Fake smiles

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Adam's POV

After the London Eye, we walked a little more around London. Tyler was still jittery from the height and Ty couldn't help but make jokes about it every other sentence. We stopped at a resturaunt almost by the hotel because one of the Tyler's wouldn't stop complaining about how hungry he was. Then again I don't blame him. I felt like my stomach was starting to eat itself. Upon walking in, we were lead to a table that was almost on the edge of the small resturaunt. "Can I take your drink orders?" the woman questions in hard british accent while holding up a small notepad. We told her our drinks before quickly walking off. Aiden's gaze drifted towards the window next to her as she stared out. The rest of us looked at the menu trying to decide what to get. When the lady returned with our drinks, Ty, Tyler and I gave her our orders and handed her our menus. "Can I get you anything miss?" she directs towards Aiden. Aiden simply shakes her head, her eyes not leaving the sight outside. That's the third time today that she has skipped out on food. Strange. "Aiden are you sure you don't want anything?" I ask, becoming a little worried. She shook her head once again. I sigh, watching the waitress walk off. After eating, we walked out trying to decide where to go. "Let's just walk around looking at things until we dicide somewhere" Tyler says, looking at all of us. We nod in agreement and begin to walk around for quite some time.

"Hey guys can we head back to the hotel? This one keeps dozing off" I ask, motioning to Aiden who was on my back. I saw how sleepy she was earlier so I gave her a piggy back ride. I didn't think she would fall asleep that fast. Has she not been sleeping recently? So much has happened in her life recently so I can't really blame her. "Yeah. It's starting to get dark anyways" Ty adds, looking around. My eyes catch the sunset while we turn down the street that lead to the hotel.

Our 3 pairs of feet met in syncapation as we walked into the hotel and to the elevator, pressing the 4th floor button. "She really is knocked out isn't she?" Tyler questions, looking at my beauty on my back. I nod, watching a concerning look flash across Ty's face. I walk out of the elevator and down the hallway to my room. I stroll in, laying Aiden on the bed gently. I sit on the bed nect to her, running my hand along her cheek. "Am I the only one questioning why she is so tired and acting so strange?" I ask, knowing that the guys followed me into the room. "No. She's been acting strange everywhere that we have gone" Tyler says, sitting on the bed across from the one I was currently on.

My gaze falls from Aiden and directs to my friends that sat across from me. "Why does it feel like she's keeping something from us?" I question, letting my eyes fall to the floor with a sigh. Suddenly, the bed below me begins to tremble. I look at the floor in confusion until I hear a whimpering sound come from next to me. My head shoots up, directing my attention to Aiden. She tossed and turned, whimpering. Slowly, her whimpering changed to screaming. "She's having a nightmare" I say, pulling her into my lap. I rock her back and forth, never letting my eyes stray from her face. "Do you think she could be dreaming about what's going on?" Tyler questions. I nod, shaking Aiden hard. "C'mon Aiden. Wake up" I mutter, shaking her again. Without warning, she gasps and her eyes fly open, revealing blood shot, tear stained eyes. My grip on her becomes tighter when her eyes trail up to me. Her eyes then leave mine and glance at the boys who sat on the bed in front of me.

Aiden's POV

How bad was a having a nightmare? All three of the guys had a shocked and questioning look on there face as they looked down at me. "What?" I say, breaking the silence that filled the air around us. "I think we deserve a explanation Aiden" Ty says, crossing his legs on top of the bed.

"Wha-" I start but am cut off by Tyler. "Don't pretend you don't know what we're talking about Aiden. You're not smiling, sleeping or eating as much as you used to. You're not picking on me often anymore and now you're having terrible nightmares. What haven't you told us?" Tyler adds, causing my heart rate to jump up the more and more he talked. "Aiden. Just tell us sweetie. We want to help. If we didn't care we wouldn't be questioning" Adam whispers, directing my attention back to him.

"Nothing... I'm okay" I say giving a fake smile. "No you're not Aiden. You're not getting out of this so, why are you still trying to get away with it? What is going on?" Adam replies. I sigh, pushing myself out of his arms. I pace back and forth in front of them, feeling their eyes latched on to me. "Something hasn't felt right ever since the airport. First the random guy winks and tries confronting me. Then on the plane he kept staring at me. I thought it would be better when we got here but it only has gotten worse. I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me. I see my mother every place that we have gone today. I saw her when we first were walking around, at the London Eye and whenever we were eating. I just havn't been up for eating anything... I'm terrified to go back to the place I went to before... That was the worst place on Earth. It was a hell to me. It's just... It seems that everywhere I go.. trouble seems to follow. I keep having nightmares about that place.... that's why I have lost appitite, sleep and interest. I'm shutting myself in a box to protect you... So that if she does get me again, you guys won't be sad. I won't be missed and I can protect you guys from my mother" I whisper, tears growing in my eyes.

Arms wrap around me, shushing me from further words. My eyes drift up as 2 other bodies join the hug, squeezing the life out of me. "Don't ever say that Aiden!" Tyler exclaims making me smile. "Why?" I ask, looking up at each of them. "Because we care" Ty responds. I smile big, tearing up. "We gave you our word to protect you. So, that's what we're going to do" Adam says, kissing my forehead. I blush and nod. "Now, who's up for a movie marathon?" Tyler asks. I smile and nod. "Anything to get my mind out of the worst of places" I beg. Adam smiles before leaning down, connecting our lips. "Thank you for telling me" Adam whispers, looking deep into my eyes. I nod, pecking his cheek. "As you say.... Of course" I reply with a smile.

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