Chapter 6/scene 5:love.

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Bella's POV

I was kneeled down on the floor hugging Dan .Everyone crowded us ."no you didn't Bella!" Alfie said patting my shoulder softly.I tugged Dan shirt more to move him closer to me.He wrapped his arms tightly around me resting his chin on my head."Bertie..somebody go check on Casper!"Alfie ordered Bertie to do while he kneeled down to me.Dan picked me up and led me over to the bench.He sat me down and gave me a kiss and hugged me for the last time before he decided to go home with Lili.I watched him leave with Phil and Lili.She cryed as they left the hospital.The doors shut and my eyes began to fill with tears,the dropped down my cheek but before anyone could notice i wipped them away.I didn't want to make myself the center of attention.

                                                       We waited a long while till Bertie came out .He came out with a worried look on my face."what happened?"Marcus said getting up from the bench.He didn't answer.I guessed he didn't want to tell annyone what Casper had to say to him.Everyone gave a strange look to Bertie as he made his way out the doors'.Alfie ran after him as he walked out the doos an we  wouldn't see him anymore.Visting hours were apparently over so we had to leave.We walked out the doors i glanced back at the doors that Casper was in and i thought why did i even come here,i didn't have feelings for him.

                                                      Alfie called a cab.He opened the door for me but i don't know why i could do it myself i wasn't sick.The cab ride home was quite akward.Alfie tried to start a conversation but i didn't want to talk.I just wanted to go home .He got out and kissed my cheek.I hugged him back."bye Bells"he said getting back into the cab.I put in the code and started to make my way up staire's .Taking the lift to me was a bad idea always has been.

                                                       Pulling out my keys and stuggling to see in the dark was a great plan but my iphone's battery was dead so i was still struggling to find the key hole.Eventually i found it.The light from the hall light  blasted into the apartment.I closed the door and walked in .I suddenly felt myself crying but over nothing.I jumped onto the couch and pulledc of my converse and threw them on the floor.I snuggled up to the pillow not wanting to make my way to the other rooms.All these memories came flooding into my mind.Some about me and Casper,some about Dan  and some about Marcus.They were the best memorise i could ask for.I reaslised that i would never get them back.I felt as if i was broken up to little pieces but i dont know why.It hurt to think about the memories with Casper he was the one i loved ,he used to be the one i'd talk to when i was upset but know he is just some guy that told me that he did it because of me.I felt responsable for his cuts even thow i wasn't.I tried to make all those memories go about Casper and try to more come in about the times i had about Marcus and Dan.But then the worst memory came into my mind.I felt as if i was back there in the hospital bed only with one not two.

Love /Hate Relationships.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora