"I've wanted to do that since I met you"

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Aiden's POV

What was Tyler so jittery about? Why couldn't he just trust me that I wouldn't say anything about it. I'm his friend after all. "Aiden. Adam and Ty are on better pages now. Why are you staying at Phoebe's house?" he questions. I don't even bother asking how he knew Phoebe because I knew all he would do is shoot it down. "Because I'm the reason they were fighting. None of you guys would be in this mess right now if it wasn't for me" I reply, looking down at my feet. Tyler sighs before lifting up my head. "You also have to think, you're the reason why they didn't pound each others faces in. You're the reason Adam wakes up every single morning with a smile. Aiden. You're his reason to press on. If your reason got up and left one day would you be to happy?" he says, rubbing my back and standing to his feet. His words scrambled around in my head as if they were a flock of angry birds.

"I neeed to get back before they start to notice that I'm not in the bathroom anymore. I'll come back over tomorrow. Text me if you need anything at all. Don't hesitate" he whispers, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back, smiling. "Thank you so much Tyler" I reply. He pulls away, turning towards the door. "Wait Tyler?" I question, causing him to stop in place. "You're not going to tell them I'm here right? I needed some alone time" I say as he nods in response. Slowly, he turns and leaves. Phoebe places a hand on my back with a smile. "Have you seen Big Ben yet?" she questions while I shake my head. "Let's go see it then. That should help get things off of your mind" she replies with a smile. I nod, smiling.

During the walk to Ben, Phoebe told me the story of her life. "In school I was constantly bullied and singled out. I lost a lot of friends when I needed them most and I honestly was considering giving up on life. I wanted happiness yet every time I seemed to gain it, it was immidiately taken away by another person" she said, taking a deep breath. You could tell that she was trying not to cry and relive her past. It seemed like she needed to get a bunch of things off of her chest. "That's when I met a saviour, or as you know him, Tyler. He made me feel important even though he lived in a different country. He understood the things that no one else could. He helped me through everything. He basically saved my life. That was when we got into a job together" Phoebe cut herself off. By the looks she was giving herself, she said something that she wasn't allowed to say.

"So you being a fangirl was only a cover?" I question, smirking at her. A smile smeared itself across her face. "A little bit yes. I haven't had the chance to meet Adam or Ty so that was real. And come on. Who on this planet doesn't want you two together?" she questions, smiling bigger. My smile faded and my heart dropped. My mother, my father could care less that I'm breathing and Dawn especially doesn't want us together. "Did I say something wrong?" she asked, guilt flooding her voice. "No. Just remembering the rough times I've faced recently" I reply, sighing. She nods, staying silent until we finally reached Ben.

While at Ben, we didn't dare to speak of each other's problems. Only the present and getting to know one another. "So Aiden. How did you and Adam meet?" she questioned, smiling. I smile big, remembering. "We went to the same school as kids. We grew up the closest of friends. That was until I moved and my mother told me he died. She lied to keep us apart, which failed miserably. We found each other once again on a park bench in the park by where we live. We didn't recognize each other at first but soon realized. We fell in love and the rest is going down in history" I reply smiling in remembrance. Her arms flailed in front of her as she did a weird dance in front of me. "That is the cutest thing ever!!" she exclaimed, causing me to burst out laughing.

"The sun is starting to go down, it might be smart to start heading back" she adds, standing up from the bench that we were on. I stand to my feet, beginning the journey back to her house. Without realizing, I begin humming a song that was stuck in my head. "Bulletproof Heart right?" she questions. I look over and nod, stopping myself from humming anymore. "No don't stop singing. You're really good" she replies, smiling. I smile back and continue hummming along to several songs that popped into my head.

When arriving back at her house, Tyler was waiting there with a small bag. "I thought you might need some clothes for tonight and tomorrow. I also brought your charger and some headphones" he says with a smile. I look at him confused. "Why do you support me leaving?" I ask, taking the bag hesitantly. "I want you to come back but I also understand how you need your space. Every girl needs some girl time with her friends so that's what I'm doing. I'm letting you have a little bit of freedom" Tyler replies, his eyes drifting towards Phoebe behind me then back to me.

"Alright. Thank you" I say, giving him a quick hug, walking into her house. I wanted to give them some alone time. Now that I know how important it is to her to see him again in person, I feel like I can get out of the way. I grab the small bag, that Tyler had gave me, and went down the hall to the bathroom. I walked in, closing the door behind me to look in the mirror. I slipped off my shirt and pants slowly, looking at my scarred body. Marks from mother. Scars from myself. Indentions from Dawn. Broken heart from my father. I shake my head away from the trance and slip on a pair of fluffy pants and a tank top. Walking out, I see Phoebe grinning like an idiot. "You have a huge thing for him don't you?" I question smirking. She nods, hiding her face in her hands embarrassed by her blushing.

Phoebe's POV

"How has everything been?" Tyler asks, smiling. "Fairly well. Did you really have to say her last bit of freedom? I mean I know that something big is coming but that doesn't mean..." My voice is cut off by his lips against mine. I kiss back lovingly before pulling away. "You talk too much. Just enjoy it and I suggest packing a bag. You're coming with us when we head back. This thing is coming and I don't want you here alone. I also need the help and you're the only other person who knows the secret. Plus maybe we can grow closer" he says, taking my hand in his. I smile and blush, nodding. He kisses my check tenderly whispering "I've wanted to do that since I've met you". With that, he turned and headed back to where him and the guys were staying. I giggle and hold my cheek walking inside, slouching on to the couch. "You have a huge thing for him don't you?" Aiden asks, walking into the room. I nod. You have no idea Aiden. You have no idea how much I'm falling for him.

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