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A/N Hey guys. My apologies for not uploading as much as I normally do. With my birthday, school, projects, and plenty of other dramatic things, I have had a pretty rough time lately. However, I will hopefully be updating back to normal fairly soon. So, don't give up on me. :)

Aiden's POV

Ty and Tyler stood fearful in the middle of the room. Security slammed themselves against the doors outside of the arena. The doors refused to budge. Adam shook next to me while my emotions seem to fade. My feet walk forward but are quickly held back by Adam wrapping his arms around me. "What are you doing?" he demands, his voice cracking. I glance back at him with a sigh. "I must save my friends and maybe end this once and for all" I reply, looking deep into his eyes. His eyes fill with sadness as I pull my arm away walking forward.

My mother's eyes penetrate me like darts. "Aiden turn back around. We'll be alright" Ty begs. I glance over at him but continue on, ignoring his pleads. "Let them go and you can have me. You don't want them and we already know that" I demand, crossing my arms. My mother chuckles lightly with a smirk growing across her face.

"Actually I think I have a better idea" my mother breathes, pushing Tyler towards Adam while Dawn grabs Ty and my mother grabs me. She shoves the gun harder and harder into my temple, threatening everyone around us. "Dawn, escort him to the van. I'll follow with this one" my mother whispers towards her. Dawn gives a quick nod, rushing Ty out of the room while fear filled his eyes every second. My mother drags me by my arm following the trail that Dawn took. "You can't take her" Tyler calls from behind. Mother turns and glares at him. "Oh and why is that?". "Because you don't know who you are up against anymore" Tyler replies, a revenge filled smirk sliding across his face.

The next second passed until I was forcefully pulled out of the building. Adam's calls followed us, keeping it's distance but determined. If I was going to get out of here I needed to do it now when no one is expecting it. I also can't leave Ty by himself. They have no use for him so they would kill him no matter what. Ty's fearful eyes peeked through the window towards us. Instantly, a idea popped into my head. "By the way, I thought I should show you a little gift" I spoke towards my mother. She turned her head as I stop in the street, reaching my hand into my pocket. Gently, I pulled out the locket and held it up in front of mother, watching her expression as it plummeted to the pits of hell.

"Your father..." she spit with venom. I smirked, nodding. Quickly, I raised my arm and elbowed my mother across the face. She falls backwards on to her back, sending the gun flying out of her hand. I kick her in the ribs before arms wrap around my waist, pulling me off of her. I lean my head forward, sending it flying back with intensity, headbutting Dawn. She falls to my feet while my mother catches my attention. My mother tries scrambling to her feet, rushing towards the gun. However, I was too quick. I pounce on her, pushing her away from the gun.

"No wonder my father left a drunk like you!" I screamed, towering over her. With a sigh, I rush over to the gun. Picking it up, I turn my attention to the van. "Aiden!" Adam's voice calls out. I turn back around towards Adam, smiling. Adam and Tyler, along with security, came rushing out. Security rushes towards the two women that lay on the ground, cuffing them. Ty banged his hands against the back of the van, causing me to return my attention back to him.

Smiling, I rush back towards the van before prying it open. Ty falls out, landing hard on his stomach. Laughter erupts around us. Ty leans up, standing to his feet. A gentle smile spreads across his face as he turns to me. Wrapping his arms around me tightly, he hugs the life out of me. "Thank you Aiden. So much" he whispers in my ear. I smile and nod, pulling away.

Tyler catches my eye as he leans down, picking up a silver oval. The locket swayed back and forth below his hand. He pulled it farther into his hand, studying the word Perfect. "What is Perfect suppose to mean?" Tyler questions, tracing his fingers along the top. "Her father gave that to her because he thought that piece of nothing was perfect" my mother scoffed from next to me. I smile at the memory but quickly push it aside, focusing on Dawn and my mother being taken away. My eyes trail from them to Adam, watching fury fill his eyes the more he looked at Ty. Confusion crossed my mind as Adam spoke.

