Chapter 3/scene :never happened

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Dan's POV

I'v decided to let Bella live with Phil and I for a while because Casper decided to kick her out for no reason .They broke up and i want to be there for her .The door bell goes."Bella come on in,are you ok?"but i'm interupted but a giant hug followed by a river of tears falling down her rosie cheeks.I wiped the tears away and said" it's ok ,your all right, ssshh."We stood there hugging till Phil came in looking for food.We pulled away slightly as Phil stepped in the kitchen/sitting-room."woah,are you okay?" Phil said so concerned as usual.Bella shared her story to Phil.

                                                                I brought Bella to my room ,were she can sleep.She offered to sleep on the couch but i refused ."do you want a top to sleep in?" i asked nicely."are you sure?" Bella said in the most cutest voice in the world .We both smiled and she let out a giggle.I gave her one of my extra-large tops that was a gift from a friend but i'm to lanky."Um ..i'll  leave so you can know get  dressed"."oh ye..sure ." It took her a few minutes to get into  an extra-large long- sleeved top and to put her hair in a messy bun .She looked so beautiful even like that.

                                                                    We sat on  the leather chair ,she was crying again.I give her a hug ,she puts her head on my chest ,i could feel her tear run down my chest .Sudenly her eyes closed and our lips touched.I put my hand on her neck,she put her arms around me like a hug .As i kissed her it felt like there was nobody in the world except for her and me ,like we were the only two on the planet .The kiss got more and more intense.It lasted for about four minutes.As the night came to a slow end ,we became more and more involved in eachother.We watched the end of the movie we watched, it was quite upsetting for Bella .That night we slept in the same bed with her arms around me .

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