Paradise doesn't last forever

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Aiden's POV

The early morning London sun drifts it's way elegantly into the hotel room. In the tight embrace of my beloved is where I'm found, slowly awakening from my slumber. My eyes flutter open to see Adam's face right in front of my own. A smile dances across my lips as I reach up, stroking his cheek with my index finger.

Suddenly, his arms squeeze me lightly. "I hope you know that I'm not letting go of you ever again" he mumbles, smiling lightly. I smile replying "I'm not complaining whatsoever about that". He looks down at me, catching ahold of my eyes. "I missed you so much Aiden. I'm so sorry" he whispers, our eyes still locked on one another. My fingers lace around the back of his neck. "You're forgiven" I whisper back, pulling his head down closer to me. Our lips connect gently, sending fireworks into the surrounding atmosphere.

"I love you Adam" I say in between kisses. He smiles and replies "I love you as well Aiden". "Will you sing for me yet?" I ask, giving him the puppy dog face. Pecking my forehead he shakes his head. "Not yet my love. I will soon" he replies. I groan and lay my head back down on to his shoulder. We sit in silence taking in each others presence while listening to the birds chirping outside out hotel window. "It's so peaceful" Adam mutters, sighing.

"You're back?!" a voice exclaims as a heavy weight lands on top of Adam and I. I giggle, looking up at Ty. "Hey Ty" I say, smiling. "Thank goodness you're okay" he mumbles into the sheets. Adam chuckles, pushing him off the bed. Ty falls to the floor with a loud thud, causing laughter to erupt from the doorway. Tyler and Phoebe walk into the room, hand in hand. I smile big, looking at their hands. I knew they would get together. "Is it just a party at Adam's place now?" Adam questions, smirking. I smile, leaning up of from the soft blankets. The three slowly leave the room exclaiming "get dressed!". Adam groans, rolling away from me on to his side. I chuckle and shove him lightly.

"Get up silly" I say, continuing to pester him. He groans once again, turning back to face me. "Fine" he replies. Suddenly, his weight is lands on top of me as he tackles me. I scream, giggling. "Adam we need to get dressed" I whine, looking up at him. He smiles, pulling the blankets over us like a tent. I smile bigger as he pecks my forehead. "What? Now I can't cuddle with my amazing girlfriend?" he asks in a silly voice. I smile and try to push him off of me. "I promise we will tonight. We need to get ready before they come back" I giggle out. He sighs and nods, pecking my lips.

Adam gently climbs off, pulling me up with him. I sit in his lap, looking deep into his eyes. It's amazing how you can be so in love with someone that you can get lost in their eyes. "Guys!" Tyler yells, barging into the room. I jump at the sudden loud noise, looking at him. He had a expression of worry and terror plastered on his face. "What Tyler? What's going on?" Adam questions, pulling us up before walking up to him. I follow closely behind, listening closely.

Tyler's eyes drift to mine as they lock on each other. "Pack your bags. We leave for the airport in two hours" he mutters before turning and leaving the room. I knew exactly what was bugging him. I turned and began to walk to my bag, pulling out clothes to change into. I walk to the bathroom, changing into the new outfit quickly. I throw my hair into a bun and throw on makeup before leaving the bathroom.

Adam hadn't moved a single inch since I went into the bathroom. "C'mon Adam. We need to get ready and pack" I say, walking back to my bag. "Why? What is going on?" he questions, walking up to me. "Please just pack Adam. Everything will be okay. We just need to pack. Tyler will probably explain later" I reply, looking up at him. He sighs, nodding. I smile and peck his cheek, continuing to pack the rest of my things. In all honesty, I don't know if everything is going to be okay. All I know is the mission to protect me just started and we need to get home as soon as possible. Now the only question I have is what started the mission so soon?

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