Chapter 5/scene 2:almost time.

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I helped out of the bath .She was heavy,her body was full of stretch marks,veins and her precious face looks as if it was smashed.She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her wide body.She walked into Dan's bedroom .She took out a hair brush and ruffly combed it over and over again.She took out a bra,knickers and comfy pyjamas.I waited outside ,i didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.I walked in after i felt as if she was done.

                                               "I better go now." "I'f you want,i don't mind but i really am tired after cooking the dinner." She laid her head down on the memory foam pillow.I closed the door as quietly as i could."Night Bell,i love you."I knew she couldn't hear me i just want her to know that i love her now matter what.I walked down the stairs and tripped over the bottle lid ,I fall down 2 flights of stairs.I hit the bottom of the stairs my head slaps the hard,cold,grey concrete ground.My eyes shut .

                                                "AHHHHHH,fuck  help ,help help please help me ."i hear a familiar voice scream out."Hello ,please help me my best friend is on the ground ,I don't know if he is alive ,please help me."

"OK ma'am ,where is your destination?"

"I'm in the ....."

"Hello? hello please please help me .."


Bella's POV.

I rushed to my phone and rang Dan after ringing 911."It's gonna be okay ,babe .you're okay ,he's gonna be fine.I promise."Dan said with a single tear just about to drop from his tan soft face.The ambulance arrived about 10 minutes later.Then gently lifted his weightless body from the ground.The ambulance Styron burnt my ear while we drove off into the night sky waiting to hear the news about my best friend.

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