It begins

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Dawn's POV

Pacing back and forth in the cell, I couldn't help but remember past memories. Adam had treated me well and I did the stupid thing of cheating on him. I even did it when we were engaged. I almost had my happily ever after. But no, when I tried to come back Aiden had already stolen his heart. Aiden. Oh, you do not know how much dreaded hate I have specifically for you. You made my Adam turn against me.

"Would you stop pacing. He'll be here soon" Devon mutters behind me. I turn to face her. "But what if he isn't and we're stuck in this cell..." I start but quickly stop, hearing a, not so secretive, tap coming from the window behind me. "He's here. Go check the hallway for guards one last time then let's get out of this hell hole" she grunts. I nod, walking to the edge of the cell, peering down the hallway. "Clear" I whisper, turning back and walking to her. With a quiet *clang*, the metal bars of our cell (the ones that lead outside) had fallen backwards, out into the world that we were locked away from.

"Let's go" Devon whispers, climbing up and slipping through the hole easily. I follow quickly after her, forcing my body through the small opening before falling to the dirt with a thud. The cold night air enveloped me, causing my body to shake slightly. My eyes trail up, catching sight of a lean man with the look of revenge plastered across his face. "Who's this?" I question, standing to my feet. "My profile to you right now is Pete. My identity is to remain unknown for the time being" he replies in a husky, demanding voice. Devon nods, standing as well. "Now we wait for my other helper to lay the bait" she says, a evil smile growing across her cheeks.

Aiden's POV

A cold breeze rushes past me, causing me to stir from my terrible nightmare. My eyes slowly flutter open, adjusting to the light pouring in from my window. I yawn, stretching my arms while sitting up in my bed. I glance over and touch my phone, looking at the early time. The absence of Adam's body heat is probably what woke me up so early. I shrug, sliding out of the bed before making my way to my closet.

I slowly looked through my clothes, trying to decipher what I was going to wear. Suddenly a strange feeling came over me. I grab the things I wanted and turned, coming face to face with a gun. "Scream and I'll shoot" he mutters. My heart drops, my knees shake and my blood runs cold. Happiness quickly replaces with fear as I eye down the barrel to the man in front of me. "I'm here to deliver a message from Devon. She thought you might be confused on a few details" he spits, throwing a paper on the floor in front of me.

Keeping my eyes locked on the gun, I kneel and grab the paper. I slowly open the note, my heart rate growing. "Yes Aiden. I am still in jail, well that is until you read this note. Don't believe me? Go check your T.V." I read aloud. I look back up and realize that the man had disappeared. I drop the note and run into the living room where I see all of the house crowding around the T.V.

"Breaking news. Two prisoners are suspects for escaping the local prison last night. This was also done with the help of a outsider. Please be on watch and call the number on the screen if either are seen" the T.V. blares. The group slowly turns to me with a thought of worry shining through their eyes. My thoughts were blank. My heart stopped beating. "Aiden... I" Tyler starts but soon stops, watching my eyes as they fill with salt water. I-I refuse to believe this. This cannot be happening. My head suddenly becomes light, causing the room to spin. Then, as if the world was in slow motion, I begin to fall closer and closer to the floor, blacking out.

Adam's POV

I jump to the floor, catching Aiden right before she hit the ground. Holding her close to me, I look up at the group. "Tyler. Do you know anything about the outsider or the incident in general?" I question. He sighs and nods. "Sadly yes. While you two were out last night is whenever it happened. She has gathered a group of people that are going to help her get the job done. We have yet to find where they are all hiding at. We have seen them around town and try to follow them but they always seem to get away. We're still on lookout for their hideout. And about the outsider.... well.. I don't know how to tell you this" he replies. "Who Tyler. I have to keep my fiancé safe" I demand, my heart racing faster and faster.

He nods, slowly pulling out a silver strand with a silver locket hanging from it. "Her dad broke them out. He's part of the conspiracy".

Aiden's POV

A damp cloth pats the top of my head while humming comes from above me. "Guys. She's waking up" a light voice whispers, continuing to hum. "Aiden.. Come on honey. Open your eyes" the same voice whispers. A pounding comes from the back of my head as I slowly do as told. I wince, my eyes sensitive to the blaring sun shining through the windows. "Aiden? You okay?" Tyler questions, kneeling next to me. I shrug, holding a hand to my pounding head. "What happened?" I question, looking up at Phoebe, who was still dabbing my head with a damp cloth. "You passed out" Adam replies, sitting underneath my legs. My head lay in Phoebe's lap while the rest of the guys, besides Tyler, sat on the couch across from us. "Why did I pass out?" I ask, looking around at the worried expressions that were scattered around the living room. "Do you not remember?" Phoebe questions, setting the rag down. I simply shake my head, confused. "Just tell her" Adam mutters, his voice shaking a bit. I look down at my feet, once again, towards Adam. Tears slowly made their way down his cheeks, which he quickly wiped away. Tyler slowly held up a piece of paper, setting it on my stomach. My hand grazed past it, picking it up. "I found this in your room on the floor. She tried to get in contact with you" Tyler mutters as I read the note. Then it comes back to me. The man with the gun. The notes under my pillow. I remember now. They escaped.

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