Comic Con part 2

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Aiden's POV

When finally getting the chance, we showed the guards our tickets and passed through into the building. Adam took my hand protectively, making me smile. Cosplayers filled the building in different shapes and sizes. The costumes here were incredible. We continue to walk throughout the building looking at everything, stopping at a few booths here and there. Some fans found the group and had asked for the guys' signatures. They were happy to do it as always. In front of us, two more girls were rushing towards the guys. Adam chuckled and pulled out his sharpie while the other two did the same. "Can we have your signatures please??" the smaller girl squeaked out, causing me to smile.

My eyes glanced to the right a bit, seeing a girl on the ground. By the look of it she was crying. Before thinking twice about it, I rush over to her then sit on the ground in front of her. Her hazel, tear filled, eyes flashed up and caught mine, refusing to let go. Her face still hid in her arms, under her hood. "Hey.... I'm Aiden" I say offering a hand to her. She takes it shaking gently, "Jessie". "What's wrong Jessie?" I question, watching her. "I'm possibly am going to get fired because of another girl... She's ruining my life" she cries, tears breaking free from her hazel eyes.

"Don't let people like that destroy you. Grasp your job in your hand and dominate it plus the girl. Take control and explain to the girl that this is your job and you're not letting her get in the way of achieving greatness" I explain, trying to pull my hand free. "You really think I should?" she questions with a sigh. I stop struggling and nod my head. "Most definitely. Go out there and prove your boss wrong. Prove that you deserve this job" I reply, smiling. "As you wish" she says, her hand becoming harder in mine. I look down at my hand confused then back up to her. She leaned up revealing her identity, my heart rate getting higher and higher. Not again.... (I would've so ended it right there if it was longer XD)

Adam's POV

Signing multiple t-shirts, swords, pickaxes and others, I didn't realize that Aiden had dropped my hand and left. "We've already signed two swords a pick and three shirts. "That's enough signatures" I say, capping my sharpie. "But they're for all of our friends! They love you guys" the little one squeaks out again. My eyes catch on to the older one who glances over my shoulder instinctively. "That's alright let's go Maggie" the older one says, pulling her away as fast as possible. I follow her eyes behind me and see Aiden being carried out by a security guard and a woman in a hood. This cannot be good.

"Guys Aiden!" I exclaim as the three of us run towards them. Running out the doors, we look around trying to find them in the huge crowd. Suddenly, the security guard catches my eye, watching him walk back towards the building. I bolt towards him, worriedly. "Where did you put the girl that you were just carrying out?" I question. "I just took her to a bench on the opposite side of the street to get some air" he replies as I run by him. I promised I wasn't going to put you in harms way anymore. I promised.

I run towards the street and see Aiden laying on the bench, passed out by the look off it. The woman in the hood was walking behind her, talking to someone on the phone. I jog up to her, sighing in relief. "Thank you so much for helping her ma'am" I breathe, causing her to freeze in place. The woman clears her voice, lowering the phone. "No problem sir. I hope she is alright" she replies, continue to face away from me. I slowly walk up to Aiden and pick her up gently, walking back to the building. "Thank you!" I call back once again, walking into the building.

Aiden's POV

My eyes heavily open, looking upon the face of my dearly beloved. "Aiden? You alright?" Adam questions as I slowly sit up from the cot below me. "Where am I? What happened?" I ask, grabbing my head from sudden bursts of pain. "You're in a nurses station at Comic Con. You fainted" he replies, taking my hand. I flinch from his touch but suddenly relax. Then, it suddenly hits me. "Wait! Dawn!!" I  exclaim, jumping out of the bed.

I quickly fall to the ground, face planting. Adam chuckles and picks me up bridal style. "What about Dawn?" he questions, confused. "Sh-She's in C-Comic Con! We need to leave!" I yell, energy beginning to course through my veins. "Why do you say that?" he questions, sitting while holding me in his lap. "Before I fainted I walked over to a girl who was crying. I started to help her calm down and told her to not let a girl get in the way of achieving greatness. She turned to face me, revealing herself to be Dawn and me to be the girl in her way. My vision then went black" I explained, watching his facial expressions change.

"We need to leave. Let's go get the guys" he directs, standing while placing me on my feet. We rush out of the nurses station and out to the convention seeing a gruesome sight. The room was silent with the crowd along the side. 2 men stood in the middle of the room with a woman behind them holding a gun. "You have two choices. Choose wisely"

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