Forgiveness is key

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Aiden's POV

I lunge awake in my bed feeling my heartbeat sky rocket. I sigh, realizing that it was a bad dream. I lean over and press a button on my phone as it lights up. "Two in the morning. Really?" I grumble. I had been waking up every hour with the same nightmare running through my thoughts. Me being tortured at the place my mother told me to meet her at. I sigh, standing to my feet before leaving my room as quietly as I can. Everyone's bedroom doors were closed with their lights out. I smile and walk into the kitchen.

I reach to and grab a mug, being careful not to drop it. "Little late isn't it?" someone questions. I jump and turn, nearly dropping the mug in my hand. I set it down and walk to the dining room, seeing a figure sitting in a chair. How did I not see them there when I walked by? "Is there a problem with that?" I remark, crossing my arms. Their head lifts from the table, revealing Adam with tears in his eyes. I shake my head, returning to the kitchen to make me some tea.

"Aiden please" he starts as I cut him off. "Please what? I would've never said something like that to you. Just leave me alone Adam" I mutter, continuing to make me tea. "I know. I messed up. Please Aiden" he whispers. I grab my mug of tea and brush past him, heading back to my room. "I'm so sorry" he whispers. I turn to face him. "Little do you know Adam" I reply, grabbing the handle to my room. "I know about the secret. How something big is coming" Adam mutters stopping me in my tracks.

"Tyler tell you?" I question. He nods, walking closer to me. "Everyone also yelled at me for treating you terribly. That's when I realized what I said. I haven't moved from that table since you left" he muttered, looking down. "Well now you know. People are out for me. Now my question is do you care about my safety now or the fact that I run away?" I question. I didn't give him time to answer before walking into my room. I close the door behind me, placing my tea on the dresser. I walk over to my pillows and take out the note again, studying it.

With a sigh, I set it down. I pick up my guitar, peeking my head back out into the hallway. The hallway was dark and silent. I guess Adam finally went to bed. I creep out of my room, slowly making my way to the back door. Once getting through the door, I walk gently down to the dock. The dark waters turned a whitish yellow with the moon and stars shining elegantly down upon them. I sit with my legs hanging over the edge of the dock. The moon catches a hold of my eyes as I begin to strum my guitar.

"This is gospel for the fallen ones
Locked away in permanent slumber
Assembling their philosophies
From pieces of broken memories
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
The gnashing teeth and criminal tongues conspire against the odds
But they haven't seen the best of us yet
If you love me let me go
If you love me let me go
'Cause these words are knives that often leave scars
The fear of falling apart
And truth be told, I never was yours
The fear, the fear of falling apart
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart
Oh, this is the beat of my heart, this is the beat of my heart" I sing, looking down at the waters below.

Adam didn't mean to say those things... He was only upset. No reason I should be especially with my plan I have for tomorrow night. I needed to be in his arms for as long as possible. I just hope he understands that I do this for them and not me. I love him so much. "If you love something you have to let it go.." I mutter, my eyes not leaving the light that reflected off of the water. The notes' words slowly drift into my mind. I need to go tomorrow night. Wait...How could I meet my mother if her and Dawn were arrested and jailed?

~Next Morning~

"Aiden?" a voice questions, rocking me back and forth. My eyes heavily open as I look up at Adam, who had a worried face. "Yeah?" I question, rubbing my eyes. "Did you fall asleep out here after I went to bed?" he questions, smiling lightly. I smile and look around, shrugging. "I guess so" I replied. He chuckles and leans down, picking me up while hanging guitar across his shoulder. The warm, bright sun caused me to squeeze my eyes shut as he lifts me up into his arms. He carries me inside where the others look at each other with the same expression Adam had. "I found her guys" Adam mumbles, holding me tightly to him. "Thank goodness. We thought something happened" Tyler exclaims, holding his chest. Nothing happened to me...yet... I sigh, feeling Adam slowly set me down. "Adam?" I question, looking up at him. He raises his eyebrows in question. "I forgive you" I mutter with a smile. He smiles, leaning down to kiss my cheek. "I'm so sorry" he mumbles, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back, smiling. "I'm so sorry for tonight" I whisper, hoping no one could hear me.

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