Chapter 4/scene 3:small bump

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At the hospital.

                           Dan,Phil and I took a seat in the waiting room.There was pregnant woman,pregnant woman with children,fathers with there wifes and a baby.Eventually we were the last people in that waiting room.We watched each person come out with a scan or just in tears,like me and Dan.Phil had asked if he could come with us to see the scan so we said yes.The music in the waitroom was the same song over and over eventually I started to cry because of the song."Small bump by Ed Sheeran"was one of the sadest songs ever.

                                                                  "Bella Cullen and Dan Howell room 7 "said the female nurse.Phil was allowed to come in .I laid back on the fleckable chair the female scanner put a blue jelly on my stomach ,i could see the small bump forming on me."so i undertand you're here for your scan."said the Nurse .Phil got so excited.The nurse dragged the scanner around the jel .Dan was holding my hand tightly.We looked up together.We saw two heads,four arms,four legs."it looks like there is twins in there" the nurse said.Everyones face dropped.Dan shouted out "WHAT." Phil said  "Dan it's okay ,this is great now theres two."Boys or Girls?" Dan blured out."Boys ."the nurse said."Dan is starting to cry.

                                                                                   "why are  you crying?"i asked,"because i have sons,"he said.Phil interupted with a big "AAAAHHHHWWW"  we all laughed.We got into the car.Phil and Dan couldn't stop talking about how they were gonna teach them how to play football and teach them when there older how to make a youtube page.My face was smiling the whole way home.Dan's face lit up so many times.I was so happy to have a boyfriend like him.We dropped of Phil at his flat and we headed home.  

                                                                                  That night i felt the babies kick during the night.Dan and i smiled and that was one of the best nights of my life.The whole night we sat up talking about names.Phil doesn't stop calling to see if i'm alright but i am.Casper called that day .He hear that i was pregnant and got really angrey.          

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