This is not going to go down without a fight.

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Adam's POV

When the sun finally set, it was time to leave. Tyler and Phoebe had already left to go catch up with their "friends". Ty and I loaded the car and quickly got in before heading towards the town I once knew. "Are you worried?" Ty questions after awhile. I paused for a moment, my hands gripping the steering wheel. "You have no idea..." I trailed off, keeping my eyes locked on the road. "We'll save her. Don't worry. Especially now with Tyler's help and his 'friends', I wouldn't worry about it too much" he mutters, looking over at me. I nod as I slowly pull the car into the parking lot of the old school Aiden and I went to. "So what time did Tyler say he would meet us here?" he asks, looking at the watch that clung to his wrist. "Anytime now" I quietly reply, looking out the window for them.

After what seemed like forever, a big (army looking) truck pulled into the parking lot right next to the car that Ty and I sat in. Quickly, we rushed out of the car and hopped into the truck. "Tyler step on it" I command, tapping my foot nervously. Tyler looks at me and nods before speeding away. While on the ride there, Ty and I were equipped with a gun and were taught how to use it. Slowly, Tyler pulled the truck to a halt and turned to us. "Let's get her back" he mutters with a smile. I smile back before nodding eagerly. In order to keep out of sight, we had to park down the street away from where the dot was located. After everyone was set and ready, we began our journey up the street. As we got closer and closer to the house the faster our pace became. Once reaching the front door our group paused. With a nod, Tyler suddenly busted the door down while the rest of us ran in after him. Phoebe ran after him with a few men while Ty and I ran off with another group towards a different side of the house. Wherever you are Aiden, we will get you back.

Aiden's POV

My eyes heavily opened as the door in front of me creaked open. Slowly someone entered, walking straight towards me. I flinch, preparing myself for the upcoming pain. A hand gently lays on my back, causing my eyes to fly open. Confusion coursed through my veins while my eyes steadily looked up. The person in front of me slowly came into view. "A-Adam?" I question with a gasp. He smiles before leaning down and kissing my cheek. "Don't give up on us. I'll be there soon" he whispers as I lunge awake. I wince at the sudden movement, realizing the pain shooting throughout my body. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I quickly wipe them away. The broken bones and bruises that covered my body screamed out as I easily lean up and sit against the wall. They definitely didn't go easy on me this time.

What did that dream mean? Was Adam really heading towards here? How would he even find me? My thoughts were soon cut off by the door in front of me unlocking. I scoot towards the corner, trying to get as far away from the door as possible. The door soon slams open as a group of about 15 guys invade the room, pointing their guns in every direction. I wince at the light and look up at them, full of confusion.

"Aiden?" a voice questions, following in behind the crowd. Once my eyes adjust, I can't help but smile in delight. "T-Tyler?..." I croak out, my throat proving its quench for thirst. He nods, walking towards me with a huge grin spreading quickly across his lips. "Guys it's clear in here. Move on to the next room. Make sure to find all three of them" Tyler orders as the men nod and leave the room. Then I notice Phoebe slowly walking towards me. "Hey girlie" she whispers, standing next to Tyler. I smile a bit wider seeing her.

"W-Where's e-everyone e-else?.." I choke out, watching Tyler kneel in front of me. Tyler smiles and points behind him. "They're looking around the house. Don't worry" he replies. I nod and begin to try standing up. "Wow. Take it easy. We'll get you" he chuckles, pushing me back down. Phoebe sits next to me before gently lifting my head and setting it down in her lap. She calmly runs her fingers through my hair. "Adam! Ty!" Tyler yells, making my heart flutter at Adam's name. Oh how I missed him. My eyes started to get heavy once again as I watch the doorway, waiting for the two figures to enter my vision. My vision slowly blurs as the figures finally appear and rush towards me.

"Aiden!". Tears roll down my cheeks as I gently reach up and hold his face in my hand. I smile, feeling his soft lips on my hand. "C'mon let's get her home" Adam whispers, wrapping his arms around me. I force my eyes to stay open, demanding the blurriness to depart from my sight. As I'm lifted my eyes trail towards the door. There stood the three that ruined my life. "I suggest you put her down before someone gets hurt" Daniel mutters, pointing a gun in Adam's direction. No. This can't be happening. Not to Adam. "Freeze and drop your weapon!" Tyler yells while him and Phoebe jump to their feet, pulling out their guns and pointing them at the trio. The group of guys appear behind them, causing them to have no where to go. Adam holds me to him tightly as he stands to his feet, forcing me to stand behind him. This is not going to go down without a fight.

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