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Aiden's POV

Why does everything go wrong when everything was just turning right again? Why does it seem like the world is so against me being happy? "Aiden?" Adam questions, knocking me free from my thoughts. "Y-Yeah?" I ask, looking at him. The plane we were on was soaring high above the Atlantic ocean. My ears felt muffled and quiet, because of the height that we were at, while music blares into them. "What are you thinking about?" Adam ask, rubbing a thumb across the back of my hand that was intertwined with his.

What are you really thinking about Aiden? The fact that something big is coming to kill you or the fact that you are extremely high up above nothing but ocean. "Nothing important" I lie through my teeth. If I told him what I was really thinking about I would go against the promise that I made to Tyler. Who was coming for me? Why? I turn back to face the window, thinking once again about what could be coming up against me in the near future. Chills race down my spine as the picture of me in a casket creeps it's way into my mind.

Why does the thought of death scare me? When my mother used to abuse me everyday, nearly to death, I welcomed my fate. Why did that change now? My eyes trail from the window to Adam. That was why. I had a reason to press forward. To live. Suddenly, I'm sent forward and backward slightly. I turn around to face Tyler and Phoebe. "Would you please stop kicking my seat Brotato?" I question with a playful glare. He chuckles and nods, kicking my seat once again to annoy me. I groan, turning back around. Phoebe fully decided on coming back to America for awhile. Probably to spend time with Tyler, protect me and for Tyler to protect her. If Tyler does not make a move soon, I'm going to slap him.

By the time we landed, I was exhausted. Probably from overthinking a lot about the upcoming future ahead. Street lights rushed past the cab as we're driven home. My head rests in Adam's lap, my eyes barely open. "She's tired isn't she?" Tyler asks worriedly from the front seat, turning to look at Adam and I. "Yeah? Why is that a problem?" Adam retorts questioning him. Did they think that I fell asleep? Tyler turns back around, not answering his questions. Adam rubs my back soothingly while holding me protectively. "You're going to explain to me what is going on with you and Aiden when we get back to the house. I need to know what is going on.....She's my love Tyler" Adam adds, worry filling his voice.

The cab driver looks at Adam in the rear view mirror and smiled at his words. "I'll have to think about it Adam" Tyler replies in a husky voice as he looks out the window. "Tyler.." Adam starts but I shoot up, faking a gasp. "Nightmare again?" Adam questions tucking a stray hair behind my ear. I nod, holding my head in my hand. I look up at Tyler and wink, causing him to smirk lightly. Adam can't know the secret. He would treat me different and even worse, he may risk his life for me. I refuse for that to happen.

We finally arrive back at the house. The night sky was littered with bright, gleaming stars as they looked down upon us unloading the cabs of our things. Paying the cabs, we each walk up to the front of the house. It felt so good to be home. "HOME!" Ty exclaimed, unlocking the front door, then faceplanting into the nearest couch. I facepalmed and shook my head as the other two boys did the same, laughing hard.

(For full effect play Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra)

Phoebe and I just simply shook our heads in embarrassment. Adam rolls off of the couch and sits on the floor, looking up at me. I smile back at him, enjoying the moment. "Can we please talk about what is going on?" Adam questions, sitting on the couch. Ty leans up and sits normally looking at us, "I agree. What is going on?". Tyler, Phoebe and I exchange glances before sitting on Tyler's couch. "I don't think we can guys" I say, looking down. "And why is that? We have so many questions that deserve to be answered Aid. What is going on?" Ty adds, looking at me.

"Ty we just can't. Trust that" Tyler says, his eyes not leaving the floor below him. "Why???" Adam questions, starting to become irritated. "Adam calm down" Phoebe whispers, giving him a soft look. He shakes his head. "No. I need to know what is going on with you Aiden. I've been through it all with you. I helped you through it all. Just tell me" he says. I look deep into his eyes before shaking my head lightly.

"Really?!" he yells. I can't stand seeing him this mad. I stand and head towards my bedroom. "And now your running away like you do with everything else!" Adam exclaims, standing to his feet. I stop in my place, tears slipping into my eyes. "Adam Dahlburg!!" Tyler exclaims. He's right. You do run away from everything. His words rattle around in my mind, causing my body to begin to shake. "Little do you know...." I mutter, continuing my path to my room.

I close the door and lean against it, sliding to the floor. Everyone is starting to turn against me... Even Adam.... Tears roll down my cheeks, one by one. I stand and lock the door, walking to my mirror. I gently grab one of my hairbrushes and slide it through my hair, pulling up into a high ponytail. My eyes trace along each and every scar along with the tears that continued to slide down my cheeks. My mind filled with bad thoughts and my self esteem seemed to match pretty well to them. I set the brush down, seeing something in the corner of my eye catching my attention. I turn to see a crumpled note directed to me. I sit down on my bed, unraveling the worn down paper.


If you want your friends to survive what's coming, you'll take this into consideration. You will meet me somewhere without any of your friends or the police knowing. I'll have my eye on you so you won't get across with that. If you do not come then that's on you, you can watch them die. Meet me at the place you ran away the first time. This place is in fact special to you and your loverboy. You have 2 days to decide. Enjoy,

My heart fell into my gut. I unlock the door and peek my head down the hallway at the people I loved the most. I knew what I had to do. With the tension between Adam and I, it should be easier on him to deal with pain. He was right. I always run away, but, this time it was more than that. I was saving the people I loved. I gently close the door and lock it, climbing into bed. The paper crinkled under me as I place it under my pillow. My broken heart, my bad thoughts and my terrible self esteem broke me into a thousand pieces as I cried myself into a dark sleep.

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