buildings looked down at our group while the street was littered with people. Hundreds of faces pass by us one after another until one catches my eye. I stop in my tracks, my eyes growing. No. Not you again. Anger floods throughout my body as I glare at the woman across the street. "Aiden?" Adam questions. I turn to look at him before quickly turning back. She was gone. I could've sworn.... "Aiden are you alright?" he questions, stepping in front of me then tilting my head up. "W-What? Y-Yeah" I answer, my eyes moving around Adam, looking at the spot where I just recently saw who I thought was my mother.

I shook the thought away and walked on with Adam in hand. Tyler and Ty skipped in front of us, vlogging. "And in front of us you will see the London Eye! Behind us you'll see the two lovebirds that everyone ships together" Ty says, pretending his voice was going over an intercom. I laugh and hide my face in Adam's shirt. My cheeks burned a shade of red while Adam simply holds me tightly in his arms. I look up smiling as Adam pecks my cheek. After the never ending walk, we finally arrived the London Eye. "T-That's pretty high.." Tyler mumbles, looking up. I smirk, watching both of the guys push him on one of the baskets. I hop on with them, feeling a rush of excitement rush through me. When the cart started moving, Tyler began getting hectic. "Guys this is really really high" he mutters, starting to breath fast. I laugh and shake my head. I pace towards one of the windows, looking below at the people. We weren't at the very top but halfway up. That's when I see her again. Her dark brown hair blew around in the wind, forming her face. "Awe is Tyler getting scared?" Ty mocks behind us. My eyes never left the figure below. The woman was looking up at the London Eye, a look of anger across her face. "No! I'm just not that good with heights...." Tyler admits softly. My heart rate jumps when I feel Adam come up beside me. "Whatcha looking at?" he questions, causing me to face him.

"Nothing. Just looking at the people below" I reply, not answering fully. "Are you okay? You seem kind of jumpy" he says, taking my hand into his. I nod and interlock our fingers. "I'm alright. Just thinking about things" I reply. His eyebrows raise, as if trying to determine if I was telling the truth. I smile a fake smile as he gently leans over, pecking my cheek. I blush softly and smile before returning my attention back out the window. She was gone. Am I just imagining her? Is it just a coincidence that a woman happens to be standing there that looks like Devon? I shake away the thoughts. It's my time to get away. I might as well enjoy it. "Hey Tyler. Did you know that this takes you 135 meters up in the air?" I ask with a smirk. "Shut up!" he exclaims with a groan. I chuckle and slide up next to him, poking him. "Is someone scared?". "No....." he mutters under his breath, causing the guys to chuckle. We had finally began to sink back towards the bottom. "Finally!" Tyler yells, smiling big. I'm happy to know that he doesn't like heights. I could so use that for the future.

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