Comic Con part 1

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Aiden's POV

"AIDEN!! WAKE UP! IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Tyler yells, jumping around me on the bed. "Who let the Brotato in?!" I groan, rolling over on to my stomach. "Aiden get up!!" Tyler says excitingly while continuing to jump on the bed. I roll over, catching Tyler's leg. He falls flat on the bed as I roll on top of him. "Are you going to shut up now?" I question. "Nope. You need to get ready for Comic Con" he replies, trying to push me off of him. I groan with a chuckle coming from next to me. I raise my head to look over at Adam, who was watching us, entertained. Getting off Tyler, I stand and walk over to Adam, sitting in his lap shivering. He chuckles once again, wrapping tight arms around me. He lays his head gently on top of mine while I cuddle into his chest.

"You really do need to get ready Aiden" Adam whispers, tilting my head up to look at him. "I'd rather stay here in your arms though" I whisper back, taking in his husky scent. "We'll come back after Comic Con" Adam reassures, standing me up. Tyler had already left the room silently. Adam began to retrace Tyler's steps as we walked towards the door. "I'll give you some privacy. We'll be in Ty's room" Adam says, leaving the room. I smile towards the door before turning to my bag that lay next to my feet.

I pull out a simple Panic! At The Disco shirt, skinny jeans and a pair of red converse to go along with the shirt. I walk into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and changing before returning back into the hotel room. My wet hair dripped down my back, sending chills down my spine. I shiver, putting the clothes I was just in back into my suitcase in the "dirty clothes" side. A flashing light suddenly appears in front of me, catching my eye. I look up and squint, setting down the items in my hand. I walk closer and closer to the flashing light, which lead me out on to the balcony. Extending my hand, I pick up a small silver locket that had an engraving on the front. My eyes look up from the locket to the city to see that reality was fading into another flashback.

My father sat on my bed next to me, rubbing my back while I cried. "I don't understand. Did I do something wrong? Am I not good enough for anyone? What did I do?" I question, bawling into my hands. I looked to be in my middle school years. The band bracelets and t-shirt made that pretty obvious. I guess I never really grew out of that stage. "You didn't do anything my sweet Aiden. There's just something wrong with the world these days. If you don't look and act how society wants you to, then you're bullied because of it. You are perfect in my eyes Aiden. They don't see how beautiful and kind your heart is. They only see the flaws they want to see. So, in order to keep you strong I wanted to give you something" my father replies. He slowly extends his hand, letting a small silver locket on a magnificent chain fall from his hand and into my own.

My eyes fell along with the locket until they locked on to the small silver circle in my hand. I turned it over to see a beautiful design with the word 'Perfect' scrolled out across the front. "You're perfect to me Aiden" my father whispered, taking the locket from my hand, turning me. Gently, he places the locket around my neck. I smile and stand, walking towards the mirror. I admired myself, looking at the beautiful locket. "I want you to put two of your favorite things in the locket. You are perfect the way you are. So, your favorite things will remind you to stay the way you are" my father says, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back lovingly. "Thank you dad".

"Aiden?" Adam questions, opening the door behind me that lead to the balcony. I turn my head before returning it to face the locket. "What's wrong? What are you looking at?" he questions, walking closer. I cringe and clench the locket tightly in my hand, hiding it. "Nothing. Just looking out at the city" I reply, turning to him smiling. He smiles back and holds out a hand to me. I took it with my hand that was absent from the locket, walking back into the hotel. I pull my hand away, running into the bathroom. My hair had dried in lose curls. Not that bad of a look. Sliding the locket into my pocket, I put on a little bit of makeup before quickly retuning back into the hotel room, taking Adam's hand. "Ready for Comic Con?" he asks, pulling me towards the door. "I can't wait".

While walking to Comic Con, I saw my mother everywhere. I couldn't understand how this was possible or even why it was happening to me. Anytime my mother came into view, Adam would notice my change in emotion. He would wrap an arm around me and hold me to him, pull me on to his back, or hold my hand protectively. He was determined to keep me safe and happy. "I can't believe we're finally going to Comic Con!!" Tyler yelled, jumping around ecstatically. I chuckled a bit, paying attention to Tyler and no longer the vision of my mother. Why would I even ruin the trip with thinking up my mother. It's time to be happy. It's time to have fun. I let go of Adam's hand and turn to Tyler. "Race to the Comic Con building?" I question, watching him nod happily. We ready ourselves as Ty counts us down happily. "And as you can see here, we have my beautiful girlfriend racing the Brotato". Great, Adam was vlogging this. Just means that I have to beat Tyler.

When Ty says "GO!" I take off at a high speed. I could sense Tyler was close behind me which caused me to run even faster. The Comic Con building was coming up into view. This race wouldn't be too bad if there wasn't so many people to dodge. We finally came closer to the building, seeing a huge crowd of people. I slow to a stop, watching Brotato zoom into the crowd. That's when it hits me. I turn to my left quickly and take off, running around the big crowd towards the side of the massive building. I run towards the front and cross my arms, leaning against it whilst watching Tyler struggle. "I win Aiden!" Tyler exclaims,after getting out of the crowd, not realizing that I was standing in front of him. "Nope. I've been here for about 5 minutes" I reply, his head flying up to look up at me. "HOW?! WHAT?!" he yells, confused. I chuckle and walk with him back to the end of the line where the other two were standing. It's time for fun. No more frowns, only smiles. No reason to keep dreading on the past. It will no longer effect my present. Now, I really hope I didn't just jinx it....

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