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Aiden's POV

A cold damp rag taps my head, waking me from my slumber. My head throbbed as if I was pelted with a thousand bricks. "A-Adam?" I question, attempting to open my eyes. The bright light from above causes me to flinch, shutting them back quickly. I try to open my eyes again, turning to the person above me. A young woman with hair the shade of the sky and eyes as green as the sea looked back at me. "I'm fairly sure I'm not Adam" she chuckles, setting the rag to the side. I lean up quickly, looking at her strangely. "I'm not going to hurt you. I only mean to help" she replies in her strong British accent. "What happened?" I ask, looking at the girl in front of me.

"You were running away from something. You bumped into me and fell. I tried helping you up but you passed out from whatever was messing with you. So, instead of leaving you for someone to kidnap you, I decided to bring you here for the night" she replies, crossing her legs beneath her. Adam and Ty fighting because of me. I remember now. I gently nod, standing to my feet. "My apologies. I'll get out of your hair" I say, heading towards the door. "No wait!" she says, stopping me in my place. I turn to her confused. "Do you need a place to stay? I don't want to send you out there if you were running away from something you don't want to be near to" she replies, kindly. I smile and nod, thanking her.

I walk towards her, extending a hand. "I'm Aiden" I say with a smile. She smiles back and replies with "Phoebe". "What had you in tears and running if I may ask?" she questions, after I sit back on the couch. I frown and look at the floor. "My boyfriend and best friend got into a fight that almost ended in punches. The reason why they were fighting was because of my problems. I didn't want to cause them anymore troubles so I just took off in a sprint" I reply, looking from the floor to her deep green eyes. "I'm sorry for that happening. You can stay for as long as you like" she spoke gently. I thank her, pulling my phone out of my pocket. "Holy smokes" I mutter, looking at the notifications.

"What is it Aiden?" she questioned, sitting on the couch next to me. "My boyfriend and both of my friends have left me a total of 54 text messages, 48 phone calls and about 29 tweets. That's impressive for three guys that should be vlogging, not worrying about me" I say, whispering the last part. "If it makes you feel any better my favorite Youtubers were blowing up my phone with 'Missing Girl' messages" she adds with a smile. I smile and look over at her. "And who are they?" I question. "Minecrafters. Probably people you don't know" she replied. I chuckle before replying "are they Adam, Ty and Tyler?".

Her face dropped as she finally put the pieces together. "YOU'RE THAT AIDEN?!" she yelled happily. I smile and bow a bit, smiling. "Adam always talks about you two during his recordings. Almost all of Sky Army loves you two together" she says excitingly. I smile bigger. Did he really love me as much as she says? "By his tweets he's really worried. Even the three uploaded a video asking for you" Phoebe says, grabbing her laptop from next to her, handing it to me. I quickly type in Adam's Youtube name, clicking on his channel.

"Hey guys. As you can see by the title, this is no ordinary video. You see, I have lost someone that is super important and means a lot to me. This person holds my heart and has gone through so much recently. I did something I regret and she will know what I'm talking about. Aiden. If you are watching this, please come back. Me and him are alright now. We talked it out. Please come back to us...." he paused taking a deep breath. Ty and Tyler, who were sitting next to him, rubbed his back or was staring at the floor silently. "To me...." Adam finished, choking on tears before ending the video. I don't want to cause him anymore pain then I already have. He means so much to me.

"Phoebe. What do I do? If I go back he will only be drawn into more of the drama that is in my life, yet, I love him with all of my heart. I miss him more than words could say and... I just want the problems in my life to disappear" I say, letting the tears slide elegantly down my face. "Hey" Phoebe whispers, rubbing a hand along my back. "If you're not going to go back then at least message them so they know you're alive. Tell them you're safe and you'll come home soon. You just need a mini vacation" Phoebe replies with a smile. I look up at her and nod, grabbing my phone. I click on the twitter app and go to create.

@Skydoesminecraf @Deadloxx @MunchingBrotato I am fine. I just need a mini vacation. I'm safe with a friend. I love you all and will see you soon

Posting the message, I set my phone down with a sigh. "Hey look at the bright side. At least your mother, Dawn and your father can't find you here" she says, smiling. My heart dropped as I look at the girl next to me. "I didn't tell you that. How do you know that?" I question becoming fearful. "Uh. Um..." she whispers as I stand to my feet bolting through the door. "Aiden!" a familiar voice exclaimed, pushing me into the room in a tight hug. I pull away and look up to see the one and only Tyler in front of me.

"What is going on here?" I ask, looking between the two of them. They give each other a strange look as Tyler takes a seat on the couch. "It's a huge secret that you can't know about. When the time is right I will tell you. But, as of right now I am not here and you did not see me. Understand?" he questions in a serious voice.

Tyler's POV

She nods as my heart starts beating once again. Her life is in my hands all because of who I am. Now the only problem is keeping the secret.

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