Chapter 3/scene 2:never happened

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Bella's POV

I wake up in Dans bed he looked so comfortable,his hair all messy,his body was so tanned,his 6 pack  was so ...oh to re-live that moment again.I run into the bathroom,i take out my messy bun untangling the pieces of hair knotted together.I take my hair out,its currly i put a mascara  and blusher on ,i run back to the bed.He is wakeing up ."good morning?"he said as his eyes opened and widend."one of the best i'v ever had!"He let out the tinyest laugh.Dan got up and as he streached i saw his tatoo,it was a little purple cloud well thats all i could see.Me and him  walked down the hall holding hands .Phil was in the sitting room playing x box ,Dan lifted me on the counter  and said "watcha want for breakfast?"We both laughed,followed by a strong kiss.

                                                        "do you wanna go out today?to the cinema?" Dan said while we ate toast,eggs and a sausage each."sure" i said with a giant smile .We got dressed.I wore a black sweater,jeans and a pair of old sparkly high heels.Dan wore a blue sweater with brown patches on the elbowsand a pair of black converse.We went down the stairs holding hands it was really nice.The drive up to the cinema took around a half n' hour.We even held hand wilst in the car as he put his hands on the gear stick and then we clutched hands."i really like you " he said sweetly.

                                                              We arrived at the cinemas at 5:02 ."how may i help you?"said the guy at the counter,"yes can we have 2 tickets for Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 please" are you sure? i said to him" i didn't know you liked Twilight" .The movie lasted for like 2 hours.It was great i thought.We got back to his house .We watched t.v. for a while then we ordered chinese take-away.Phil  was so happy after eating his curry .I got changed into Dans t-shirt  again  and we slept in his bed again i was so happy to be cuddling with the perfect guy .During the night i got a text from Casper ,it said i'm sorry do you wanna get back together?i wish this never happened


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