"Why the hell did you not fight back Ty? Why the hell did you let a woman overpower you?!" he questioned, his voice filled with anger. Ty looked at him confused as Tyler made his way to the guys. "W-What?" Ty muttered out before being cut off by Adam. "You're stronger than Dawn. I know you are. We promised Aiden that she wouldn't be taken anymore yet you acted like a girl! You weren't strong whatsoever and didn't stand up for her! She had to do it herself!" he screamed, beginning to get in Ty's face. "Adam back up" Tyler threatened, pushing him back. Adam walked even closer.

"You disgust me Ty. You couldn't protect Aiden. She had to protect you. We could've lost her again because of you" he spit, sending chills down my spine. Ty's face had drained of color and emotion. He was just taking the pain. "Adam stop!" I begged, looking over at him. Adam pulled back his fist but was quickly tackled to the ground by Tyler. I couldn't take this anymore. I was turning the closest of friends against each other. I needed to get away from them before anything else happened and I knew it. Goodbye my love. Goodbye my friends. Tears filled my eyes as I turned, running in the complete opposite direction.

My feet carried me quickly, zipping down different streets. They were truly better off without me. I'm better off away from everyone. I reach up to wipe away tears, not looking in front of me as I run into someone. I fall backwards, looking up at a younger girl. "Miss? Are you alright?" she questions. I shake my head, watching the world around me spin in circles until fading into a black abyss of bad thoughts about myself.

Tyler's POV

"Because you don't know what you're up against anymore" I said with a smirk. I knew they wouldn't win. Dawn, her mother or her father. I have a secret that could save Aiden but yet could also put a end to her. Her mother pulled her away from the building as Adam and I ran to the doors, trying to open them. "They won't budge" Adam mutters, defeated. I look at him and smile, kicking through the glass in various places. After kicking enough places, the glass pane fell into pieces at the bottom of the door. Guards hopped through the broken door, turning to Adam.

"Tyler you have some explaining to do in a little bit. For now, we need to find them" Adam says before turning and running down the hallway. I run after him, sensing the guards following us. When reaching there, Aiden had already pinned both of them and got the gun. Ty was still locked up in the van. Adam was happy to see them okay but a different change of mood made it's way across his eyes. Aiden helped Ty out of the van while the guards behind us cuffed the women laying on the floor.

Suddenly, a flashing light below me catches my eye. I kneel down and look at the piece of fine jewelry. Picking it up, I turn the locket over on to it's back. Perfect? What could that possibly mean. "What is Perfect suppose to mean?" I question, looking up. "Her father gave that to her because he thought that piece of nothing was perfect" her mother scoffed while a smile flashed across Aiden's face. She had a good memory with him. I guess that happened before he left her mother. Before he.... my thoughts were quickly held back by the sound of yelling around me.

"Why the hell did you not fight back Ty? Why the hell did you let a woman overpower you?!" Adam questioned, his voice filled with anger. I stood to my feet, sliding the small oval into my pocket. Quickly, I made my way to them, becoming prepared to separate a fight that was about to go down. You could see it in Adam's eyes. He was filled with pure anger and hatred. "You're stronger than Dawn. I know you are. We promised Aiden that she wouldn't be taken anymore yet you acted like a girl! You weren't strong whatsoever and didn't stand up for her! She had to do it herself!" he screamed, getting closer to Ty.

"Adam back up" I threatened, pushing him back. He only walked closer. Adam yelled more, Ty stood shocked and emotionless and Aiden was begging Adam to calm down. Adam suddenly pulled back his fist preparing to hit Ty. That's enough. I tackled Adam to the ground, pinning his arms. Adam flopped back and forth beneath me until finally calming down. His eyes met mine. "How the hell did you do that? You're so much smaller than me" Adam questioned but I only stood in response. I turn to face Ty and Aiden but only met with one person.

"Ty where did she go?" I question, my heart starting to race. Ty turned in place, worry filling his eyes. "She's gone... because of what I did..." Adam muttered. I turn to him with hope. "I know a way to find her. We'll find her. Don't worry. For now, you two need to apologize and makeup. I'm not dealing with anymore fights" I demand. By the tone in my voice, I was not messing around. My best friends apologized and gave each other a quick high five. "Seriously Tyler, what are you not telling us" Ty suddenly spoke, causing the air around us to become suspenseful. "The world may never know" I respond with a smirk. Well, I hope the world never finds out.

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